Found Archdreagon Peak on his first playthrough

>found Archdreagon Peak on his first playthrough


> They did this in Bloodborne
> ENB is bad at this game

I found it too but it was due to message with 500 approvals saying "gesture here".

You can connect the dots but you are naive if you think ENB is playing 100% blind.

Ok what the fuck is this

Daily threads about this beta gook lover? You're like 5 years late Sup Forums, as always

I was watching him since his DeS playthrough, added him on steam and played DaS with him, he never plays blind, he has people messaging him nonstop about all the shitty things in these games

Plus his videos are too long, and he plays like a pussy desu

>blind playthrough

as if

>added him on steam

>implying he didn't "accidentally" read a spoiler in his twitter

>dark fire link

>Hello y'all

It's pretty clear how if you're autistic about the item descriptions, and ENB is just that.


i'm just skipping through most of his stuff now. Was really dissapointed when he ruined Gundyr for himself by summoning because he wanted to rush to dark firelink

how the fuck could you not find it?
> walk out of the dungeon
> all these dragon people sitting on a cliff
> they're all in a sitting position
> big empty rug, waiting for your hollow ass
gee I wonder what would happen if you do the dragon gesture?

>finds archdragon peak
>huh okay nothing special they did it in BB

>finds dark firelink
>best area in souls ever!!!

>even though BB that that too

There were not three Workshops in Bloodborne and there were not what Firelink is.
They were very specifically the dream and the real thing.

I found it, It was pretty obvious that the dragon statue was looking over at something and with the rug next to him I figured I had to do the same sitting position next to him.

After 5 games in the series this is pretty obvious, although I would be surprised if ENB found it through the same thought process since he has missed a load of shortcuts in the latter half of this playthrough.

i feel like he's making the playthrough artificially longer by playing like an absolute retard, just to pump out a lot of episodes...

Das lore, mane

>runs away from enemies in Wyvern fight
>turns around before the ladder and runs back into the enemies

Well most people don't have the gesture at that point to be fair.

Frankly I was surprised he found Archdragon Peak without reading any spoilers.


>Summoned for both Ocerios and Gunydr


>I didn't pop second chance again

Although to be fair, I think some of you are being a bit harsh on him. He's been playing the Souls games for years and obviously has a deep insight with the game so he would know how the developers would think.

It's not like it's super complicated. The first time i saw it, it was pretty obvious that you had to use a gesture for something to happen.
Just by the time i got the gesture i almost forgot about the place

>hunter's workshop
>stumble across a spooky alternate version of the hub that is attached to the rest of the world, and realize that the other version you've been visiting for the whole game is some kind of illusion

>dark firelink
>stumble across a spooky alternate version of the hub that is attached to the rest of the world, and realize that the other version you've been visiting for the whole game is some kind of illusion

Bravo Miyazaki.

>everyone mad at ENB for lying about a blind playthrough
If you want some XTREME salt then you should see the zaibatsu play through it.

are you retarded? he said he was surprised yet did anticipate the gesture thing. then a loading screen later he was jizzing all over how cool that area looked. that "huh nothing special they did it in BB" was just about the gesture part.

and autists like you give him shit when you're too dumb do watch a video.

This, I got to Soul Of Cinder at Level 65, Pat was fucking 64 at Abyss Watchers.

I use to love them but around the time they did the Demon Souls stream I fucking dropped them.
That playthrough made me physically ill.

I found it too

After going online checking what I missed, after killing soul of cinder :^)

>added him on steam

>finds dusk's crown near a tree
>fighting creighton
Fucking pat I swear.

It's pretty obvious. I didn't need any kind of hint.

Yeah. Summoned NPC's. All they do is make the bosses harder by adding more health. They're shit.

is this the equivalent to spoderman?

>level ONE HUNDRED before setting foot in Lothric Castle
>without doing any optional areas

True, but it's a pretty big clue about what needs to be done. Anyone who explored the game and fought Ocerois would have found the gesture. By then it should 'click'. It's by no means a well hidden secret.

Smouldering Lake was better hidden. I just stumbled across it when the 'descend' prompt came up. Turns out heaps of people never knew it existed

>leveled to SL 100
>'levels don't matter'
>'good thing I leveled or I would've died from that attack'