How fucking stylish is Persona 5 honestly?
You can not like the series, but its design is absolutely phenomenal.
Are there other games with this kind of style?
How fucking stylish is Persona 5 honestly?
You can not like the series, but its design is absolutely phenomenal.
Are there other games with this kind of style?
MT usually has really strong art direction. Even #FE looks nice in motion.
It looks awful, like Kill La Kill level bad.
If only they put a tenth of the time into making the gameplay good.
Fuch off atlus shill.
Looks like shit overdesigned trash, style over substance, trying to distact people from the shittyness with flashy menus and trailers. What fucking trash.
Now I'm really starting to get into RPGs this one looks pretty stylish so far undertale
Inb4 autists complaining about UI functionality
Great graphics terrible gameplay.
Thanks Japan you are truly the greatest developer of video game in world.
I look forward to jump on chandelier and press x every five minute to attack.
You mean autists acting like overdesigned trash menus are good.
Over designed how it's just a good menu you sound like you're just new to RPGs like you don't play RPGs. Undertale.
Are you is so stupid as to the point you want me to repeat myself. Like all I said was that the menus are good and you probably don't even play RPGs in the first place. Under tell.
look good. Me like.
But the menus are complete garbage. The only good JRPGs use minimalist and straightforward menus.
But the menus aren't complete garbage. RPGs don't have to have minimalist men used to appeal to your autistic mind. Under tell.
I just want Anne to sit on my face
Looks retarded and appeals to retarded people.
The menus are complete overdesigned garbage. Complete clusterfuck trash menus that only appeals to autists. Minimalist menus that only display necessary information without any clutter is the only good kind of menu.
Persona 5 is very stylish, the art direction is phenomenal
>1 Year ago
Its shit overdesigned garbage,
What happened Sup Forums?
If for some reason you're in these menus and you can't tell what's going on then you got a problem I don't you know that's you. It's very clear. It's got the style you just don't know what you're talking about. Under tale.
Why does it look like a PS3 game, though?
That's kind of a turnoff for a current gen game.
is this the new epic memeword of the month?
meh p4 was better, this does suck
Why do you keep repeating the name of that meme game as if you're making a point?
Well IT is a PS3 game after all
Because it is a PS3 game.
Maybe you should read what is being said to you, it has visual clutter, it is over designed. I can look at overdesigned Pokemon and understand what they are but that doesn't mean they aren't overdesigned. P5 is fucking trash menus for a trash game.
Why the fuck do you keep saying Undertale? Go back to tumblr you autist.
It's a PS4 game, isn't it?
It's crossgen.
Port of a ps3 game
Its for the PS3 too, the PS4 version is a port
What an eyesore
You haven't come up with a single objective reason for why it's bad overblown looked over just on its cool older you don't know what you're talking about you just trying to trash talk like a little baby kid and you're retarded undertail.
Wait, what?
Are they allowed to do this in 2016?
I miss my comfy P5 threads
Pretty sure there is no law against porting games. I could be wrong.
What do you mean, are they allowed?
Who would disallow it?
Well duh, the game was anounced first for the PS3 2 years ago in the 2014
I dunno man. The UI looks fucking atrocious in my opinion.
>17 posters
>37 replies
>numerous posts about how everything is SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT
It's too stylish , so annoying.
There is genius in subtlety
It's the curse of exclusivity
where is the PC version REEE Just port the series to steam you fucks
They were too comfy, really annoying. All comfy no substance tbqh.
I think flashy as hell fits better than overdesigned. The battle menus don't seem to block too much- really, it's more color scheme and shapes than size. The only menus that seem to cover the screen too much aren't blocking gameplay, as far as I see
I like the UI
nah then we'd get PC fags going "WHY ARE YOU PLAYING ON INFERIOR HARDWARE" and shit. As someone with a mid-high tier PC i hate that shit. Honestly, there has never been a good game ever, so stop liking anything, thats how I ever feel when I'm on Sup Forums
It's visual clutter you fucking retard, it's terrible to look at because of the mismatched fonts, the useless text on the side, the random number counter in a menu, the useless transitions between menu tabs. Everything about it is visual clutter, it's terrible.
It has nothing to do with exclusivity. PS3 version exists.
do you browse Sup Forums or /fa/?
>Complaining about numbers and extra text at the side without knowing their use
Cmon, it's fair to think it's too much, but there may be use
>Being this assblasted for a simple menu
chill dude is just a game
>ugly black blood splatter to distract you from awful animations
>text at an angle and varying font size makes it awkward
>heart shaped life bars are eye cancer
Looks like the game is trying way too hard to me
>Waah waah stop calling our shitty menus shittttt!?!?
>girl with Sup Forums hoodie
When are we going to see some fucking gameplay?
>Why are this persons liking thinks that i don't like
If you don't like the menus its okay everyone has their own opinion but theres no need to be this cancerous and calling everything shit
Sorry but Persona doesn't have gameplay.
Oh the fucking irony, why are you getting so ass blasted that I'm calling a shitty thing shit?
It's a bad visual novel with the occasional 20 second battle you effortlessly win
>everything is black and red
all me
>people talking about games they don't play
This. All of this hooping and hollering for an interactive menus game. Seriously why can't turn based fucking die already? The games are so easy to make its fucking ridiculous.
Are you under the conclusion that choosing words from a menu is gameplay? Are you sure you aren't confusing a DVD menu for a game?
You don't play Persona 3. You read text and watch bad AI do the combat.
I get it, you haven't actually played any of the games.
>black and red has to be edgy
>it cannot be a legit color scheme
must suck having autism
Aww isn't this cute. He thinks DVD menus are games.
Wew, you named 1 out of 4 games. Not only that, but a re-release let's you control team-mates. Try again after you played the games.
>Played P3P
>Can control party
Also, you can modify the general AI in battle
I guess no turned based RPGs are games then
Guess we should stop calling them "RPGs"
>Wew, you named 1 out of 4 games
There's actually 5 kiddo. And they are all terrible.
>muh opinions
And you've convinced me with your thorough arguments. But I still don't think you've actually played it.
Lol! Instead of actually responding you just go back to senselessly calling it shit.
Being turn based has nothing to do with being an RPG you fucking retard. Holy shit turn based kiddies proving once again how utterly fucking clueless they are.
>Counting a game that isn't even out yet
Are you retarded?
>Counting a game that isn't even out yet
I'm not.
You are very retarded and upset right now.
He's probably counting Eternal Punishment, makes sense I guess.
Stylish enough to pander "that edgy hipster kid" from school
>Mature themes
>Persona 4
The design is not stylish or modern by itself, but the flashy menus look impressive, fit the game's theme well and it's obvious a lot of thought went into designing them.
I never said turn based makes them RPGs,
But many games are classified as turn-based RPGs, and it seems to me nearly all of which involve picking options in a menu
I really hate this paticular type of autists.
>it's obvious a lot of thought went into designing them.
That's impossible, the only thought went into these games are "which anime stereotypes are we throwing in this shit so weebs can jerk off to it"
>Play P2
>Status effects are permanent unless you spend money on the antidote or some shit
What the fuck is this?
have you never played like any other RPG before?
Castul, medicine is piss cheap, getting money is easy. Just go to the shop and buy a ton of everything.
Too bad Persona has bad gameplay. Better stick to the Anime.
It goes overboard, honestly.
The UI especially is a major eyesore.
Actually, only few (J)RPGs do the "stays on after battle" shit.
SMT, Pokemon, FF, DQ, and EO do this
I'm not talking about the character design, but the menus and interface.
which are just vomited over the rest of the bull shit to distract you from it.
>gameplay trailer
>shows cutscenes and menus
The only gameplay shown was walking and the "sneaking" that might as well be a QTE.
Which games and what status ailments? Can't remember anything like that from VII or IV (unless on SNES version since I didn't play it on SNES).
Mostly limited to Curse, isn't it?
This is one of the cases where all of them stick around save for confuse
Only some games
So it's fitting the rest o the game then.