>these lewd breasts
Who decided that this was acceptable?
>these lewd breasts
Who decided that this was acceptable?
They are not for men's hands so its okay
Who are you to decide that this isn't acceptable?
He's the royal breast authority. Stay out of his way, you shit eating peasant.
Arnice is the dom in the relationship right
They're not real so they can be whatever the fuck you want.
group mindbreak doujins when?
Arnice is the "man" if that's what you mean, but they have a pretty equal relationship.
>winning against cock
are the things that are normally off limits in the real world of the lewd nature?
It's just 12 year olds taking their memes to the heart, better off ignoring it.
Lewdness is not off limits in the real world.
Is this game worth $30? It's cheap on Amazon right now.
I did
It's okay. Worth that price.
is that all this game is good for, lesbian anime tiddies?
>tfw japan being so beta they start thinking effeminate boy too manly and go straight to lesbian.
I was kind of turned off by all the time limits in videos of it too. Are they as restrictive and sucky as they look?
Yeah probably. It's a decent hack and slash with good music and designs. The combat is enjoyable but it won't blow anybody's minds. It's worth more if you like yuri romance like me though.
It's completely unrestrictive. You won't ever run out of time when running around a map.
No. According to MasterLL they're pretty lenient. (With possible time extensions inside dungeons?)
The time limit represents the amount of time you can stay out in the "dungeons" before it gets too dangerous and you automatically get sent back to the hub. 99% of the time you won't notice the timer and you can get upgrades to make it longer anyway.
>dat shiny boobs
Cool. My dick may buy this for me. Thanks.
It's still $70.00 in Canada, what the fuck. I bet it won't ever go down.
What's this from? I can't find it.
Couldn't you order through a US proxy service or something.