What was his name again?

Brian "Dead Parents" Malone

Orphan of Kosm


Orphan of kos or some say kosm


How do I fucking kill him? My autism wont let me skip a single boss but hes fucking impossible.




can someone tell me the story behind him?

i don't have a ps4 and no blood borne, but watched a video of this bossfight.

why does he come out of a fish cadaver?
why is he so sad?

protip: hit him until he dies

child born of the corpse of a Great ayy

He's not that difficult, he's more flash than substance.

Learn his patterns. He's basically dancing throughout the whole fight, you just need to learn to keep up with him, when to stay close to him or when to stay away.

I found him easier than Ludwig and Laurence.

[Japanese drum noises]

He's the child of a space alien god. He's sad because momma is dead and humans killed her (arguably).
It's a bit more complicated, he's trapped in a nightmare (parallel reality) because in the real world he got killed by hunters, who wanted to use him as a way to research ascension to alien godhood.

>ancient cosmic fish space god washes up dead on beach
>it was pregnant
>Hunters show up and dissect and desecrate the bodies
>Orphan uses its cosmic dream powers to create a hell nightmare that traps all hunters when they die/go mad
>you go there and kill it, both to end the nightmare, and put its dream self out of its misery

A very sad fight. While true that you cant take much in this game at face value, i think its safe to think you are killing a newborn child.

The bass string melody playing in the first phase is very similar to The Revenant theme OST, which is completely different from the rest of the DLC.

>newborn child

Nope. He's fucking old. This is the entire point of his suffering. He doesn't accept his death.

He's both, really. He's an old man, and a newborn baby. He's both alive and dead. He's been suffering for ages, but he also never got to live.

Placenta pete

I had his first phase down pact, but that second phase is where shit gets crazy, fuck that.

Mergo is also very old, yet, it is a babe in a cradle.

They are kept the way they were when the dream was conceived


>Fights with lightning (just like the darkbeasts)
>Flaps on his back looks like the blood-starved beast
What does it mean? Is the Orphan of Kosm related to the Moon Presence in some way?

kos had sex with a human and orphan was the result

fuck off vaati

what kind of horse is that

umm, hello?

Fuck you i actually laughed

who would stick their dick in a giant slug like creature

This is Sup Forums you know...

What? Vaati is a handsome and respectable internet celebrity, why would I come to Sup Forums for my theories?


Afterbirth Allen

She has sexy lips and a human face. Probably a nicer looking face than most people on Sup Forums.

A Bri is fine too.



Fuck off underage

Hey, wait a minute...

how were you supposed to know to hit it

There's got to be at least one person out there who killed Kos then just left without hitting the spirit.


orphan and oceiros shoud team up, it would make for some weird fucking sounds

Doujin where?

>It's obviously Kos biological child.

Are you retarded?


>kid with dead parent
>not an orphan

Also protip: don't get hit.

Dude I don't want to tell you but you've gotta be stupid you gotta be dumb in the head and that's something you can't fix.