
So nuDoom is great right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty damn good at least

What do you think user?

You know I'm hesitant to say this game is being shilled because it does look like the kind of thing I'd enjoy, but when all the threads about it are solely talking about it being good as opposed to actually talking about what's in the fucking game, it really makes it look like someone's being paid to say this shit.

What's this new buzzword that has been spewed over this shithole quite a lot?

I'm just some guy in south africa.
I can't even run the damn thing due to my shitty 9500gt,

I was looking for my doom 3 discs and a good mod to fix the damn weapons, I'll admit.

how nu are you?

>1000 user reviews

yeah i gone in thinking this game isn't gonna be good but I'm glad to be proven wrong.

nu = new?

I think it's been popularized by the term numale. It's just short hand for new, although it seems to have a negative connotation since numale is definitely not a positive word.

>I can't even run the damn thing due to my shitty 9500gt

You think that's bad buddy? All I have is a laptop and a PS4. My laptop will fucking explode trying to run it and fuck playing shooters on consoles.


>2004-2007: Sup Forums
>2008-2011: new Sup Forums
>2012-2015: neo Sup Forums
>2016-2019: nu Sup Forums

I'd associate it more with "numetal". Although I think its the same concept, not that the only couple of bands I like resembling metal are actually considered metal.

That smell of cancerous Sup Forums kids for some reason

>2004-2016: meme board

neo Sup Forums is actually 2013-2016

really, there was a huge difference between 2012 and 2013 Sup Forums for some reason. Don't know what happened in '13 but something went seriously wrong. I say this as a '09 faggot.

>And fuck playing shooters on consoles
It's really not that bad, guy.
Yes, KBM is WAY fucking better for FPS, but they aren't unplayable with controller, and certaunly not SP games like nuDOOM.

Pulled in a big crowd from reddit. Mainly because of the first Sup ForumsGAs and the cross board Tribes match. Also Sup Forums got forced user and a bunch of posters fled to Sup Forums.


it's true

Honestly, I'd still rather not. The only shooters I've ever had fun playing on consoles were Halo and EDF, mostly because I hadn't played many games on PC back when I was playing Halo and everything in EDF is fuckhuge so aiming isn't really a problem anyway.. Couldn't even finish shadow warrior because I just couldn't stand how restricted you were with a controller.

I guess I'll just get it when I do end up getting a proper rig. At least then I can enjoy the inevitable price drop as well.

Its on the same level if not better than wolfenstein, except it doesnt have the direct story, but it doesnt need it, its the original doom, if made today.

Can someone check something for me?

Is it my computer fucking up or did Paste magazine really try to play DOOM on a Commodore 64:

I mean, the person playing dies to a lone enemy regardless... I'm just having trouble telling if they're hardcore trolling me or if they're legitimately retarded.

Nope. Fucking up for me too. I guess it's just the vid.


I uploaded a webm of what I see and hear, but it takes goddamn forever to load since it's 68 MB: