How big of a loss did Deep Silver take on this title?
How big of a loss did Deep Silver take on this title?
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Homefront got a sequel?
Why the fuck?
That game was pretty bad.
It's rare that Sup Forums has so little to say about a new title.
It's supposed to be a bit like Far Cry 3 but in a city, right?
Looked like a Far Cry ripoff from the start
The weapon "customization" is ridiculous fallout-tier shit (turning a pistol into an SMG in seconds)
There also seems to be a huge number of strong empowered women in the game
20% from Denuvo
>we want the last of us audience
>oh and also the far cry
this one is so shitty, they actually apologized in the ending credits
Big I was watching a Twitch brodcast on release day. Just some dude who happened to get the most viewers. They had 5x the next most. And they shit on it constantly and everyone in the chat bandwagoned on and basically this stream made probably 100 people not buy the game.
is this a mobile game because I never heard of it before
>they actually apologized in the ending credits
Urban Far Cry.
this makes me happy.
I guess you could say that their loss was pretty deep
post a pic nigger
>4 minute about a single bug
wew lad, what a convincing video
Well the main woman comes off like a psycho in all the marketing. I'd still hit it tho because she looks like that girl from dying light.
I love when triple A games fail, they will drop in price faster for me to jew after a few months.
I can't understand how anyone cares about this at all.
Nobody wanted this shit.
The original game was awful.
Where the fuck is timesplitters god damn.
So, am I the only one thinking of picking it up when the bugs are fixed? Far Cry in a city with weapon customization sounds pretty good to me
Why did they make a sequel or that?
They have Metro, a Well known franchise that sells.
why would you want to buy a AAA game?
>I promise you - this is just the beginning
pls no
Got a fetish for cheap 3D games that take up a few GB.
TThe only positive out of the game is the fact that it has brought cries for a nw TimeSplitters game
What if we put a game into a game guys?
First three levels or so I believe.
Makes me wonder how much effort it will take to make a PC port of the full game.
A rag-tag team of modders are trying but its taking a long damn time.
I watched DSP play it because I'm a fan (crucify me, idgaf). I thought it looked pretty enjoyable except for the horrendous framerate drops. If they patch that shit and the price drops way down I'd be interested. As of right now though it's unplayable.
>FPS on gamepad
This shit trigger me so hard.