Overwatch is coming soon

>overwatch is coming soon
>wont be able to heal all the strong heroes

ur stupid & gay.

>get 44 kills
>on a 18 player killstreak
>get the POTG
>everyone's voting for the enemy Mercy at the end of the match and no one for me

Remove these fucking healsluts

>waaaah no one upvoted me!!
end yourself 2bh

supports have been shit on and underappreciated since the dawn of time. let them have their day in the sun you fucking baby.

>muh kills

Only objectives/support count.

This is in every single mercy game though, regardless if the Mercy is shit and only has healed 4k hp. It's like it's canon that Mercy drops down to her knees and sucks off everyones dicks after a game.


>that one sissy faggot (OP) ITT that keeps trying to make this thread a gay ERP thread instead of a videogame thread

Getting POTG with Mercy brings such joy. Especially if it's a killstreak. "My character can barely kill, but you're so shit I can still rekt all of you."


>Not letting fair-skinned Mercy rub her dandy long fingers along your cock, looking smugly up to you and whisper how much of a brave 'Held' you are and that's she going to make sure you dispense all of that 'Leckeres Sperma' right between her lips.

What the fuck are you even talking about?
I don't play shitty PC games, I just know when I see a faggy ass shitty thread


>imblying you wouldn't a boy that acts like a girl

No I wouldn't because penises are gross
You literal faggots make me sick to my goddamn stomach


for what purpose

ill buy it for you if you suck my ween

>(male) || (female) || (anything)
fuck right off
kill yourself you stupid cock-having faggot

>being entirely straight

>succubus (male)

that would be an incubus, why cant the japanese get anything right

Send me ur email user.

I feel generous today. Fuck it. 40 bucks or not let's make one faggot happy today.

incubus = something that fuck
succubus = something that get fucked

Doesn't matter if it's female or not

No i mean the translation (male)
that would make it and incubus and not succubus

>clearly a tripfag

I bet you won't do it
Don't be rude

Then fucking bring it on faggot.

I will deliver.

So where does one buy Overwatch for PC? I know that this game is not on Steam

[email protected]

I'm waiting :o)

Supports are usually never popular in games but Overwatch changed that. Turn a support into a blonde haired waifu and all of a sudden everyone likes support.

I'm not OP


just over 30 hours now, cant wait to heal all the strong tanks and my lover pharah.

>Overwatch changed that
hell fucking no
it's still just fags who only care about Call of Dutying it up with 6 attack characters on a team
they don't care about team comp or synergy only that they still get to be hanzo or genji or reaper


Pharah is best

Here [email protected]
Will see if you are serious

that anatomy fucking sucks her ass starts below where her ass should be

that guy drew her vagina like where a dick comes out
vaginas are less than an inch away from buttholes

>[email protected]
>Less than fucking 18 years old
>no pic proving that he is OP


Sure thing, mein Schatz.

>thinking le Sup Forums can hack ur email


I once posted email and some user sent me a pic of his butt
Also post proof if you receive OW

Retards like this make OW look bad.

Fuck off, degenerate queerposter.

>missed out on buying the game when it was like 35$ bucks
>refuse to pay $40+
>demand so tremendously huge that prices are rising everywhere instead of dropping

what do i do...

Well here goes my dreams to be the best healer in the world
Didnt recieve anything, probably wont. Sad.

>everyone's voting for the enemy Mercy
Lying isn't nice, user.

As an actual german lemme tell you that sperma isn't a sexy word.

buff/heal all the pharahs!

You're years l8 for this b8, m8.

muh dick


It was so much fun in the beta, now Im left behind

>game is shit
>short matches, social jerkoff segments, no servers, no chance at a community
>Mercy sucks, playing her is boring as shit and has very little for you to excel in
>still want to play as her and see my name next to her at the end of the match

Short matches are good

you can play a game before work or school or when you have to go out

>sperma isn't a sexy word

Maybe it isn't because you're a prude 14 year old.

Then play on your mobile phone you casual piece of shit if all you want is fill up the time between being a drone.

>Play D.Va
>Mercy on team
>I've got infinite sustain no need to stick with her
>Fly off and get to work knowing my teams in good hands
>come back to find my team hiding behind a Reinhart, getting sucked off, unable to push pass the three opponents I wasn't disrupting

>play Symmetra
>every body crying "need healing"
>teleport up most of game
>mercy joins
>16 teleports
>mercy gets the votes

Why is Mercy such a slut?

>tfw wont be able to get this skin
I love it

how's the view from mt. stupid, user

t. Nongerman

I play heartstone on the go or listen to audio books.

I preferred if you hanged yourself though.

You deserve to be hanged for that skin. There needs to be a better Succubus Mercy than Draenai Mercy

pm'd the fix

Why because u sit in a basement all day on PC?

can't really bring a big ass PC with me to work

If you're so knowledgable in sexy German words, give me one for pussy

Why is being rude tolerated and common, but you faggots hate when other anons are nice to you?

I can't wait to reward my little healslut with my pent up load of thick cum.

I want to be the best healer!!!

you are not getting your dick sucked... you are going to suck the Tanks and DPS dicks.

little healslut get on your knees

No, you misunderstand me. I am the tank. So good little healsluts like will be rewarded with my fat cock and thick seed.

Fotze, mein Kind.

fuck off shill

The funnier part is the support I saw the most was Lucio.

>37 year old spoiled cunt
Get that rotting meat out of here. I'd rather be healed by a nigger or a chromedome.

Ah okay very good :3

user, no one will tell me what to do. I will be the king
Now get me the game!!
[email protected]

Mercy is top cute.

For starters you can stop trying to bait people into buying it for you with your shitty poorfag stories.

Such tiny ambition Mercy. I'm going to be best support.
>tfw my mains have so much sustain they don't need healers.

Not with that manface, you won't.

Looks like I will just have to watch other people being bad at the game

Whatever. Just step through the portal and my delicious round ass will get you shitters the W. That's what I do.

Take consolation in the fact that commendations are meaningless, just like the rest of life.

You didn't deliver user

But your portal's facing the wrong way. Every one who uses it falls off a cliff.

I want to hold hands with mercy

>tfw daydreaming about healing heroes and shooting enemies with my great pistol
>tfw its only a dream

Dont try to be me

>some faggot poorfag avatarposting and begging for a free game
>thread is still going

>People not talking about the best support


He's shit

That's not "FEEL THE RYTHM"

He's not.
It just take more skill than lucio.


But we are!

Doesn't happen, because I've tested in training.


Seriously, it's funny when another Symmetra does this.

No user im sorry he's shit

>tfw my name is selim
i don't know what to make of this

>can solo kill any hero
>and heal from a range

Come at me as i 2 shot your tank and spank your support

>it's a burgers think German and swiss german is the same thread

I know :3