Buyers remorse thread

Post em

I bought Esther on sale for under 1€ because i remember it being praised when it was released.

Have not installed it yet and everytime i start steam im reminded that i could have bought some sweets from the turk store near my apartment.

Its been years but still cant install it.

Anything that i've refunded. Because keeping a bad game when i could be getting my money back just isn't how i roll


Such a deep experiment on what playing videogames is about.
I'm not angry at all that I spent money to walk around the same office building while listening to some guy speak.

I'ts cool.


Forgot my "game"

>castle story
>From the Depths
>Mafia II
>Galactic Civilizations II
>Pixel Piracy
>Silent Hunter 5
>Velvet Assassin
>Might and Magic Heroes VI
>Farming Giant
>Don't Starve
>Fallout I

Did you have no idea what Stanley Parable was? It was worth a pirate, but I can't imagine someone who knew what it was thinking that they wouldn't regret spending money on it

fuck everyone who perpetuated the meme that this game is good

I bought a 980Ti a month ago that was on sale.;_;

I dd and I don't have any remorse. Worth every penny.



Sniper Elite 2
The x-ray killcam thing was a big selling point, and they got me good. It got boring after a while though, and it turns out sitting in one spot forever is boring.
At least I only spent about $13 on it, but I got less than two hours of play time out of it.


I really, really, really thought he would finish it...

Forced myself to finish it once just to feel like it wasnt a complete waste of money.

The combat was the only good thing about the game and even then it would get boring after a while because you fight the same 10 enemies through the whole game. Everything else was pretty shitty.

Dunno why it says only 2 hours. I beat the campaign and tried multiplayer. All shit.

I should of known from the lack of marketing and other obvious shit but shit.

Add in Diablo 3 + Fallout 4.

i got velvet assassin as a gift, still haven't fired it up, why is it bad?

Magicka. It looked pretty fun when I watched Totalbiscuit play it with the Yogscast.

But then I realised it's only fun if you have friends to play it with.

I should have known better

>Expecting anything other than autism and degeneracy from furries

You deserved it.

I got tricked by the backdrops. They did look nice, admittedly.

Terrible game.

no comment.

Shame you cant pirate it. Im only interested in the singleplayer but my counsciousness wont let me pay $60 for a shooter

visually unappealing corridor levels. some mechanics seem bugged. you get spotted and you cant tell why...

I heard it's good they named it just Doom because it's so bad like its from the 90s

Fucking this. Haven't played it in a year and when looking at some gameplay of the most recent patches it looks exactly the same, they haven't addressed any of the core issues at all.


Pretty much all of this but I enjoyed Don't Starve.

at first I expected lots of Battleborn but then I remembered you have to actually buy it for buyers remorse


you take that back

Dark Souls

I couldn't get into this one either.
Everyone praises it for the lightsaber combat, but it just didn't click with me.

>ending & epilogue

>Reign of Kings
Battlefield Hardline

worst battlefield ever

That game actually looks pretty cool

I couldn't get into this game, even though I found it intriguing

>Don't Starve
>buyer's remorse
yeah nah get fucked.

I got this as a gift

should I give it another shot? I didn't even go past the tutorial. the flying controls seemed so retarded even with controller

Yep pretty much this.

I really tried to enjoy this one and the combat is somewhat interesting but I just can't get over how boring and repetitive it is. The world, the enemies, the dialogue, all bland.

While the Pawn system added something new, I much prefer the tried and true party system of games like KoTOR. Having to constantly change out your pawns is annoying when you're constantly looking for new ones every two levels that will compliment your party instead of having consistent characters like Kotor.


Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught Aught

Here's your (you).

*tips contrarian fedora*

>From the Depths
>Velvet Assassin
>Don't Starve
>Fallout I
>not good

I play with a mouse and keyboard just fine, what was the problem?


lol, what?


I have buyer's remorse for days dude.

If you switch the roll and yaw (I think) it controls much more like the standard kind of FPS flight controls we're used to.

I found the flights controls and combat in general really spectacular, but with the overall lack of stuff to really do it got boring.

it barely even worked

is it worth playing?

Same, there was just way too many character building bricks with weird ass names that make no sense.


We ready?

Arkham City
Bad Company 2
Witcher 2
Bioshock Infinite
Payday 2
Red Orchestra 2

All games I bought at full price because I loved their predecessors. All of them turned out awful.

I've since learned my lesson. I haven't bought a new, full priced game since I don't even know when. Possibly whatever the newest releae there was.

There's obviously others that turned out to be actual 0/10 games but not that I paid full price for. Fear 2 for example.

Picked up Rogue Legacy last year, thought it was tedious and a boring slog.

Tried it again in April, same results, so into the trash it went.

>Red orchestra 2
>15 minutes

dude what the hell. go play it now

No. It's shit.

Some of those I can actually understand but
>DMC 4
>Hitman 2
>System shock 2

You have what we call shit taste user

Jesus christ, how much of a faggot you can possibly be

>dawn of war
>jedi academy
what heresy is this?


kill yourself

kys u casual shitter

ns2, jedi academy, cs, grimrock are some of the best games ever made

This is some supreme bait.


There's not really that much to do, if you've already tried combat and didn't like it, don't bother

>Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer
>15 minutes

Admittedly, it's hard to get into, but force yourself through that Training and you have some of the best MP infront of you.

Actually, it needs some patience to get in game. Once you get into it, its an excellent game. Try to stick with tutorial and KB + M is more than enough.
On May 25 there will be 1.6 update which will overhaul the mission and mission givers. Plus some QoL updates (bookmarks etc.).
If you got little enthuisasm about space, game will shine.
Just dont forget : DONT GRIND: Just do whatever you want.
I cant play right now, but after 30th May, i will be active again. Add me if you want : Psittaci.

how many GBP did you have to save up for mumsy to allow you to buy it that you'd actually have remorse over a whole $15

I spend $15 on lunch


You can all go fuck yourself niggers

i spent 120 dollars on that game and made a model in maya to sell on their shop.


why no pirate? does it use denuvo?


God that game is just awful. Bullets never hit or register. Meme players. Meme skins. Same shit maps. Cheaters everywhere. Complete garbage FPS.


People actually enjoyed bc2? Don't you have any dignity?

>Emperor Edition

Game had been out, you must of heard.
You have no one the blame but yourself.

the game is amazing now. yes it had a shit release but it's been patched 1000000 times play it

this is just steam

There will be still be buyers remorse threads after the release, you can wait until then.

Played through it co op cause we got it for free, and I'd never been more bored in my fucking life.

BDO and TOS, I fell for paying for both of them..

I'd bet ANYTHING that you run n gunned with an AK and were upset that you didn't hit anything.
git gud

the community turned fully cancerous by their third challenge coin. I would know, I've been playing since beta.

What are you even trying to imply you babbling retard? It was a sunk cost and I didn't enjoy it, so I wasted money that could've been spent on a good game.

You can refund it if you played less than 2h

It was more of an obligatory post than necessarily serious at the moment.

Like the 9 times I got a working game of Brink going (as in both teams had all players not dc'ing constantly and nothing was crashing) it was actually pretty fun.

Fuck why didn't they just test shit better

not him, but I've found that if you don't get in on the ground floor of those things, you'll always be playing catchup and getting yourself slaughtered by the players with vastly more playtime


it was the last good fps

>he bought goat simulator

you deserve it desu

>mfw there is a significant amount of posts listing Red Orchestra 2

Get good faggot.

can i still refund if its been 2 years?