I've be purposely avoiding Sup Forums for a bit to start and finish Uncharted 4 because I know you faggots would spoil...

I've be purposely avoiding Sup Forums for a bit to start and finish Uncharted 4 because I know you faggots would spoil it. Now that I'm done I really wanna get everyone's opinion on it. I really liked it and I do think it surpasses 2. Sam and qt daugher are great. I don't think there was enough gun gameplay though.

Solid 4/5 for me
Shooting sections are actually fun because you can't throw the granades back at enemies and the encounter maps are designed well.
Multiplayer is pretty good.
The gameplay modifiers add to replayability and fun.

The climbing section got tiresome real fast though.
Graphics, set pieces and animations are amazing.
Worthy conclusion to the series, I was satisfied.

Yeah this actually sums up my feelings pretty well. I'm just about to get into multiplayer and the intro was promising. The level of space you have in the shooting sections led to so awesome situations.


Some user said Uncharted 1's first 5 chapters have more shootouts than the entirety of Uncharted 4.


> Longest Uncharted
> Anazing graphics
> Best gunplay and combat
> stealth is actually viable now
> combat sections really well designed, can approach and navigate many ways, not just a shooting gallery.
> Acting was all 10/10
> Fan service was also great
> lots of fun cheats and filters
> Pirate Sigil puzzle was really cool.
> Car chase in Madagascar is probably my favourite Vechile level in any game ever.
> Ending was nice and happy, it was never a super serious or depressing series and everyone living happy ever after is deserved after 4 games.
> Sam's "twist" took me completly by surprise, but on reflection it was telegraphed a lot. Good writing.
> The grapple.

> Took too long to really get going, game one properly started in Scotland
> No supernatural element
> Sam's introduction sorta retcons some stuff from 3
> Nadine was a wasted character, far less interesting than other "henchmen leaders" from the series.

Nadine just kinda left at the end of 4 untouched, so she just gets away with everything? Are they trying to leave that door open if they wanna revisit the series or something?

It's pretty sad, Uncharted 1's shootouts were pretty poor, mostly just rooms with conviensnt chest high cover and waves of bad guys. Playing through it I wanted less gunfights because they all played out the same and wernt very interesting (it gets better last 1/3 of game).

Conversally 4 had great level design and tons of cool stuff to do in firefights (stealth, rope swings etc...) but thee just wasn't enough.

Hopefully the DLC adds even more wide open combat areana's (the one from Chapter 13 was great, but could still get bigger and more complex) and has a bunch of them.

Young Sully DLC when?

Literally perfect. I actually love the lack of shooting, that was my main complain in previous uncharteds, way too many bullet enemy sponges that ruin the pace of the game. Now the pacing feels a lot more natural, and the shooting sections actually feel like they have an impact and fit in.

Drake just killing hundreds of people for 80% of the game ruined the atmosphere, that's the main problem with "cinematic games". Naughty dog has literally mastered the "cinematic game" genre.

Loved it
I was looking for a great story & it delivered
Towards the end I felt the story dragged on just a little too much but it was still enjoyable

Really loved the game, was almost perfect for me.

The feeling of adventure, the relatable characters and the interesting treasure hunt and Libertalia itself, awesome.

Didn't really like Nadine and her ending, though. Would've been better if she did something instead of just disappearing near the end. There was no reason not to just replace her with Rafe.

Also, really liked the Easter Eggs and Trophys this time. The pic releated trophy was nice.

Forgot to add that the final fight in the game really sucked, though. The epilogue after that weak fight saved everything, but still...

second best game in the series, better then 1 and WAY BETTER then 3. (i hated 3) but not as good as 2

the story was really well done and had more depth to it then any other videogame ive ever played. They managed to make like subtle things come across like drake missing his old life just through acting.

its probably the best looking and most advanced game ive played.

The ending was really really good. i was absolutely sure they were going to screw it up but they did it perfectly. the epilogue was a really nice surprise as well.

is there any co op stuff? i tried a match in MP but i forgot to check for co-op

>yfw Cassie, the daughter will continue the legacy.

But let me correct, 2=4 > 3 > 1

I also loved the game, especially the graphics, atmosphere and the story.

Story and characters were good but nowhere near good enough to warrant how absolutely in love it seems to be with its own storytelling.

>Boat chase flash forward
>Kid Drake flashback
>Young Drake flashback
>Opening credits
>Mundane Drake life

I really really liked the average Joe Drake part in the beginning, but the game could have EASILY started there without the annoying flashforward and flashbacks. I get that they have to establish Sam as his genuine brother, but the beginning was so slow it made me wonder when the actual Uncharted part of the game would begin.

what did sam retcon? I can barely remember 3 bar some setpieces.

The storytelling is the primary reason the normies play it, so it makes sense

No actual hard-retcons, but just changes a lot of what 3 implied.

3 had a flashback to 14ish year old Drake meeting Sully for the first time, everything points to Nate being alone at that point and Sully acting as his first real "family" in a long time.

But then in 4 its revealed that Sam was there all along, and taught him all that he knows. Kinda lessens Sully's importance.

The only actual 100% retcon is Nate knowing how to use the rope, since he cant do it in 2 and needs Tenzin to throw the rope each time.

Both of these could have easily been fixed:
> "Kill" Sam 10 years earlier, promised to teach Nate how to Rope-throw but went to prison before he could.
> Nate ends up all alone
> Meets Sully, doesnt want to talk about Sam, because he doesnt want to bring up his dead brother. Never tells anyone.
> Sam gets out of prison 25 years later instead of 15, teachs Nate to rope-throw.

Option 1:

Buy ps4, buy Uncharted.

Option 2:

Watch Sodapoppin play through the entire game on Twitch.

Bro, it's worth it.

So I think I am going to do a replay, I just cant decide if i want to use Cell Shaded render or Tri Color

>wanting some faggot to talk over a story driven game

Yeah nah, shill your twitch elsewhere.

Cell is awesome, I'd go bullet time as well, super fun.

Do you guys think the multiplayer has legs and will be active for a long time? It's fucking addicting.

not enough shooting/ action

without that, Uncharted is just a walking (and climbing) simulator

This guy get it.