How's Your Gaming Channel Going Sup Forums?


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pretty good, 41 subscribers and no videos

My fucking Elgato software won't detect my good graphics card so I can't record shit.
I may have to... ugh... build a pc

>made one big video
>got 20k subs from it
>every new video I make is compared to it
>lose passion for making videos because no one cares about my new ones

I've pretty much quit at this point, even if I upload a video I end up removing it after a couple of days because I hate my own videos.

having 58 subs is great, sadly I can´t record DOOM gameplay
fucking raptr

just do a giveaway

>the subs come like a welfare check to a nigger

-Audibly Shrugs-

its sad seeing someone who tries so hard, makes so many videos and to only have 58 subs

>so i gave you 59

dont have one

I do make amvs if anyone cares about that

not cringey linkin park shit though, just sakuga (smooth animation) set to instrumentals usually jazz

> someone who tries so hard
well, I just upload shit, because I want to share some vids on ze interwebs
so, I´m not that into subs
my main goal is to get 1000 subs, eveything more then that is great, but not mandatory

I'm almost surprised people still make linkin park amvs

I figured that was a thing of the past

>not into subs
>main goal is to get subs

Here's my channel

I let's play obscure games that are either weird or creepy. I recently started a series exploring Check it out if it interests you, thanks!

On this topic, does anyone know why Elgato Capture software might not detect a AMD Radeon graphics card?

The channel is about to be revived hard. I don't care about sub numbers I just want a gorrilion subs and some sexy groupies.

im a one vid wonder too
i know your pain


No idea why but couldn't you just use OBS or something?

pirate fraps?

I wish mine had 5k views.
It might hit 10mil by the end of this year, nothing I ever make will ever get remotely close.
It's not even a good video, its shit, I'd remove it but it gets me a bit of money each month.

Personally I haven't made good experience with Fraps. Compared to OBS and Shadowplay it heavily drained on performance and the output files were absurdly large.

Can fraps be am good videos?
I am completely new to this shit.
I know that two of my cards can't run it for shit unless the video is 640x480 which is fucking ass and not good enough for uploading.

And by "it" I mean the elgato capture software

Sub numbers aren't there but I'm still having fun.

I hate YouTube so much.
Fuck your shitty thread. Die in a fire.


I have to learn to deal with the sound of my own voice.
Shit is weird.

5.6k subs, doin pretty swell.

I've actually got a podcast, thanks. And it's not even about video games. Pretty small listener base thus far but that's mostly because I can't advertise without feeling like a shill.

What's it about?
I've been trying to do comic readings lately.

Managed to pick up one whole new subscriber, so that's neat.

It's a general sort of podcast but it's still in its infancy so the only episodes released thus far are about a cartoon from the 80s and a movie (with more movie episodes already recorded and edited, it's just a weekly release schedule). Eventually we'll get around to video games I'm sure.

Came back to /vee/ after a few years mostly on other boards and everyday I see these fucking threads. Most of your twitter accounts show you're underage, we get you're newfags, keep this shit somewhere else. 90% of the board probably filters you and you just take space in the catalog. You will NEVER be famous.

It's not a matter of famous, just a little self promotion circlejerk

>Copying ObnoxiousDouche
Kill yourself. I like it.