>Fallout 3 is TRASH
>Old school Fallouts had TERRIBLE writing
>New Vegas is the END ALL BE ALL of the series
This argument is so tiring at this point. I think alot of people who enjoyed Fallout 3 went back for the older fallouts out of peaked interest and I'm sure most people who actually like shooters in any capacity really liked Fallout 4 from that perspective. If the fanbase doesn't coalesce at some point, I don't think there will be a big enough push for a better mainline Fallout game.
Fallout 3 is TRASH
Argument invalid
>Old school Fallouts had TERRIBLE writing
I've literally never seen this posted.
I've seen it posted quite a few times. Could be by shitposters, could be by people who just don't give a shit about the series but it is posted.
"Piqued" and "peaked" are very different. You're welcome.
I've seen some ebin "FALLOUT 2'S WRITING IS LOLSOWACKY GARBAGE" meme posted quite a few times.
Thanks friendo
>I'm sure most people who actually like shooters in any capacity really liked Fallout 4 from that perspective.
It's a fucking terrible FPS. It's marginally better than F3 and doesn't hold a candle to FPSes made years ago.
That's the point. This game has no reedming qualitites whatsoever. It's not RPG, it's a shitty FPS, it's a shitty Sims knock-off, it's a shitty open world game.
Even F3 had some reedeming qualities, at least it was still trying to be an RPG even if lacking and the world was full of more-or-less unique locations. Not the case in F4.
It's shit. I had fun with all Fallouts (except for BoS) and finished all of them at least once, but dropped F4 after Glowing Sea because I realized there is nothing more in this game to be seen or enjoyed.
What a waste of my fucking time.
I only like Todd Howard Fallout's
Have you actually played it or are you just typing to hear the little clicking noises from the fun board? The main part of Fallout 4 became the fps elements and those were satisfying enough to get most people 10+ hours. It's a mediocre to very good shooter.
>it's a shitty Sims knock-off
>Have you actually played it or are you just typing to hear the little clicking noises from the fun board?
What part of
>but dropped F4 after Glowing Sea because I realized there is nothing more in this game to be seen or enjoyed
Didn't you understand?
> The main part of Fallout 4 became the fps elements and those were satisfying enough to get most people 10+ hours. It's a mediocre to very good shooter.
No it's not. It's below medicore shooter in comparsion to FPSes made years ago, like for example FarCry 3/4 (which actually have pretty much the same amount of "RPG elements" as F4) and godawful given that it's fucking 2016.
No one asked about them and they were half-assed. Not to mention a lot of places in the world are empty because devs expect you to do the world building for them.
>compared to Far Cry 3/4
>below mediocre
>implying FPS have advanced considerably in even the past 5 years
Weren't the settlements a reaction to the criticism of the world building in Fallout 3?
>implying FPS have advanced considerably in even the past 5 years
They did advance, never saidt hey did considerably.
And if they didn't, how does it matter it still has below medicore gunplay when compared to those FPS games with similar amount of "RPG elements" (whcih got reduced to character progression and a simple choice form time to time). Hell FarCry 3/4 both have more endings than F4.
It's not a good FPS. Stop being delusional. Shit like in this webm wouldn't fly in any FPS game that wants to call itself to be even remotely good at being an FPS.
Well it's a very bad reaction then, given they made world building even worse.
One bad reloading animation amongst about 20 weapons doesn't just disqualify Fallout 4 as a bad shooter. That's fucking stupid. And you stated the year we're currently in as if FPS were making huge strides gameplay which they really aren't. It's a MEDIOCRE (so middling) to good shooter. It gets most of that part right because it is very enjoyable and there's some depth to the weapons and customization. And there is depth. It doesn't have ammo types like NV but it's still an upgrade.
I just bought Fallout 4 expecting to be able to VATS all the way through. Is there a good build for this or is it simply not the case?
Does Sup Forums hate Fallout 3 or 4 more?
dumb frogposter
>One bad reloading animation amongst about 20 weapons doesn't just disqualify Fallout 4 as a bad shooter.
It's not one bad reloading animation, all of them share the same mistakes, both cosmetic only and those that affect them gameplay. It's embarassing really, given than even fucking F3 didn't have some of those, not to mention NV.
>spend cases are fucking looped to get back inside the gun even though devs knew it's going to be visible in VATS
>PC always drives the bolt forward in all reloading animations
>in some animations he sometimes doesn't even reach for a new mag, just takes the mag out and puts it back like nothing happened
>not a single animation in the game tracks if there is still a round in the chamber or not
>all weapons with integral magazines are always reloaded with as many rounds as the mag holds, not matter how many are still inside
And before you say "lol I don't care about details", it's not only details like this. It's still the same old gunplay from F3/NV, but marginally more fluid and with leaning.
I can't believe you are actually still trying to defend F4 gunplay and call it a good shooter. I don't give a fuck what your standards are and if you liked it or not, but it's a bad FPS.
It's bad when compared to titles made years ago, it's bad when compared to todays titles, it's only marginally better than F3/NV, which also were bad at the time, but at least had other things to make up for it.
I tend to to see people complaining about how 4 was too mainstream and that New Vegas was a godlike game.
Oh I'm sure more people hate 4 hands down. I loved 4, but I can see why people hate 4.
What the fuuuuuuuuck... I don't care anymore. Why does every Fallout thread become shitposting? Why can't I talk about the future of Fallout without having to trade paragraphs about which Fallout I spent the most time bullshitting in and which one wasn't as shit as the other? Like, does anybody actually like these games or is it all meant to somehow piss off someone else in the fanbase? Like fuck.
I'm willing to talk about the future of Fallout games, user.
Legit question: Do you think a large enough group of people could petition new writers for the fallout franchise?
>critique is shiposting
If anyone is shitposting here then it's you given that your post has literally no merit whatsoever.
>Why can't I talk about the future of Fallout
And what do you want to talk about? Not much to talk about really.
It will continue to be a Bethesda side project focused on making as much additional money as possible, with no regard to quality as long as it sells (because anything more than that would be wasted rescources, which means less money). That's the way it is and is going to be, like it or not.
While anything resembling effort will put in Elder Scrolls instead.
Not really. They have no reason to hire new writers given that it would cost mnoey and the game sells just fine as is.
Im sick of ghouls
Im sick of swamps
Im sick of islands
Im sick of playing an fps where every enemy AI makes only the boring shotgun and 50.cal rifle not frustrating
Im sick of the disparity between love and care in worldbuilding/consistemcy between this and elder scrolls
Its no wonder people prefer Obsidian. Even fags that dont appreciate old style fallout can at least respect them, cant say that for Bethesda
You literally say nothing of value but my post has no merit. oh jesus.
All you did was complain that people don't want to talk to you.
While I explained to you in detail why there is not much to talk about. The future of Fallout is clear as day and there is not much that can be changed about it.
Sounds to me like you don't actually want to talk, you just want us to tell you things you want to hear. Well in that case you can fuck off right away.
To be fair I don't think many people know who Obsidian is.
Fallout and Bethesda on the box had more to do with sales of NV than Obsidians name.
If you don't agree just look at Obsidian on their own.
If it's some change.org petition I highly doubt Bethesda will ever care but I mean maybe with enough feedback, they could get a few new people. I know that Tim Cain works at Obsidian now, so if Obsidian were ever tasked with making a New Vegas sequel, I'm sure he and some Fallout 1 and 2 veterans would probably head the development of the game. But in terms of Bethesda hiring new writers, I doubt it. Would be nice to get some fresh blood to write some of the new games but I agree with .
Fuck sorry, meant to say .
You were talking about the gun reloading animations as if what can't be seen on screen is more important than player experience. I try to escape that topic because it's basically derailing the thread and when I say I want to talk about the future of Fallout you say what has to be the most trite and cynical thing that IS SAID OFTEN in these threads. I'm not looking for an echo chamber, i'm looking for meaningful discussion which you do not have.
stop this fucking shit, it's not funny anymore
user, if you want new things stop reviewing games with 10/10 9/10 95/100
so that the game devs know they need to change something up instead of doing same shit over and over and over
it's not a joke and I really believe that Bethesda could be forced to make some drastic changes if fans made their mind to. I'm just asking a general question as to how likely it could be. And that's not what this thread is really about. It's for everyone to really discuss the Fallout series.
>shits on FO3
>praises NV
>puts it before the originals
heh..... nothing personal kid...... isometric rpgs are so passe......
That's generally what fallout threads do these days. Make all those claims.
>if fans made their mind to
You have to realize that you are part of a like
>I'm not looking for an echo chamber
It's not an echo chamber for no reason. As I said, not much more to say.
>i'm looking for meaningful discussion which you do not have
Well shit, keep looking then, I don't see much to talk about beyond what was already. Good luck I guess.
What about dark souls? What about Dragon's Dogma?
Those were for a PC release, not fucking firing and rehiring the writing staff.
>it's not a joke and I really believe that Bethesda could be forced to make some drastic changes if fans made their mind to.
Most Bethesda customers are entirely happy with what the studio is doing. There is a reason why your overage used thinks Fo3 is better than New Vegas. It's sad, it's wrong but it's also the reality.
so you should stop and think about your own post for a second
you're unironically praising realism or something related to realism, instead of discussing the game
and to OP, they just need to make an effort, they already know what the players want. just some better writing would have fixed most of FO4's problems
>peaked interest
Come on, dude.
>just some better writing would have fixed most of FO4's problems
No, it would not. An entirely different design philosophy and complete overhaul of just about all core gameplay mechanics would solve most of Fo4's problems.
Please, for clarity, what core gameplay elements?
>/r9k/ frog
Fuck off
I was more talking about the fact that even the FPS part of the game is not that good because that other user was claiming they are "medicore to very good".
>and to OP, they just need to make an effort, they already know what the players want
>just need to make an effort
This is not a matter of "just". They don't make any effort because there is no reason to. Fallout is not their baby, TES is.
>just some better writing would have fixed most of FO4's problems
Again, some better writing is not easily done. The world building could use some work to, not to mention internal consistency etc.
But as you said, it all boils down to effort. Things is, seeing how little effort they put in the game, it won't be easily fixed.
Guys stop!
Todd I know that's you
Remember, both your games are still worse than 1/2/NV
But if Bethesda aren't fucking stupid they'll reach out to Obsidian again.
>Please, for clarity, what core gameplay elements?
Problem solving systems outside of combat for starters. That is the option to actually solve quests by other means than shooting things. Basically the entire set of ways to interact with the environment would need to be changed. While we are at it, shooting things needs to be overhauled entirely too: the game does a piss poor job of combining skill based and stat-based elements together.
Fallout 4 is a shitty game with a poorly designed combat, and even worse design of interaction and environment. It's sole appeal lies in the scale of the environment and the endless parade of extremely shallow basic mini games and micro-features, none of which can stand out on it's own.
For it to become a decent game, serious changes would have to be done.
>I've seen some ebin "FALLOUT 2'S WRITING IS LOLSOWACKY GARBAGE" meme posted quite a few times.
But it is. Probably half of the script is references and memes.
I think the worst thing is that Bethesda is fucking lazy and doesn't care. Obsidian said that looping animations for lever action rifles, hunting shotguns, revolvers etc. were really tough to implement because the engine is a piece of shit and it broke the reloading all the time. However, they insisted to make it work and they did, despite their limited development time and resources.
And then comes Bethesda 6 years later with a fuck ton of development time and they can't be assed to implement it because it's tough. Pathetic.