Which game is better?

Which game is better?

Darkest Dungeon

S&S is an uninspired platformer that tries to be a 2D Dark Souls and looks like shit

They are nothing alike. But personally I prefer Salt and Sanctuary, since it's not reliant on RNG.
Darkest Dungeon does have it beat in style, though. Not that hard, seeing how little they had to animate.

They're not even remotely the same.

Do you want to lose cause RNG fucked you over or because enemy attacks are impossible to read half the time?.

If you want something intelligently designed, grim, and bitterly rewarding then play Darkest Dungeon.

If you want something vaguely resembling the unintended children of Castlevania and Dark Souls, including the shallow vanity and vapid intellect of adolescence, then play Salt and Sanctuary.

Of course these games are not even the same genre and comparing them is a bit daft. Also I've played like 50 hours of S&S.

Bottom game seems very memey to me. Might be the poor choice of title.

they're both completely different
neither of them is particularly good
darkest dungeon is better

>intelligently designed

never played DD, but I liked S&S a lot.

Don't think they're anywhere near similar so not sure why you would compare them.

OP doesn't compare them, he asks which one is better

You should have played the other game. You would have made better use of that salt.

>walk by a chest
>walk down a hallway
>notice a rock
>rest at a fire

I can't stand the 'Darkest Dungeon is just RNG' meme. If you have more than 1-2 squad wipes in a playthrough then either:

-You're not upgrading your heroes' gear/skills.
-You're not thinking through team compositions.
-Your tactics are shit.
-You don't know when to retreat.

Basically, DD is only reliant on RNG if you suck ass. A good player can win missions 99% of the time.

Which is about the same as asking

Which is better, Uncharted 4 or that Uncharted card collecting game they released on the vita?

I mean, literally why. They're not the same genre, so by what measurement is someone supposed to judge if one is better than the other?



I was really enjoying DD till it dawned that whenever I need to replace a lost member I need to practically level up a whole new party to accompany them due to level restrictions. Been a while since I played so dunno if they eased the grind any.

I played both and DD is better until you get the hang of it.
Then it becomes tedious and boring, since if you ever party wipe late game it can't possibly be anyone's fault but the rng's.
Knowing that the only difficulty you'll face in the game is a dice roll really drains the fun from it.

Uncharted 4 is better.

See? You can answer that one, why not this one?

>Playing S&S
>Meet some Saltless
>They kill me a few times
>Finally beat them
>2 more instantly respawn beneath me and kill me
Great game

Fuck off I've played and beaten all the xcoms on the hardest difficulty minus terror from the deep. This game is literally only RNG when people in your party can just decide not to do anything because of a illness or just plain decide to kill themselves

It's possible to say which thing is better even if the two things completely different.
What is better, pizza or punching yourself in the face?

>limiting yourself to binary states of existence
>not punching yourself in the pizza

see as I see, friend

this frustrated me so much

Darkest dungeon is 1/3 of a game which you most likely will never finish.

There's basically 3 tiers of dungeons, normal, veteran and champion. The games problem is that character progression basically stops after normal dungeons and there is nothing new left to explore in the game besides harder hitting monsters with more HP. Even if you kill them there's nothing new to the game, it doesn't matter how many you kill them.

Why? Because all the characters traits and all of the items in the game are introduced in the normal difficulty dungeons and there's nothing new once you finish them. There's no new character traits, quirks or items.

So it's 1/3 of a whole game. Don't buy it until they make it a real game.

>durrr how do I prevent stress damage?

>Using the wiki to not automatically fail is good game design
