Stellaris bread

Stellaris bread

So what are you up to?

>tfw purging xenos

Waiting for some patches before I jump back into it. First playthrough was quite fun tho

>fanatic xenophobe with militarist
>warp travel

Up to not playing it again until it gets like 5 expansions. Shallow as fuck, gets boring fast. Glad I pirated it.

>it's another fanatic xenophobe militarist episode

literally a nigger of the internet, do you have such a hard time making money? try leaving your moms basement

why would i waste my money buying shit?

I know right? These dumb goys don't want to pay for these great games!

Don't they know they're killing the industry?

>find out Fallen Empire I conquered has no Ring Worlds
>previous Fallen Empire I conquered has zero living metal
>lost another transport fleet because retreat button didn't work again

seriously though, expecting people to make great products while refusing to pay for them is literally retarded

This. Had fun for like 16 hours, got annoyed. Waiting for the first big patch to get rid of many of the annoyances (many should be easy to fix, they obviously rushed the game out), then I'll play it seriously. Looking forward to how much more fleshed out the game will be in like 1 year, though.

Still, the base game is already really enjoyable and shows a lot of potential. Paradox are money-greedy fucks, but they kind of do deserve the money for the amount of post-launch support and worthwhile DLC they do provide.

Going tall with my super smart physics lizards.

I'm playing a Fanatic collectivist/ Spiritual Empire
It's pretty fun, over half of my pops are slaves, and i get no penalties for it.

>living metal
I think it just randomly spawns on the map. Might also pop up in an anomaly event.


I'd pay for it if it wasn't trash, you dumbass.

>Give game a try
>Don't like it
>Don't buy it
Nothing wrong with that. No different from going over to a friend's house and trying it there.

>haha look at me I'm so edgy

You're not impressing anyone, kid.

>implying you have friends

i am so shit at this game that it is killing all my fun... guys how do i improve?
give me some basic tips please

>not enslaving so they grow your wheat

>you can't just role play in a GSG, kid!

Why don't you wander back to Civ 5 junior, every Paradox title is essentially 'fix history: the game.' And clearly you've never played one.

Slaves are just so shit at making energy it's annoying
I like all the minerals though

not him, but read Inside the 3rd Reich by the head armament minister Speer and tell me Nazism is a viable political system