What is your honest-to-goodness opinion on lolis? Would you rather have more or less of them in video games?
What is your honest-to-goodness opinion on lolis? Would you rather have more or less of them in video games?
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Stop posting pictures of me please
More Loli's but not disgusting lolis like clementime and that one for the last of us and more cute lolis
and less sjw complaining about loli would also help
As long as they arent censored
There should be a mandatory cute loli in every single videogame.
i don't really care
you're very cute!
if it lines up with your creative vision for the game
They're okay, no more though, there's enough in things like Etrian Odyssey games
We need more cute in games in general.
More loli cuddling!
This interpretation of Tiki is pretty accurate, she acted like this in her first appearance in Fire Emblem, too.
You will never have her game.
>little sister
>has tits
fucking ruined.
For headpats.
Yes please.
I'm fine with them desu.
Only prude burgers are scared of them.
>We need more cute in games in general.
I couldn't really give less of a shit about them. As long as they're not being shoved down my throat at every possible moment, I don't care.
source plz
Hey that my job.
Pico x CoCo x Chico
Why is she smiling?
read the filename
>a loli threads has been up for more than a hours
Is this a new record for neo-Sup Forums?
Definitely more.
yesterday it went long enough to create this
>entire list is Japanese
Why do western devs hate cute girls?
I want more, swinging greatswords and battle-axes and shooting cannons.
And I want more super-buff, bara mages and clerics supporting the team.
Who are you quoting?
No more "millennia old dragon" lolis is all I ask for
Loli SPESS Marines are the best.
Literally pandering to kissless permavirgins. Most games that focus on lolis are complete and utter shit though (which is to be expected considering the audience), so I dont care.
Lolis are cool. Yes, I would like more of them in video games. One can never have enough cute lolis.
>No telltale walking dead on there
You had one job.
Long Live the Queen is a western game that lets you play as a loli. Your point still stands though, the west sucks at the cute girl thing.
It says cute.
>Literally pandering to kissless permavirgins.
Where do you think you are?
I'm going to marry Ashley!
Western little girls are disgusting
Are there any PSP games with playable little girls other than 7th Dragon 2020, Umihara Kawase, and Gurumin? Preferably in 3D, 2D is fine too.
I think you play as a little girl in Child of Light.
That's not a game.
To be fair, Western devs nowadays can hardly do good-looking girls period, let alone cute lolis.
pedos are a blight
Please don't impersonate me, thank you.
>Child of Light
She commits the biggest sin possible and grows up into an adult.
I'll bite this bait.
Less, much less. Why? Because disgusting weeaboo NEET trash who support the justification of children is the exact reason why both vidya gaymes and anime are shit.
You idiots would rather fapperbate to a sexualized child over enjoy good game play and story.
And don't even get me started on the similarities between strippers and female Twitch streamers.
har har *sexualization
> justify lol
You can play as Roll in Megaman Powered Up.
She even has costumes.
As long as it's about video games and doesn't become doujin swapping and/or borderline NSFW, there's no problem
>this post
Triggered tumblerina
Lolis a shit.
Shotas are superior
i'd rather the game have an actual artstyle.
Why no Atelier? Or are those girls to old?
>not having both
Some are a bit old. I think Totori fits just fine though.
>actual artstyle
Western developers can't into loli, and loli in japanese games will be censored. Sad but true.
>not wanting /ss/ with loli
>letting impure women touch cute boys
What's the matter with you, foo?!
What would you have to do to make the cutest little girl? Is it more about the personality, or the looks? Are glasses important?
There's nothing wrong with loli.
That depends on who is doing the localization. Atlus let this slide just fine and I have faith the Necromancer won't get touched too.
Needs more big butt shotas
I think they're great as long as they don't fall into plain cliches. They're cute and their childish naivety or innocence is very charming, I don't see why people could hate them.
Games about lolis, I would say, probably tend to be shit. That is, those that draw extra attention to the lolis and use them as fanservice. But just having lolis isn't bad, and having one as a protag is great, as long as they're cool about it.
Oppai loli is good.
DFC fucking sucks.
Women are inherently impure.
>shota turns out to be loli
worse twist ever
Sexualizing lolis is gross
Having lolis for the sake of there being something cute is good
Only being able to play as a loli is gross
Lolis should only be support or optional characters
Lolis should avoid awful writing involving "onii-chan" and "uguu"
I don't even know why they tried to go for that twist. I didn't believe Elh was a boy for a second.
You're disgusting.
Agreed on everything but the fourth point, there's nothing wrong with a loli protagonist. As long as they avoid the other pitfalls, they can be fine. I think it's even best if the rest of the characters generally aren't lolis, if the protag is.
I hate lolis
I don't mind loli characters, i just think it's boring that almost every loli character is just there to spout some "onii-chan" to please the pedophiles
Only correct answers
source please?
inb4 the shota with chun-li butt
Yeah I know how you feel. I love the lolis, but I hate it if her character revolves around the MC. I think the same thing can be said for most female characters though.
The world would be a better place if everyone was a loli. This is an objective fact.
SAUSAGE me please.
Lolis are fine, as long as they aren't used solely as pedobait.
I hate lolis, and I'll generally not watch any anime series that has them.
Its a good sign that the show is shit, has no plot, and just exists for pedos to get off on.
Eh? I only remember this picture with a smug loli, not just a smiling one.
I want more lolis that are supposed to feel like real children you want to help, educate, and protect, like pic related.
I want way less sexualized lolis, such as loli succubi. Most of them wind up censored in localizations anyway, and it just plain isn't my fetish, so these characters do nothing for me. No disrespect towards people who like it, it just isn't for me. I'm more of a MILF, THICC, and /fit/ fetishist, with amazonian women being the ideal combination of all three.
Why did you even bother making this thread OP? Look at this fucking thread. Its just full of normalfags cuck.
If you're into them you probably have a tiny penis... which isn't your fault but it's still sad
Prefer less of them if we mean sexualized, stereotypical 2000-year-old type of loli. Child characters themselves are fine.
That said, if fucked up people out there want that shit then let 'em have it
>now western games like the walking dead season 1 or the last of us have lolis
less please
All the "smug" pictures are fake, just so you know. They're all taken while the character is in the middle of blinking.
>all the "smug" pictures are fake
How can characters that don't exist blink
This is missing the Muramasa: Rebirth DLC that let's you play as a Oni loli
But they are