>What, you actually liked the 2D Sonic games?
>Why make a game about going fast when you can't see the spikes and enemies ahead of you
>The game puts loads of obstacles in the way of you so you can't keep your speed
>"""""Press right to win"""""
Why is this level of shitposting still allowed in this day and age, Anno Domini 1452 + 564?
What, you actually liked the 2D Sonic games?
Other urls found in this thread:
a better question would be: just how big is the Island, and what's the nomenclature as regards Angel Island/Floating Island
It's called Angel Island. Floating Island is just something it gets called because, you know, it floats.
Or it's the old American manual name for Angel Island before they merged US and JAP canon, I can't fully remember. Either way, it's definitely Angel Island
Sonic 3 had some of the worst levels, hated Carnival Night and Launch Base. Can't speak for 3&Knuckles
Sonic 3 & Knuckles was such a polished game. Here are some things I liked about it:
* The artwork was consistent and awesome, each asset was polished and nothing felt out of place
* The music is astoundingly good, every song was solid and had a great second version
* The continuity between stages and the little cut scenes, although quite common now, was a great way to transition and introduce the story without breaking flow
* All the game mechanics were top notch, and you never felt like the game was unfair
It's seriously a really well done game, no other sonic games after it have come close.
>Sonic is about going Sonic Advance 2 fast
I love this meme
>hated Carnival Night and Launch Base
>hated Launch Base
Carnival Night I can get behind but hating Launch Base is some seriously shit taste
My favorite thing is that people who dislike 2D Sonic can't seem to come to a consensus on whether the problem is "hold right to win", or the fact that you actually have to earn your speed and memorize level layouts so you don't get fucked up by enemies
It's like these people heard the "hold right to win" meme, assumed it to be true, and then when trying that method fucked them over, they complained anyway.
No winning with some people I guess
It's big enough for a space station to crash on it and not blow it apart in the process
I'd probably like launch base zone more if i didn't hate the music, the constant digitized "GO's" get real grating.
I'll say a couple good things to balance it out.
>shields are cool
>chaos emerald stages are better than the shit half pipe sonic 2 had
I really should play through Knuckles, but hearing about Sandopolis just puts me off, especially since last i played i was using Knuckles
I don't like Sonic 3 because all the levels feel way too long. Launch Base is one that felt like it dragged a lot.
I much prefer &Knuckles to Sonic 3, to the point where I don't think I'll play 3 again but I could happily replay any other Sonic classic.
Sonic 3 is also the only one I've completed.
>I don't like Sonic 3 because all the levels feel way too long. Launch Base is one that felt like it dragged a lot.
that's why i hated Launch Base, thanks for reminding me. First time playing it was just base Sonic 3, and i was hitting the 8 minute mark during that cutscene at the final boss of that game, fuck the timer for moving during that bit before the final boss
Yeah, I remember timing out on it since you only get 10 minutes I think.
So many problems with Sonic the Hedgehog would be fixed if the camera were just zoomed out a little.
I mean it wouldn't fix the awful acceleration, but it's something.
I agree with sonic 3 levels sucking ass. But knuckles has the exact same problem. Sandopolis, lava reef, death egg, sometimes flying battery. These feel like they can go on foreverrrrrrrrrrr. The game is just to long for its own good. Sonic advance 1 length with sonic advance 2 speed wouldve been the best. Or just let STI make it like they did with sonic 2.
Either way this game is completely overrated. The advance games, sonic 1 and sonic 2 completely outclass it. Its one of those games i tried so hard to get into because of its popularity and apparent status but no matter what angle i attacked it from, nothing did the trick. Even watching competent players perform good runs of the levels in s3k is boring to watch because of how many pauses and stops there are.
overall I find 3D Sonic to be way more fun but I know I'll get on shat on for this opinion
Do you know there's currently a thread on /vr/ shitting on the second game for being too easy?
I really don't understand the mentality of people who find 2D Sonic too hard. I think they're just lazy.
Anyway, this conversation doesn't interest me.
Did everyone see the JonTron video on Sonic Boom?
The video hints at why Sonic had a sudden fall from grace shortly after regaining trust with Colors and Generations.
The blame lies with Nintendo whose shitty console could not facilitate the Crytek engine so many compromises were made.
Nintendo sabotaged Sega. Sonic fans should be outraged - this is Red Wedding-esque.
Sonic Adventure and Adventure 2 are my all time favourites. Sonic 2 is my favourite classic.
I still haven't played the advance games but I understand that the speed mechanics are interesting and rewarding.
i thought the general conclusion is that babies shit on 2d sonic because their favorite e-celeb told them to
Im more partial to Heroes and Unleashed but I love the adventure games too. So many good levels, themes, music. Sonic 2 is my favorite genesis game too. I think the best 2D sonic Ive ever played was advance 2 though because of yes, the speed mechanic. The game rewards good use of tricks, has a lot of paths/shortcuts, the after image when you gain enough speed etc. And the best part is, even if you suck at the game, you will still be able to go fast so theres always a great flowing feeling to it all. That feeling of always being able to go fast even when i was a noob at the game, is why I played it so much and still do even though im way better now. Because the game didnt give up on me and just send me on shitty slow paths with garbage platforming like the old games. It said "here faggot, you can go fast still but you just wont get the best times and youll run into some spikes here and there, have fun". Overall my top 5 sonic games would be
>advance 2
>adventure 2
>sonic 2
You obviously haven't followed this. sonicstadium wrote a bunch of articles on booms development last year. It was just a coincidence that the exclusivity deal included boom. BRB was making the game and Sega came down and said, "lol port boom to wiiu now"
The whole situation was unfortunate, but no one sabotaged anyone
>The video hints at why Sonic had a sudden fall from grace shortly after regaining trust with Colors and Generations.
>The blame lies with Nintendo whose shitty console could not facilitate the Crytek engine so many compromises were made.
>Nintendo sabotaged Sega. Sonic fans should be outraged - this is Red Wedding-esque.
No, I don't buy that narrative at all
Sure, the Wii U couldn't handle Crytek, but let's not fuck around here - Sonic Boom would probably have been shit anyway, considering they had developers like Chris Senn on board (Sonic X-Treme looked shit beyond belief), and Sonic Lost World didn't run on Crytek at any point in development but still sucked dick upon release.
I mean, it'd be comforting thought if for once we could blame Sonic's shit on somebody other than Sonic Team and SEGA, but when it comes down to it, Nintendo did nothing wrong. Lost World and Boom were awful design choices outside of any potential development problems that accompanied them
Knuckles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3
Holy fuck its not even comparable, every level in Knuckles is a masterpiece
What's with this new 3 vs. Knuckles meme
The level design principles in the games are near identical. Any problems Sonic 3 has with level design (Marble Garden, Carnival Night) are shared with equally dodgy design choices in Sonic & Knuckles (Sandopolis, Lava Reef Act 2). Both of them have good levels and bad, both of them have issues with level length, and they were literally designed as one goddamn game.
I've seen a lot of 3 Vs. Knuckles bullshit in Sonic threads recently, is it some Unleashedfags attempt at pitting classic fans against each other? Enjoy them as one game, as they were meant to be
>Why make a game about going fast when you can't see the spikes and enemies ahead of you
>The game puts loads of obstacles in the way of you so you can't keep your speed
The game was designed so that after playing it enough and getting good at it, you'd be able to speed through it.
You're supposed to memorize obstacles and enemies.
It's also the reason why there's many different paths. Once you memorize a path and get good times or you just want to do another non speed playthrough you can try another.
You might argue that's not good design, but games couldn't afford to be too long so most of their worth was in the difficulty (so it took longer to beat it) and the replay value (secret paths, speedruns, score attack etc.)
>People hate Lava Reef Act 2
Holy terminal shit taste batman
>I'd probably like launch base zone more if i didn't hate the music, the constant digitized "GO's" get real grating.
>I really should play through Knuckles, but hearing about Sandopolis just puts me off, especially since last i played i was using Knuckles
The constant, digitzed 'GO's are the BEST part of it, man.
But yeah, fuck sandopolis to hell and back. This one takes the cake for worst level ever.
I don't personally, I'm of the opinion that S3K only has two duds - Marble Garden and Sandopolis - but I seriously don't understand the mentality of that user criticizing S3 but loving the fuck out of S&K. They're both as good (or as bad) as each other.
Underappreciated Sonic song coming through
And have a neat remix too
Flying Battery is underappreciated? I thought it sat alongside Hydrocity, Ice Cap and Lava Reef as the absolute Gods of S3K music
Try the 2P music for underrated
I never see anyone bring up Mushroom Hill, but both acts are funky as fuck. My favourite S3&K tracks by far.
Its shit. Sonic just isnt good. How do you fuck up running and going fast? Only sega knows
>this game isn't PC exclusive therefore it sucks
There are no bad levels in 3&K
>Marble Garden
Two good levels
>Launch Base
>Carnival Night
Two more good levels.
>why isn't it good, charles?
>i-it just isnt, Arin told me so
>any classic sonic level
>too long
>So many problems with Sonic the Hedgehog would be fixed if the camera were just zoomed out a little.
Will you stop with this bullshit?
No they wouldn't
Zooming out the camera just makes the game worse
You're fucking retarded
>If they zoomed the camera out a little
>a little
>A L I T T L E
>Proceed to show a video of the camera zoomed out by like x100
I'm not even the user you quoted but are you some kinda retard
>Every Indie platformer ever
that's way better actualy
>It's only that way in the Western Version
But that's wrong you nigger
>Angel Island (エンジェルアイランド Enjeru Airando?), previously known as the Floating Island (浮遊島 Fuyūtō?), is a prominent location in the Sonic the Hedgehog series which was first introduced in Sonic the Hedgehog 3.
>Carnival Night is bad
Fuck off casual
People are growing up on those 3D sonics that are just about running forward and rarely needing to jump, then they start complaining when a 2D platformer had platforming segments.
>trusting sonic.wikia for anything
that's some real pleb shit my friend
Either way, specifics on the names origin aside, the canon name is Angel Island
>the constant digitized "GO's" get real grating.
holy shit taste
But the Sonic and Knuckles levels are way longer you retard
This is the same guy who thought Sonic 1 was overrated because it was "hard"
>Enjoy them as one game
Sonic 3&K is one game
I wish these niggers would stop treating them as 2 games
It was sold as two games, they are two games
>I'm of the opinion that S3K only has two duds - Marble Garden and Sandopolis
>Marble Garden
Are you fucking retarded?
It's the best zone in the series by far
And Sandopolis ain't bad either
Act 2 takes a bit too long but that's about it
Thank you
That's way better, you can see where you're going. You can also see how tiny the levels really are.
No it fucking isn't
They're two games though. It's entirely apt to compare them even if you treat them as expansion packs or some shit. It's not like people don't compare WoW expansions.
>Marble Garden
>Best zone in the series by far
It's not bad but holy shit how is it the best in the series? It'd be higher on my list if Act 2 wasn't dragged out.
So what zones do you dislike?
Or are you of the opinion that the game is literally perfect?
>Either way, specifics on the names origin aside, the canon name is Angel Island
Angel Island is the changed name
Floating Island was the original name before they just changed it to Angel Island in Adventure when they retconned a whole lot of shit
But in Sonic 3 the whole island was always "Floating Island" with Angel Island only being the first zone
imagine being so fat you look at sonic videogames and see fast food
I mean I'd compare it more to one of those shitty episodic games that we get these days, on account of the fact that it was pretty clearly designed as one game
But, either way it doesn't really matter. I treat it as two halves of one game, as it was intended, but if others want to treat it as two games then no skin off my back
sanic is a fairly lackluster series
there are some great songs in there though
No they fucking aren't
Kill yourself
>this Sonic 3 fellation
I want this meme to end.
No they fucking aren't
Kill yourselves
>Angel Island is the changed name
Yeah, it was changed. So it's the canon. I'm not talking about which came first, I'm not trying to pull an Eggman versus Robotnik on you, I'm just stating facts. Within the canon, it's Angel Island. Whether it was always that way or not is irrelevant, canon is canon
>Huge zone
>tons of open space
>fast as fuck
>tons of obstacles
>great platforming
>tons of exploration with tons of secrets
>spinning top gimmick which allows you to explore the level in a different way
>funky as fuck music
This is why it's such a great zone
I don't dislike any zone because I'm not an autist who nitpicks everything especially on a such a well designed game like 3&K
Lava Reef act 1 can be a bit calustrophobic and Sandopolis Act 2 can be a bit too long but that's about as far as I'd go...I still like those 2 levels
We were not discussing that tho
I was just replying to you that the Japanese Name was also Floating Island that's about it
I could give a fuck about Sonic Canon and neither does Sega
yes it is
I'm not , all I was saying was Angel Island is canon and then you responded with
Well now I'm confused
Either way I was just correcting that other guy that the American version didn't change shit
no it isn't
>sonic fags having an argument
Mushroom Hill is my favorite starter/green zone by far. Super chill, great aesthetics with the deep forest and tall trees, and the colo schemes are great too.
Marbel Garden is just Oil Ocean taken to it's logical extreme.
What the fuck does that even mean, how is Marble Garden even similar apart from having a few small oil pools? I don't think you know what you are talking about
Oil Ocean was the most open stage in Sonic 2 and had you constantly going left and right to finish the level, and didn't have a clear "route" the first time around to the end. Marble Garden does that but on a bigger scale.
Sonic 3 and Knuckles is objectively the best Sonic game.
Can we stop pretending Sonic 2 isn't the best 2D title already? S3&K is great but it has alot of mediocre levels and honestly would be worse than Sonic 1 if it didn't have the QoL improvements.
Sonic 2 is godlike and the best Sonic game aside Genetations. This is not open to debate
generations isn't in the ballpark of 2 and 3&K though
debate this
>Aside Generations
Oh, so you just have shit taste then. You almost had me convinced to rethink my opinions of 2 vs. 3K for a second there
Please, it was a great game. Had content, you wanted to replay it and get good at it. Aside Crisis City it was great for 2D and 3D fans
>all these butthurt nostalgiac 2fags upset that 3&K blows 2 the fuck out
>wahhh no fair it's too big of a game stop blowing me the fuck out!
Sonic CD was a strong favorite of mine for a while, I enjoy the explorer aspect if you want the good ending, the music, the A E S T H E T I C S, but lately I'm just infuriated with the level design, enemy placements and difficulty to maintain speed to travel in time in certain stages.
I bet if Yuji Naka's team worked on it it would become more streamlined like Sonic 2 was, right now CD is a bit of a mess.
2D sections were just nostalgia baiting, while 3D is still the same mindless trash as always
It's a fact of life
Btw blue spheres > half-pipe
Of course Sup Forums would prefer 3K, since that's the first game to be slip up and sold in pieces.
Your days of splitting 3K into two games just to get your nostalgia game at the top of every top sonic games list is coming to an end
Sonic 5 in Taxman engine when?
>implying 4 was good enough to be called a '''''''''''''''sequel'''''''''''''''
Just make an actual 4 that isn't episodic or faux 3D with shit music and gameplay.
You know what I meant user, of course Sonic 4 was shit but it still happened so they can't just stick that name on another game
>3&K fag delusion
Not with all those shitty levels you are
Talking Sonic always brings the biggest smile to my face.
Which subject do you guys want to discuss today? The 2D games, early 3D, recent 3D or the comics?
Anything but the comics tbqh with you fambo, they're shit
Is Sonic Boom Fire & Ice really going to be our 25th anniversary game?
If we can't talk about shit, that limits our possible subject matters to like the first half of Sonic 3.
I just want S3&K on Retro Engine.