In a world...where Blizzard are good guys again

>In a world...where Blizzard are good guys again.

Go away Todd

Overwatch needs some brown lolis
That guy's daughter is a genius

stop falling for unoriginal pr stunts you newfag

Thanks, doc

they also did this marketing trick when Diablo 3 came out
and you fags are falling for fake kindness yet again, you never learn, you deserve to be shat on.

Did they pick some low tier artist to draw this? I saw someone that can draw better in one those draw threads.

50 cents have been deposited into your account from Blizzard Entertainment


I'm not buying a game I'll play for three days and never again

meep meep niggo

This shill thread again?

Reminder that when you play overwatch, you're playing with literal children

>it actually gets in

Sounds like tf2 and part of csgo.

at least I'm not playing with Huehue and cyka blyats hence the price.

>"My daughter doesn't understand Sylvannas's design
>"My daughter doesn't like Tracer's butt"
>"My daughter wants her Overwatch doodle to be official."

Why does Blizzard get so emotional about daughters?

All I see is purple and green

Same thing with any competitive online game

Because they care.
Pre order now.

Thanks Doc

because they're all creatively barren parrents now,

it's scientific that when you get kids you turn into a boring cunt, this would explain why blizzard stopped making good games

>this blatant shilling/shitposting

Don't come and whine about Sup Forums hating Overwatch at release you fucks.

How come Gearbox can't into marketing?

Or worse, Russians or Brazilians.

Holy shit that's real? They actually directly challenged blizzard with an elder meme?
That's fucking hilarious.

Battleborn fucking PACIFIED up in here


>Hey Tom, we need you to draw a more realized version of this picture
>This looks like shit, who drew it
>Some moron tweeted us his kid's drawing
>Why are you making me do this
>By the way we're not paying you for this but we need a finished drawing in a couple of hours

Name a multiplayer game where you won't be playing with literal children.

blizzard confirmed for misogynist dudebros

Yes. Then Blizzard changed their open beta date to the same day as Battleborn's release and Randy shit himself.

>Name a multiplayer game where you won't be playing with literal children.


Battleborn is quite possibly the most cucked video game in existence.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure strategy games are the only games that you won't be finding children.


Doesn't matter how good the game is, I'm never giving Blizzard money again after their betrayal.

This, is not like they're doing something new.

The point it that if it's faked this time or not.

There were more than this but I guess I never saved them.

the Judy avatar gave me a giggle

>after their betrayal

Which one?

Are you saying betrayal can never be forgiven?...

So how dead is cuckborn? May gearbox burn in hell forever

I don't even know anymore.

Well, price dropped the first month after launch.

Free game for August or for Christmas?

>Half-chuckle at comedians portraying new parents as drooling retards obsessed with what their offspring "said" or did
>The few of my friends who are now parents are exactly that, constantly talking about every fart and funny face their babies produced
It's frightening how the brain works.
They genuinely think it's fascinating and that other people will care.

It's like watching a documentary about North Korean sincerely believing everything is fine and they've won every world cup and Olympic game in the last decade.
Or when US citizens talk about freedom.

The question is : will you play it ?

you can't fool ma anymore blizzard

Probably the art's team intern because can't waste corporate money on this


They will stick with Tf2 and csgo because their computers are too bad to run overwatch. and 40 dollars is a lot for these 3rd worlders

yes, you might meet some br and russians ofcourse but they will be middle class or higher so they wont be these cancerous people you meet in tf2. dota. csgo and they will probably know English pretty good

>thanks for partially sharing that with us


Half-Tank Man was GOAT. Anyone got it?

Nope, just look at indians on internet. THEY are from middle class or higher, and supposed to be the most educated.

See the flaws ?

I REALLY want to smell her feet...

reminder that if you play online, you play with people
fuck people



What's the point of censoring the persons name on the image if anyone in the world can look up that exact tweet's word?

What do you think D.Va's feet smell like, user?

Didn't you guys kill all the Indians anyway? \

no wonder they are so rude to you


I mean the improved version by Blizz

I think they smell like _______feet________

Well you do smell like disapointment, son.

When will you leave our basement ? Your mom and me are kinda worried about you.

>are good guys again.
It's litterally the "politician kiss a baby for vote" tactic. You are all retards to fall for it.

>you guys
Wat ?

It's good, but multiplayer games generally get 10 hours out if me twice a year for two years so I don't buy them until they're £15.

From what I understand it's some retarded rule on reddit that anything without blanked names counts as doxxing/harassment now.

Your country and your ancestors.

I do not understand this meme.

Blizz didn't even need to fuck over Battleborns launch, Overwatch had plenty of hype behind it.
They did it just because they could.

Well I don't know what my country have to do with indians.

What games do u play that u meant indians anyway i'v never met one ever unless i call a callcenter

Learn to read english, Rajeet, I was talking about indians on INTERNET, just to prove that being from medium class doesn't mean you are not cancer material.

We were talking about Russians and BR, you change it to indians who i've never encoured in my game ever because they play on their own servers unlike russians and BR

But this isn't reddit...

Are you paying attention Rajheet ? I used the indian exemple because they are the same cancer material as Huehue and cyka blyats, to show that Higher-class shitskins are the worst.

so just like csgo and tf2?

>Overwatch is full of underage girls

Day 1 purchase


Thats.... surprisingly good.
Those wing looking things look a bit silly like that but if they were like cloth that flowed downward, and only floated and glowed like that during an Ult or something, that'd be pretty good.