And I don't mean least technologically advanced since that is Odyssey/Tennis for Two/Text adventures or something along...

And I don't mean least technologically advanced since that is Odyssey/Tennis for Two/Text adventures or something along those lines. I mean a game that looks so horrible it causes eyestrain, a game with art direction that looks like it was made by a two-year old autist, a game so ugly you can't even comprehend what's happening. Give me your worst.

Other urls found in this thread:


anything that goes full vaporwave tends to look like shit

Dragon Age games starting with 2.

2 is famously hideous from the artstyle down to the actual tech. Inquisition is really bad too because everyone has face grease and the art-direction is still bad.

Harder targets? Well like sixth gen console resolution is really bad on hdtvs that gives me eyestrain.

that brianna wu game

-That (hopefully never) upcoming """"""""""game"""""""""" by that thing, Brianna Wu(?).
-Beat Hazard
-Neverwinter Nights 2 if you don't turn the bloom off.
-most movie tie-in games

Dude those are some of the coolest looking games

Not the worst but it's up there

someone post that one image with battleborn hud and the cluttered hud parody from 2007

seconding, it's laughably bad

didn't she draw a simple portrait of the main character in all it's awfully designed glory and it took her an hour and a half?

>a game that looks so horrible it causes eyestrain, a game with art direction that looks like it was made by a two-year old autist, a game so ugly you can't even comprehend what's happening.

Now we're getting there.


GTA IV on the xbox 360 on default settings

Seriously its somehow both dark as fuck (shadows are crazy dark) and obnoxiously bloomy/orange at the same time. Its disgusting


>tfw I don't have any images saved because of how ugly it is

Anyone have any?

>not using a Sup Forums add-on to upload images from web sources

Came to post this.

How the fuck this got delayed and still manage to look (and play) like shit is amazing, Gearbox really outdid themselves this time.

Oh god it's worse than I remember

Everquest 2


But you can upload images from the web without any addons, just paste the link into the file path.


Bubsy 3D

is superman 64 considered vaporwave art now?

thanks doc

Just an FYI, the purple draw distance is because of shitty emulation.

It's meant to be a really low draw distance. The excuse the developers gave was it was a kryptonite fog that weakened Superman to the pitiful abilities you get to play with.


Not many agree but I always thought Earthbound looked like fucking garbage

That's easy.


Anything on the Visual Boy


> Open Gear Box

Is that fucking bubsy?

Christ almighty end my life.

Not sure about ugliest but the original King's Field looks pretty damn awful.

looks better then Demon's Souls.'s too awful

>let's assult the player with a dozen messages at once while he walks down the street

I actually wanted to play this game too.

Maybe not the ugliest EVER, and it looked fine at times, but Syndicate was often unplayable due to the low FOV and this shit


Battleborn, not even kidding just because its the new thing to make fun of, that is honestly the most visually unappealing game I have ever seen, aside from a few other examples in this thread which I weren't familiar with.

idk why but i find these badly modelled 3d big tit bimbos so hot
like the planescape torment harlots and d2 amazon were my childhood faps

I agree.
But the Jap versions are worse.


I won't even touch that shit.

Early home computer games. I don't know how you Brits dealt with this shit.

This disaster.

The Order 1866 is the only game to have ever made me feel sick.

meme magic

Dark Souls 3

If Luthor had enough kryptonite to make that much fog, why didn't he concentrate it into some kind of kryptonite gas that would just fucking kill Superman instead of weakening him?

SF4 and UMvC3 too. Capcom should stick to sprites.


also KOF 14 is looking even uglier

>Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon looks like concentrated shit
>Play it
>Turns out to be actually pretty fun


Capcom should just make SF look realistic. Like their DMC and resident evil games. Like Tekken.


Yeah, OK.


An intentionally ugly game.

An interesting but unsuccessful idea.

What else would you call it.

MGS4 outside of Shadow Moses. The game is a horrible mish mash of high and low res textures combined with poopoo brown colors everywhere.

You know doing so actually saves the picture on your computer before sending it? All these pictures are still somewhere on your hard drive.

Stylised. Still pretty Japanese looking. None of them were going for pure photorealism. Regardless, SF would probably not be able to make that transition from sprites to say the art style DMC4 or RE6 has. It would also need to say at 60fps at all times too.


>tfw people got legitimately hyped for watch_dogs
probably the best laugh I've had at the expense of morons
next up is No Man's Sky

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Bloodstorm without a doubt. Find me another game that tried to pass off photoshopped office supplies as bad ass weapons. You can't.

It's still uploaded with less clicks so eh.

Undertale, it's ugly af.

>Game is about the personal information people put on the internet
>Game is about the cost for connected life in the form of loss of privacy
>Game is about exploiting backdoors and extracting private information and analytics of/about random people
>Complains about the amount of information you perceive

This for both the shitty HUD and the grotesque proportions some of the characters have.

A lot of answers will be given in this thread, but the only right one is Teleglitch, there is nothing uglier than that, even the UI gives my eyes hemorrhoids.

Probably the Hyperdimension Neptunia games

Not him but you could probably clean up the UI a bit.

>Game about pressing X to hack

That effect in your ss only happens when you're shooting, the game looks pretty neat otherwise.

Fuck you, Nanobreaker is cool


Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly.

.Hack has pig disgusting environments but really nice character models.

Besides those fat fuck shopkeepers.

480p CRT TV were magical at hiding this shit. Those models really deserved a HD remaster. Are those character portraits done by Sadamoto? Never occurred to me before but they look straight outta Evangelion.

Aidyn Chronicles is a sin against the third dimension.

Not a bad game, though. Decent story, interesting take on turn-based combat.

Rise 2: Resurrection

I only know about this game because 2BFP did a video on it, but fucking hell it looks hideous.


But one of the reasons the game is good IS the art direction.

I don't think you can come up with a title more generic than that.

> saw through all the hype bullshit
> few months after release
> played a friend's version of the game
> clunky gameplay
> assulted by menus and info
> 'edgy haxers'
> mfw it was an absolute shit-show

It's not the amount of info you're given that's bad. It's the way every message collides on the screen at the same time. At any point the main game will have these messages:
> target person, data
> interact with this, press 'x' to activate
> map
> directions
> mission objective
> side mission objective
> random mugging in 50 yrds!
> player stats

Ugly, but charming in a Atari2600/RPGMaker-esque way

Now THIS is ugly. In a cool way, but ugly nonetheless

It's not really that charming to me at all. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game; just the art style is atrocious.

Really love the game, but fuck me it can be hard to look at.

The art direction is way too busy. There's so much to look at my eye has no idea where to rest. Yea it's the victorian style, but everything blends together. Not to mention the PS4 graphical trope where everything looks wet.

I have never seen worse "CGI", if that's even what you call this.

The actual game looks pretty terrible too:

For me it is, but I respect your opinion

bare with me here, just hang in there, give it a shot my ideas are interesting if you think about them

starsiege tribes

Holy shit I remember when this came out. One of the mags I had did a big story about it before it came out, then shit all over it a couple months later when it finally released.
Good times. Man, those early days of 3D were rocky.

It's a neat little game that seems to predate a lot of ideas that would eventually show up in some of FromSoftware games but goddamn is it ugly (it also runs at a solid 5-10fps

Okimatsu is the most aesthetically unpleasing and unfunny anime Ive ever seen

>it also runs at a solid 5-10fps
But you already said it set a precedent for future From games.

Out of all my Virtual Boy games I'm hardpressed to find something more awful than the rest visualwise. They are red and black, yes, and cause eyestrain, but the games themselves don't LOOK bad. Games like Teleroboxer and Wario Land look good, even if the colors are... strange.

If I had to choose, Red Alarm is the one where the 3D must be maxed out to know what the fuck is happening.

Can't say I didn't see that response coming kek