Any one else interested in titanfall 2? Hope they remove the card system
Not particularly interested in Overwatch or battleborb
Too slow and too casual and too moba
Any one else interested in titanfall 2? Hope they remove the card system
Not particularly interested in Overwatch or battleborb
Too slow and too casual and too moba
I dunno. Maybe. Might check it out if the demo ever goes up.
>More casual than Titanfall
Yeah lol
I burnt out on Titanfall after playing it nonstop for the first month. I am definitely looking forward to trying out the second one. Especially now that they have a Single Player Campaign.
Sorry user but SLOW CASUAL and MOBA are a terrible mix
I hope they add more Titan customization. And sliding just to add that little bit of flow to an already smooth gameplay system.
Their maps were great, I expect more solid map designs.
Some more interesting gamemodes, slightly higher Pilot HP, and the removal of Attrition would be nice.
Kinda ruined Titanfall 1 for myself when I realised Attrition could be won by just cutting a few pilots up, dropping a Titan with an Arc Cannon and just shooting NPCs, letting the arcing lightning wipe entire groups for me until I won without really needing to kill anybody.
I literally turned an FPS into a grinding game.
Nah. First one was good but I'm not interested in more. There's really nothing they can do to improve it anyway. I think I've gone of multiplayer games. 10 hours then I'm done.
>Mfw they removed ctf and it was the only game mode my friends and I played
I feel like everyone burned out on it within the first month. It was a great month though
I thought their AI was fantastic, their little quips and comments, especially around the Pilot was a nice touch. It made you feel like you were important or something, which explains why your character fights so impressively well.
The AI should be removed everywhere but Attrition.
MfD better return. That was my favourite mode.
>tfw you played it throughout the year
They added so much free stuff.
What are you smoking? CTF is still in the game, it's just barren.
Is it coming to Steam this time? Because the first one was pretty much Xbone exclusive.
If EA still publishes it, then no.
>exclusive to Origin
dead on arrival
maybe if they do a PS4 version with M&K support
Is that possible? I remember one of the old consoles had Rushmore does PS4 and does anything use it?
PS4 has actual M&K support, you can find it in the options menus on the system.
Only a few games support it though, Paragon is one I know for a fact supports it.
Overwatch is a team based shooter. Maybe you should have played the beta turbo pleb.
The Titans were great, by far the best part of the game the parkour was "alright" and the homing pistol was cancer.
I wish the Titans have more survivability this time around, they felt too similar to being a human.
Yes. One game I'm for sure buying this year.
Tfw I just realized titanfall is more of a moba than overwatch because of the bots
I heard in a live stream they said there would be zero g fights. Really hope they just add a bunch of content. Really like the movement system.
I did play it
How does your rebuttal refute my points?
What are they doing, cannibalizing their tech from cod infinite warfare?
Titanfall 2 is going to be on PS4 user.
Titanfall 2 has been announced first
CTF and Pilot Hunter were removed from the public playlist when i played
that means nothing if it doesn't have M&K support
Why don't you just play on PC
>Durr Nobody plays! I have a Sup Forums view of origin;
Not true. If you are on the east coast you can find a full campaign or attrition match any time.
Are you playing on PC? because Xbone has every playlist.
>nobody playing
fuck that
Then play on PC retard.
I was fucking IMPRESSED by how crisp both the aiming and the hit detection were in titanfall. EA does shitty stuff most of the time, but with titanfall they fucking nailed it, especially with the parkour. really hope they expand on the movement mechanics
Origin is better than steam. Better customer service, better refund policy, and takes less resources to run
If anything the games like cod advanced and blops3 borrowed from titanfall. They all had their version of an advanced movement system.
>Giving EA the credit when it was Respawn
This was 2 years ago i have no idea what the game looks like now
Remove cards
Remove lock on gun
Or my interest is removed.
>Not liking burn cards
They're shitty handouts
Just because you like it doesn't mean it isn't casual, auto aiming and wall hacks built into the game, and designed for consoles
Really just a shitpost m8
Rng bullshit.
no room for a competitive environment when rng is involved.
It has a lot of potential as a competitive game as long as a few changes are made
I loved the game all the way up to the coop game mode update and played for another few months or so after that.
Almost all of the maps are so well designed to support the game's wallrunning, finding all sorts of really effective routes to the point where you were flying across the map. While the balance was alright at the start, the one big balance update made the few weaker weapons up to par with the rest. Everything was worth using.
I'm looking forward to the sequel just as much for the ability to fly around in a singleplayer playground as I am for multiplayer getting my pals back together. No other shooter held our attention for so long in a long time, we usually lost interest in a game after a month or two.
>damn I wanna make a thread about an irrelevant game but nobody will reply
> I know! I'll talk shit about a popular game, that'll surely bring in some replies!
Here's your (you)
Tell that to CSGO or I don't know any card game
>tfw free ogre titan free autoaim pistol and free cloak
Smug as a pug desu
I still play this it's better than any fps out
Oh did i upset the widdle overbabby? Oh poo babby sorry i hurt your feewings
Add being a laggy brazillian to your post and its everything that made me uninstall that shitty game
Alright, user. Here we go, the competition rules set that no burn cards are to be used or only certain ones/certain packs (You can set what cards if any you have in your stack)
The bots dont do anything though compared to mobas. It's basically shooting the terrain to farm attrition
>Free ogre titan
You mean a Titan sooner, not free. As you are taking up a burn card slot and Titans eventually become available even if you do nothing. Titan cards are a waste
>Free smart pistol
Amped weapon cards are the worse ones you can use, such a waste. Also your wording implies otherwise it wouldn't be free
>Free cloak
See above. You just choose all the worst cards and you think they're good. You either don't play the game or are bad
And once you die all of these are gone. Just wasted 3 cards in one go and you don't get anymore the entire match
EA didn't make it, it was Respawn who are made of the original CoD 1-2 devs.
You know what's even funnier? THe game is on fucking Source engine and has really good hit detection
You faggots ruin everything you touch.
This tbqh. If you want to play competitively with friends or whatever you can make your own rules.
If by "Competitive scene" you mean wanting to watch "pros" play the game you should probably kill yourself
This thread makes me regret uninstalling Titanfall. Such a huge reinstall
EA had little to do with it.
Respawn, the original Infinity Ward COD team that bailed because Acti was shitting all over them, did it all. Their only affiliation with EA is using the Partner Program for publishing and Origin for matchmaking. They are otherwise in full control of their title.
They gutted pretty much every part of the shitty Source Engine and put in all their own stuff. In an interview, they explicitly mentioned that they replaced Valve's networking with their own. I was afraid to head that they were using Source, but the game runs beautifully.
Grunts and Spectres were just fodder as a means to reduce your Titan counter.
However later on in the round, they became more dangerous as they would begin to carry lock-on rocket launchers relative to the number of Titans on the field and squads would be composed of more Spectres than Grunts.
At a distance, they were no big deal with their poor accuracy, but they could be a danger when you're in small spaces just because they can bodyblock you at doorways and take you down easily with melee attacks.
i liked the smart pistol
and i thought it was balanced pretty well
Oh really? That's cool. I think the 2nd game will be on Source again but more updated
It fucking destroyed this games reputation. Fact is it's a terrible slow gun, but everyone hears "Auto aim pistol" and everyone shits on it.
Funny how Overwatch has a lot of the same stuff and people are flocking to it
>Unironically enjoying when filthy thirdworlders can get invis and autoaim
Games are better when everyone is on a level playing field
That's when everyone is symmetrical or the game is asymmetrical/class based, but balanced via symmetry
Hey, if you played the game you'd understand that the cloak is made to fool Titan sensors and not the human eye. The cloak does not hide you from other pilots out of their titans.
>AUto aim
Nobody uses the SP because in the amount of time it takes to lock on you could have killed the player with any other weapon faster. The SP is only good for mining AI
I know people complained about it, but thats mostly because they were salty about dying from it and automatic targeting is a huge taboo
for overwatch, i know that 76's ult does the same thing, but i can't think of anything else
also halo got away with the needler for years without titanfall levels of bitching
No, Respawn will suck on Microsofts hard cock again to use Azure servers, no server matchmaking available, again.
The game isn't only on xbox and PC. It's on PS4 now too. That deal was for only the first game
OW doesn't give you an always-ready autoaim, its at least restrained by time&score
But you do get an instant lock instead of one that takes 5 seconds and a full auto rifle too. SP is a primary
I had little problem with the Smart Pistol, however Smart+Cloak players were real pain in the ass.
On PC, the ease of staying on target "enough" for the SP to keep locking on versus precision aiming with any other weapon when one or both players are deliberately jumping around frantically really put the favor in the hands of the SP user.
But ultimately it was nothing a shotgun / satchel / R-97 / Stim+getting some distance can't fix.
>because in the amount of time it takes to lock on you could have killed the player with any other weapon faster.
Not quite. Depending on how close the pilot is to the center of the Smart Pistol cone, each of the three lock-ons take 0.37 to 0.64 seconds to lock on. One to two seconds for an "instant" kill. If the SP user isn't seen coming in advance, he can take you out before you even notice you're being shot in the head.
No other weapon besides the shotgun point blank or the two scoped rifles have a chance of killing you in "one shot", and only with ideal aiming using other weapons would you be able to kill players as quickly as you could with an SP.
It's why the Cloak is one of the most dangerous combinations for the SP. Where I would be able to prepare to intercept approaching enemies with the Radar Pulse, Cloak hides him from even that.
Azure is a service they pay for and was only used for the dedicated servers. They don't "suck on microsofts dick". Origin was used for Matchmaking. Neither of them are limited to a specific platform.
Cloak does nothing unless you're in a titan at which point SP isn't going to harm you
just like quake 3 arena power ups huh
oh wait
you ESPORTS cunts can just remove them/ ban them
burn cards keep things fluid