Can we stop pretending Battleborn didn't try to compete with Overwatch?
The gameplay might be different but they're both colorful shooters based around heroes. Either they thought they could actually compete or they're completely retarded.
They deserved to fail either way and I'm glad they did.
Can we stop pretending Battleborn didn't try to compete with Overwatch?
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I hope the crash comes soon, it pains me to see millions of dollars squandered every year for nothing.
>They deserved to fail either way and I'm glad they did.
>my time is so precious I won't even bother to read what the thread is about before shitposting in it
Define hobo
Wasn't Battleborn announced before Overwatch was?
I don't think anyone is pretending. Gearbox marketing failed hard time. I don't even understand why they tried to compete with Overwatch when they are two completely different type of games.
An Overwatch character who got evicted from his original franchise and wandered homelessly until finally reaching the island of misfit tropes.
That's every overwatch character, but I don't understand how does affect sales in a negative way
I don't think Gearbox actually expected to beat Blizz. If anything they are in cahoots to drive up publicity with these flame wars.
It doesn't. But it's better to die classy than look like a hobo in victory.
How does that make Battleborn classy? The character archetypes are either a complete mess or just as stereotypical. Hell, you fucking posted one as well
>online shooter with a single player and co op campaign
>press triangle to win
yeah no different games
It's shit
>use the word 'hobo'
Blizzard doesn't need to try driving up sales further. There was no competition to begin with, Battleborn flopped.
There's competition: it's other popular shooters and semi-casual games: CSGO, LoL, SMITE, DOTA 2
But it doesn't compete with any of those other than maybe Smite. Smite is f2p or 30 dollaridoos for all gods that will ever be released. And most Smite players are doto or lol players just fucking around. Gearbox fucked up bad.
>But it doesn't compete with any of those
Yeah, nah, it does. Just because they are not directly compared doesn't mean they don't have the same target audiences, because they do. These audiences are quite wide, so there's a huge chance they do correlate with one another. It's not about "you have to choose this or that", Blizzard is not that interested in continuous in-game purchases. All they want are the sales of the game, and they are targeting the same crowds
Only design I remotely enjoy and then, for some reason, he isn't a dapper, british swain but he is talking in the most grading german accent ever imaginable that is only amplified by the horrible 'robot voice' filter they layered above it. And then he is more a maniac than a gentleman.
How does Gearbox do one thing right and turn three other things to shit?
>likes borderland "humor"
>plays fps
>plays mobas
That is not a huge target audience.
You want to hear how this fucking game looks to me?
I can't even last a minute.
>not physically repulsed by Gearbox as a developer
Well, that's suddenly a dramatic drop in audience numbers.
>stereotypical characters
You're talking about Overwatch right?
If you unlock the lore the characters become way cooler.
For example, Marquis wasn't homicidal and was Phoebes up tight butler. But after Rendain attacked he activated his "hobo eradication protocol" turning him into a maniac. That's why Phoebe says lines like "how could I have hired such a psycopath"
Lucio doesn't even look black. He just looks like a very dark white guy.
Why don't videogames have black characters that actually look black? Protruded jaw, flat, wide nose, low brow.
Thats one of the really cool things about BB. There is so much hidden story to unlock. Did you know that Bolder is Thorn's adoptive father?
Ain't that the robots from Sir you're being haunted ?
BB vs. OW proves that Sex sells. It's fact. Don't deny it.
>trying to compete with blizzard
lmao what retards, never ever try that, blizzard always wins based
Literally what?
I don't think he's black, he's south american, right?
Had no clue.
I was surprised to learn of a timeline of the war from Attikus' lore, and to know he's a jennerit revolutionary that tried freeing his fellow thralls from servitude.
There's little memes to Attilus and he's almost always serious which is unexpected from gearbox.
>kill other thralls with Ati
>"lay down your arms, brothers"
>"i don't much enjoy killing my own kind."
Agreed. Sex and extreme marketing.
>marquis shows deep regret for having to fight phoebe in game
Well that explains it.
Honestly I will play the shit out of this game because there is this big hidden story told through the lore unlocks
No it more importantly proves effective marketing works. No one knew about Battleborn.
Why was the story in the campaign so lackluster. It sets it up well in the prologue, then you defend point x and y from waves of enemies for a few hours, and then suddenly the universe is about to end. but killing the bad guy somehow prevents it?
seeThe meat of the story is told in the lore unlocks. Also there are a few character specific story events, but they don't trigger every time, because then people would get tired of them.
Phoebe has one on Isaacs mission. Isaac believes the whole universe takes place in a simulation and phoebe disagrees. But Isaac is right.
I feel like im the only one whos played it in depth on Sup Forums me an one other guy. I must set the record straight about the good parts because it really is a fun game
Everybody who's tried to say bb was a fun game gave up and went to the general.
It is fun though. I've been playing it the whole time I argue with everyone here about it.
The lore unlocks are an especially important aspect, because pretty much everything you might say is weird or stupid about a character comes with an explanation.
Gearbox has always been good at seperating story and gameplay. And hiding the story for people who are determined to know it. The audio logs in the Borderlands games tell the story of an incredibly detailed universe, but you'd never know at all if you skipped those missions.
Sorry I keep replying to myself but I have to add. Thats why I really appreciate Gearbox, they don't spoon feed you everything. They have two levels, bright shiny explosions, and dumb jokes is the outer level. But underneath they tell stories like few other studios.