What is this face supposed to convey?
What is this face supposed to convey?
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do irl take a picture and you will know retard.
That she is best girl.
The pleasure if being cummed inside.
What about this one?
Gotta say, that I want to bully Saionji so much. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.
And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.
"where are the vidyas?"
Right here
The face of getting lucky you were chosen to be a survivor by the writers of the game, despite the fact your entire character was a cross between a smelly autistic girl and a homicidal fujoshi who dindu nuffin.
She's pretty good in AE
>tfw no unhygienic autistic fujo gf to smell
Celestia was best girl, but fukawa was close third (after the best trap of the universe)
you know the rules
source me up, senpai
Intense physical pleasure.
That she's the most beautiful girl in the universe.
The cutest!
Ryoko Ikeda is a pretty good Manhaka
A broken glass mask.
>Get very into Fuko during her arc
>Told a friend who already played Ron Paul
>He just giggled and said to go for her.
>Got all the right presents, increased my friendship level as much as I could at that point in the game
>She likes the jew
>She's a literal yandere for the jew
>Oy vey!
high impact sexual violence
Wow, I can see there's another man of taste among these plebeians.
In school mode she dates you at the end if you max her affection.
In the PsP version?
>School mode
Yeah nah.
Feels good knowing the best Danganronpa will never EVER be on PC
Get cucked faggots
Pushing past that peanut-sized hemorrhoid and finally getting out that pesky turd.
Yeah school mode is only on pc and vita.
Welp, I don't know. Watch her ending on youtube. It's nothing special anyway.
>PsP Version
You only have yourself to blame
Yeah, I'm a gigantic faggot for liking the series before it was popular and on the vita.
oy vey is a mistranslation
What is this face supposed to convey?
you do you buddy
What are those tits trying to convey
I'd rather have the subpart TL than the one by NISA, thank you very much.
>Just watched Toko's ending on youtube
NISA's is generally more accurate, actually
There isn't always a correlation between big boobs and obesity.
Yeah and they hired Runka-chunk to do a voice. I'm petty like that.
You can pirate it and play with the Nip voices. And even if you buy the PC port, the money goes to SC and the guys who did the PC port, not NISA.
I don't know where you people get this shit from.
Hmm. Okay but I already played it years ago.
I already know who dies and who lives, the EBIN twist and everything. If anything I would like to try Danganronpa 2 but I've heard it's weaker compared to 1.
>If anything I would like to try Danganronpa 2 but I've heard it's weaker compared to 1.
You heard wrong, it's better in almost every way to 1
I'm sure she said so herself.
Also she's a fujoshi.
She herself said she never showers and Togami says she had bad breath.
Its supposed to convey the spasms japanese people have when they realize every single person in their country is autistic, and they live in a very dark world they can't escape.
>You heard wrong, it's better in almost every way to 1
Are you saying that because it has more cute girls or are the cases and mysteries actually better?
The latter
Characters are more interesting
Cases are more mysterious
Setting is more wtf
Dub actually sounds good and doesn't make you want to tear your ears off
Ok, I'm downloading it now.
Better not be a fucking huge waste of time.
I'm actually pretty certain she never says anything about her own hygiene, and the most recent game confirms the reason she "smells" is because she owns a pet stinkbug. Her hygiene is not in question, you're type are no different than these tumblr kids who make up sexual identifications for all the characters after choosing to misread one line of dialogue.
No, no. I'm pretty fucking sure she herself mentions something about not having time to take baths and also is true. Togami does mention she needs to clean herself more and she goes:
>literally making shit up to fuel your shit-tier fetish
I don't like her being stinky. I just remember she mentions something like that.
>loving your waifu this much that you deny the words she herself said
She said she doesn't shower.
She doesn't mention anything of the sort. Byakuya makes a passing comment along the lines of she needs to clean herself up, but that can mean many things and is also not to be taken at face value, considering it's coming from someone like Byakuya who says mean shit about everyone constantly.
If we were supposed to have the impression she was unhygienic, the game would have spelled that fact out for us and we wouldn't need to dig to find a quote to take out of context to prove it. The writers had absolutely no problem pointing out to everyone that Hiyoko smelled like absolute garbage after like 2 or 3 days of not bathing, to the point that the entire class was disgusted by the stench. Yet nobody makes a comment about Toko apparently being unhygienic and smelly, including Makoto in his own thoughts during the countless times he comes into close contact with her, despite the fact that he relays all his thoughts and feelings about his character interactions to the player and would certainly reflect upon the fact he thinks she stinks if she did?
I don't buy it. AE explained that she has a pet stinkbug and that if/when she stinks, it is because of it and nothing else. If you want to argue this further, feel free to provide the Japanese exert from the game where she claims to not bathe and we will settle this once and for all.
>the game would have spelled that fact out for us
It does. When you try to open her door, Naegi remarks on the smell.
Do you think we, reddit, tumblr and the wiki just made it up? You can write as many blog posts as you want, bitch doesn't shower and smells like garbage.
>It does. When you try to open her door, Naegi remarks on the smell.
Of her pet stinkbug. I'd like you to quote Makoto saying SHE stinks, as opposed to her room stinking.
I understand your confusion, so did Kodaka, which is why he had to go out of his way in AE to explain to you simpletons the actual source of the stink to put the unhygienic nonsense to bed.
What's sad is that the creator of the game has to come out and slap you across the face with facts, and you still to choose to ignore them for your own headcanon. Kind of like someone from tumblr.
I would like you to quote the line where the stinkbug gets mentioned in Danganronpa, not in AE.
And I would like you to quote the line where she claims to not shower. The stinkbug was added into the series to correct fools who decided to settle on the wrong idea that Toko doesn't bathe, and it's her who stinks. It is canon, from Kodaka's mouth himself, that it's thanks to her pet stinkbug.
You can meme all you fucking like but it will never make you right. The writer of the series says you're wrong.
You know what? You are right. She doesn't stink because she doesn't shower, she stink because of her pet bug.
How it helps her situation in any way is a mystery though. One way or another, she smells like garbage. I don't see how that is any better. Because deciding to keep a stinking bug as a pet, or not showering, is equally as disgusting.
Congratulations on your stinking waifu, user.
That toung desu, Byakuya's missing out
>nutted but she is still sucking
Now fuck off
My waifu is Ibuki, Toko doesn't have to be my waifu for me to acknowledge facts about other characters. Yes she probably stinks after hanging out in her room with her pet stinkbug, but that has nothing to do with her lack of hygiene and choosing not to shower, which is what you and a number of other anons claimed she said but clearly weren't confident enough in to go and pull some evidence to back it up. I did read through the wikia, not a single nod towards the idea in her entire article including her quotes section, so whoever claimed that the wikia supported the claim is wrong about that too. Can't vouch for what "reddit and tumblr", but whoever brought them up can feel free to go back and stay there.
I believe I asked for the Japanese line, not NISA's """"translation"""".
This got old before you even began doing it
Japanese line + Project Zetsubou translation:
Hmm... I had no idea...
I've never... taken a shower before...
Now fuck off
Thank you, I just wanted to see if you'd actually waste your time doing it. Ciao!
>toku apologist getting BTFO this hard
is this despair what we're seeing?
Don't take it too hard, friends.
>I-I was just pretending!
>runs away
Oh fucking wow
don't worry Tokofag. This despair you're feeling now is merely a stepladder to a brighter shining hope
>this thread
Tell 'em Naegi.
that a deal is a deal, user.
But It's not a Mikan thread
Can I have an autograph for your best work?
You misunderstand, I do believe that her character was retconned with AE to change her from unhygienic, but yes I was simply trying to see how much time I could make Tokofags waste because their fetish disgusts me.
>he is still trying to damage control
And now you're wasting your time trying to damage control
Keep going, though. I'm sure you'll convince us at some point.
>You misunderstand, I do believe that her character was retconned with AE to change her from unhygienic
Syo bathes and toko doesnt this has been cannon since part 1
>all these (You)s
wait a sec are u trying to cheat me again
>I did it because I wanted you to laugh at me and mock me
Your plan was a huge success, everyone thinks you're a retard now. Good job!
>a bunch of anonymous people on the internet think an anonymous person is a retard
Did I make your week?
Pretty much, never have I seen an user embarras himself this hard. And you're STILL going.
Thanks for wasting all your time telling us how much you "got us" for thinking you're retarded.
You're welcome.
>this thread
Can't wait till Despair anime, Mikan's pure heart will be on show. Heap more shame on the bullies who pushed her to despair