Battleborn vs Overwatch

They are not the same game and genre. Stop comparing them and buy both!

"If you’re looking for something more akin to an MMO, especially if you’re a PvE player, Battleborn is practically the only choice here. I haven’t been glued to an MMO in awhile, but in smaller games like Battleborn and the Monster Hunter series, it somehow feels refreshing to boil a theme-park MMO down to its essence of running for loot. You can play against AI in Overwatch, but it’s not nearly as satisfying as adventuring across a dying solar system in a universe ready to end. I love Overwatch’s out-of-game story, but the lack of a campaign is a missed opportunity Blizzard will hopefully rectify later. Even if it’s paid DLC, I’d love to see their lore get proper game treatment.

However, if you’re done with chasing stats, Overwatch is the clear winner. The skills you’ve mastered around the internet are put into an arena where they mix and mash well in a more mainstream environment. You may not get the Gun of Boss Booms, but you can find something in black for nearly every character you want, and really, that’s all some of us want anyway."

Overwatch will win because Blizzard will prop up an artificial esports scene with their own funds just like they do with Hearthstone.

Doesn't help the fact that Battleborn is visually a disgusting and gameplay wise boring game. The meme dialogue doesn't help either.

>Stop comparing them and buy both!

Piss off, shill. TF2 is free and better in almost every single way.

but nobody is playing TF2 anymore, except on le epic hats severs

Hmm, I think I see what you mean OP
I've decided not to play either of them

but they reduced the price on both and its double xp weekend.
Come on 80 buck is like going to the cinema 3 times.

>stop comparing both
Well people stopped comparing both like a week ago when they stopped caring about Battleborn altogether, now fuck off shill.

>buying a dead game



>15k players

but uncharted 4 is $60, i don't think you did the division right

>Makes a post literally called Battleborn vs Overwatch
>Stop comparing them!

>On release day
>Not dead

I thought they were the same to be fair, until I played the Overwaych beta. Why would you buy both though, or a game that looks as terrible as Battleborn.

>Stop comparing them

Gearbox first.

Why would anyone literally buy both? Are people this genuinely retarded?

The best move is to buy Overwatch now and play it for a month or so and by then Stillborn will have gone F2P.

>15k players
Spread across 3 platforms?

It's dead. Nostalrius had more players willing to replay what they've played 10 years ago than people willing to play Stillborne.

battleborn 1 month in still no fixes nerfs gg it had its time

just like evolve ruin by some stupid decisions from devs



The character designs and clashing colors literally hurt my eyes. Plus why the fuck does EVERY line of dialog have to try to be funny?

playing on low Poor faggot detected

>randy realizing her made a terrible mistake

implying Nostalrius is nothing

1mil register accounts 2nd most played mmo was a private serve


>already having a price drop 2 weeks after release on all platforms (although the price on Steam hasn't been cut for some reason yet)

I'm surprised Battleborn is tanking as hard as it is. It didn't look that great, but I thought riding the Borderlands fanbase would have got them a few million sales alone


Overwatch has much better waifus.
We all know that this is all that matter

One million accounts of which about 2-3% played the game.


Wanna chill out in a friendly server from time to time bro? Epic conga!



well played user



I know it's the perspective, but the idea of a giant Tracer makes me really horny.





They're both class based shooters released in a similar time frame. I can compare them all I want.

So you're saying the same people are going to play them?




As long as it's still pissing at least one person off I'll never stop.

what did he mean by this?



why does it only piss off battleboners?



Played both Betas.

Overwatch is fast, entertaining, looks good and plays smooth. Its a solid fight you can get into with little fuss and the game can change at any time with heros changing.

Battleborn spawns you miles from the fight, Melee characters were OP. The MOBA style of hit and run and trying to finish a player before they could run works terribly on fps and leaves people frustrated. If your team loses 1 part of the map its pretty but over but the game drags it out FOREVER.

It's like someone at gearbox found a marketing textbook, and did everything in reverse.

It starts with gameplay that's confused about what it wants to be. It's marketed as a shooter, but aside from being in first person, it's a moba in every other aspect. It's got *some* single player, some coop, and some pvp, and only pvp is fleshed out. They had to come up with a whole scrabble board of buzzwords to describe it's playstyle.

Then there's the graphics- oversaturated, flashy, and at the same time just crude and rough, with a messy UI. The characters have almost no unifying aesthetics either.

And finally, and probably the worst sin- they never set themselves apart in marketing. The customers were, and still are confused as to how it's different to overwatch or TF2.

Add to this the characters, which are all either wierd or ugly, and it means you don't even have iconic chars to use as mascot for the game.

They did everything they could, and they did it ass-backward.

>go to the shithole and then to /r/battleborn
>people just post how its better than overwatch
>no discussion about the game, there is more talk about how much better it is
>yfw gearbox has moved to reddit for viral marketing

>and the 7 clever boys

Wry comment.


Mei When?!

>Trying to complete with Blizzard

>Egyptian character in South Korea
>British character in the United States
>Japanese character in France


>buy both!
Nice try Gearbox but I'm not falling for it.

>buy both
stopped reading there
nothing will save your fucked moba
it's over LET IT GO

>in b4 Gearbox start shipping Battleborn with Overwatch keys, just to move units.


It matches tourist destinations. I'm just suprised Genji isn't packed with a disposable camera.

>there are people alive right now trying to convince their friend to buy battleborn
what kind of fucked up person tries to sell someone a ticket to the titanic after it hit the iceburg.


>Stop comparing them and buy both!
eat a dick shill


Why did they use Goatse as the Battleborn logo?

Not similar and you're a shilling retard for thinking otherwise

Why is battleborn so fucking ugly? The characters, the environment, and even the UI looks terrible.

someone post the brianna wu character from battleborn

Jesus christ, so much hate for Battleborn in here.

I know it's amazing isn't it?

every thread

I like how overwatch shills are using the failure of a gearbox game, which no one ever saw comong oh wow gearbox making a bad game who knew, to pretend like q-watch isn't mediocre.

Both are simplistic games no worth the full price,, overwatch looks prettier but it's still a different brand of shit.