Custom installation (for advanced users only)

>Custom installation (for advanced users only)
>it's just where you want to install the game

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's where you untick [Install Yahoo! search bar addon]

>Do you want to install Chrome?

If I ever had this happen in a game installer it would be refund time

I can't exactly remember when was the last time I used typical installer for a game. Everything comes through some DRM platform like Steam nowadays.

>use this simple installer to safely install this mod compilation
>please turn off UAC
>disables keyboard and mouse when unpacking assets
>don't restore it if something errors, so you have to hard reset your PC during an installation to do anything

Modding is the greatest :^)

Wait, this is a thing in bought games? I thought it was just something that came with the area of pirating games.

>clicking "yes" installs the bar
>clicking "no" installs the bar
>you have to click the tiny light grey "skip" on the slightly lighter grey background in the corner
The amount of times I've had to wipe bloatware off my family's computers...

>Copy SKIDROW files to installation directory?

>Synthwave playing

>Small - Only need 100MB of free disk space
>Medium - Needs 200MB of free disk space
>Large - This option can only be selected by people who have 500MB

>mandatory toolbar is not ok
>mandatory client is

Steam isn't annoying yahoo toolbar is

I always like playing their install music. Gets me in a fun mood for playing a game and excited to start.

>keygen music

>installer plays shamisen music

>obscure downloader
>list of bullshit crap to install
>opposite checkbox theme makes it almost look like it's disabled
>try to deselect it
>nothing happens
>click again
>shitty question pops up constructed the way that you have to click wrong button to disable that crap
>checkbox is unchecked but it uses opposite theme and text looks like it's checked
>disable all
>fuck it, click cancel
>it appears in notification area
>"installation complete" popup
>shortcut on desktop
>2 hours later antivirus blocks installer from starting on its own
why is this allowed?

fucking skyrim

>>disables keyboard and mouse when unpacking assets
Morrowind Overhaul?

>select custom installation
>untick gamespy
>untick aol trial
>select max install


>steam isn't annoying

I dunno man, I'd prefer not to have to use it. I don't care about community bullshit so all it is is an extra few steps to actually start playing my fucking games.

Steam isn't a mandatory client.

Fucking morrowind overhaul did this horse shit.