>Aldrich, Devourer of Gods (plural)
>Wields Gravelord sword
Aldrich ate Gwyndolin AND Nito
>Aldrich, Devourer of Gods (plural)
>Wields Gravelord sword
Aldrich ate Gwyndolin AND Nito
Well duh.
>raised catholic
>ate the body of a god once a week
>never gained any powers
DS3 lore is bullshit.
He didnt eat Nito, People underestimate Aldrich way too much. Think about it.
>DREAMT about priscilla
>Manages to create a whole new miracle based on her scythe
He doesnt WIELD gravelord sword, When you enter his halls he BUFFS his catalyst,
I'll bet you he read or heard about Nito somewhere and created that buff himself.
There's a reason he managed to get such an incredibly large cult following and was crowned lord out of sheer power.
Didn't we kill Nito in 1? How could he eat him?
Aldrich was a mistake.
>ate men
>last knight of the cathedral
>implied relation to rosaria through bountiful sunlight and leonhard running to her gwynevere's room with rosaria's soul
>archdeacon royce, the archdeacon fight in deacon of the deep, specifically worshipped rosaria
>presumably before saint aldrich had visions of the deep, the entire cathedral was used as a way to worship another belief, and rosaria was a centrepiece
>aldrich was likely a high ranking member of this religion, a saint who ate people
>who else would be allied with gwynevere, highly respected and well positioned, who also eats people?
>Smough's set can only be bought after defeating aldrich, not off an umbral ash like other ds1 references like the eastern ashes
>smough's hammer is found in what is presumably the most top class house in irithyll, and likely owned by sulyvahn, this presumably means that he wasn't actually in the cathedral before aldrich got there, eliminating the possibility that aldrich simply ate smough
>sulyvahn gave aldrich and his archdeacons top class access to irityhll and the cathedral
>smough is likely high up in the irithyll/boreal class system, and so is pontiff, having allied himself in a false veil of being a moon magic guy, rather than his actual sorceror like nature, as described by the greatsword of judgment, and they may have even conspired
>smough described as only having a "past as an executioner gives reason to believe he became trusted and respected
smough is aldrich
Aldrich is easily my favorite Dark Souls villain. There's something mystical and somewhat Shakesperean about his character, this lost cleric who forcibly ascended past humanity and hollowing through gluttony alone.
If the traditional Hell existed in Dks3, Aldrich would become the king of the circle of Gluttony, a huge pile of goo that constantly devours the damned, and is constantly consumed by the damned.
He had to eat Gwyndolin to dream of Priscilla, so unless he ate Pinwheel or something, he can't have known.
Plus, his body also looks like Nito
How the fuck could he have eaten Nito? That means the Chosen Undead didn't kill Nito and use his soul in the lord vessel which means the CU never completed the game. This is bullshit because obviously the CU linked the flame going by how the Soul of Cinder looks and fights.
If anything Aldrich found a piece of Nito's sword and put it on a stick. All those skeletons you find on him are people HE ATE.
>aldrich ate gwyndolin
>aldrich ate nito.
please see:
>Devourer of Gods.
You only have to devour 1 god.
eg, Kill one king, become 'Slayer of kings' not 'Slayer of King'
>gravelord sword.
Literally everyone who said hi nito got a gravelord sword.
+ its actually a spell hes casting on the catalyst. The 'sword' goes out when he died.
+everyone who spoke to nito got a sword he could of just killed+ate one of the many gravelords.
Watch the videos then eat shit.
His body is black because its fucking good and there's skeletons because he ate people, It's not rocket science.
>He had to eat Gwyndolin to dream of Priscilla, so unless he ate Pinwheel or something, he can't have known.
>Pointing out the obvious
I was talking about the Nito bit.
+ we killed nito in ds1, nito is not alive to be eaten you shitfuck.
Did we not kill Gwyndolin in DaS1?
>kill a chicken
>for some reason someone else can't eat the chicken now
*Because its fucking goo
Gywndolin is optional and he was alive right before DaS 3 so I guess not
it was optional so i guess killing him wasnt cannnon
What happened to all that shit about the Lord Souls basically just being reincarnated as another thing? Like how The Rotten was Nito and the like
Why is everyone assuming he ate Nito alive? He could have eaten his corpse.
Not canonically, Gwyndolin is an optional boss, Canon says the chosen undead only killed his way to the lords and then gwyn.
someone didnt watch the videos
All nito is, is bones. If he ate nito he just ate bones. Where is your proof that he ate nito?
Some stupid unoriginal shit from DaS2
I never said anything about him eating nito, just that him being dead doesn't stop him from being eaten.
So are they related?
What videos?
But Aldrich was a cleric, not a knight
We SEE his entire body disappear, and even IF someone ate his now dead "Body" of skeletons, You'd get nothing from it, His soul, The main source of his power, was removed.
hes wearing a warped firekeeper mask
Probably not, White hair just indicates sickness 90% of the time in the dark souls universe.
Please don't shill your channel here, especially after saying bullshit like
>why does he have a gravelord sword?
Also fuck off with your muh rage pandering to reddit.
Speaking of lore, anyone got a download to Despairing Fates by Soulmass?
I doubt that. Its almost a fact that Ornstein traveled to Nameless King after the events DAS1 and had a duel with him and lost.
1 of the 4 knights of Gwyn the Captain of the group and the Famed DragonSlayer. His fate was sealed against the traitorous first born of Gwyn.
But Aldrich is a canibal who learned to eat people and gain power boosts. When he came across the dead bodies of Nito, and Gwyndolin he ate their bodies but he couldnt maintain his orginal body and transformed between Gwyn/Nito Mix.
Smough is dead bruh since DAS1. Doesnt mean he wasnt a legend in himself. Keeping his warhammer, and the leos ring right next to it was probably a status symbol.
>an hour worth of lore autists bickering
wew lad call me when he drops an abridged version
And if that's you, stop shilling.
>a distended butthole monster that sucks the lower half of traps
>a naked furry who puts his balls and butthole in your face
the game is gay bro
just admit you like gay things
well he didn't eat gwyndolin then, it's just his normal form
see how he doesn't have a bow, it's just a spell
Yes. Gwyndolin is their uncle.
The Queen of Lothric = Gwynevere
Lothric, Lorian and Ocelotte are among her children.
So yes. Gwyndolin is Prince Lothric and Lorian's uncle. The white haired twink/boipussy gene runs in the family.
>best girl
>gets eaten
shit game. at least he moans a bit.
DaS3 is definitely the gayest Souls game yet.
fucbois everywhere
He is using a bigger version of gwyndolins catalyst.
>Everyone in gravelord covenant which has been around for ages gets the sword.
>Aldrich eats a gravelord
>gets the sword/idea for sword.
>this retarded channel again
jesus fucking christ, your videos are worse than fucking angry joe
Holy shit this guy is a mad faggot
Will you ever stop shilling your videos? You're on the level of becoming the next manlet tears.
>people STILL pretend this series has lore
>at best it's about some loser eating people over centuries
No surprise it appeals to neckbeards. You idiots actually enjoy discussing something this retarded like it matters.
>Makes an argument that counters every possible point
>s-s-s-stop shilling!
Never change Sup Forums
We killed gwyndolin as well.
I'm not talking about that shit, you idiot.
You're literally saying
Literally show me where the fuck in the descriptions there's something about eating a gravelord, because I can only see shit about eating Gods.
I'd rather discuss Dark Souls 3 than shill my shit and make shitpost bait threads about AAA garbage
Fuck off, Jacob
So Andre is obviously McDuff. Both are blacksmiths, and you find the craftsmans hammer in dark Firelink. This means that Firelink is actually the Lost Bastille. So the Kiln of the First Flame was also obviously connected to the Lost Bastille. You know who else is Lost in a Bastille? The Lost Sinner, who is Gwyn.
If he ate Nito he also ate the Bed of Chaos or at least Quelana.
>makes an argument that is denied by his own argument
Fuck off kid, you will never be muh vaati
They're just pubes.
no, he's just a lord of cinder
Maybe he ate something that had nitos soul, like how the rotten had in ds2
Or maybe he ate nitos corpse, since we only took the soul?
Or maybe Aldrich was the chosen undead of his world and chose the dark lord ending?
Aldritch is obviously Pinwheel. Think about it.
A Gravelord is just anyone that joined the covenant.
Its entirely possible that one of the manymanymany people aldrich ate was a gravelord.
What is more likely, aldrich slithered down to bumfuck nowhere to eat a handful of skeletons which was all that was left of nito, no soul left because we took it in ds1.
Or ate a gravelord and just emulated the sword style using a spell.
Or aldrich is a capable fucking magician that created a spell BASED on Nitos weapon just like how he did with Priscilla.
Not a Knight of gwyn, but a knight of gwynavere
>im a big fan of Vaati
why would I watch this?
That's just fucking dumb
Are you really implying that From Software put a God's weapon on a FUCKING DEVOURER OF GODS to say "well, he ate someone who was in his covenant!"
He could have learned about into from gwyendolin, after all, gwyndolin was the one protecting into with a fog gate.
because it's hilarious xD
he rages!1 XDDDD
Why is there a Coffin for Aldrich?
Did he die?
why was there a coffin for nito?
was he dead?
Nito is being devoured by Aldrich right below Gwyndolin. You'd have to be blind not to see that.
Fuck off i only trust Vaati this guy is a liar
Finally getting DS3, kinda feel like playing an Archer character since I never have across any of the Souls games.
Is KB+M actually usable in 3 or am I going to be stuck with shitty controller aim for aimed shots? If KB+M is better I'll probably take the time to learn how to use it.
It's clearly Nito devouring Gwyndolin, and Aldrich devouring Nito.
Again, They didnt, He buffed his weapon with it.
Refer to
He's black and filled with skeletons because he's slime that ate people alive.
You only get Nito's sword if you join his faction. Obviously he was a Gravelord Servant.
why does that squid have boobs but no eyes
>being smug about your own head canon
Terrible videos
For who were the Catacombs made?
And are you implying that from software would make Aldrich go and eat Nito and not mention it at all in the entire game?
You want to know why its not mentioned in the game? Because it didn't happen.
All thats left of Nito is BONES. Why would aldrich do all that shit just to eat BONES. Plenty of bones about without having to fuck off to nito's lair.
The dead Carthus Warriors of course.
Except that the Nito part of him is defintely skeletons entangled in the fabric Nito's coat was made from and doesn't look remotely similar to the goo parts of Aldrich.
>it's not mentioned explicably
>so it didn't happen
Welcome to Dark Souls games, I hope you enjoy them
Nobody eats in the Dark Souls universe for nutrition. And I doubt random bones have much in way of souls.
Nito never had a coat, Miyazaki confirmed it was an "Aura"
But seriously.
Why is there a coffin for Aldrich, in the Cathedral of the Deep, guarded by Deacons?
>it's not mentioned explicably
It is mentioned that he devoured gwyndolin. Why wouldn't they mention that he ate Nito?
Why was Sulyvahn such a bastard?
Power thirsty as fuck, Smartest bastard in the entire game too.
because like nito, he is undeath and sleeps in a coffin
Same reason there's a tomb for Gwyn I suppose; reesPEC
That or is ashes/corpse just got tossed into there after they somehow salvaged it from the Kiln.
because your god is fucking lie unlike the giants
>this guy
>but gwyndolin isnt sludge
>but gwyndolin is not sludge so this is conflicting
pls end yourself
Because it's a great holy symbol to them
Still the best lore video:
Something tells me some DLC is going to paint him as the Ocelot of DSIII. A good guy having to be a bad guy in order to do good things.
did you find it in /r/gaming?
Usually people worship a coffin of a worshiped character after they die, because they cant worship the character itself.
Aldrich is pretty alive
OR IS HE?!?!?!
So maybe bearer of the curse didn't do any dlc and just sat on the kiln. It would explain his absence.