Defeats Big Boss' body double Venom Snake

>defeats Big Boss' body double Venom Snake
>defeats Big Boss
>single-handedly destroys Metal Gear three times to prevent nuclear apocalypse
>brings down the Patriots
>dies off-screen shortly after MGS4

Why does Kojima hate Solid Snake?

>"Clones are not actual human being"
Kojima is a racist.

Snake is the poster boy for MGS, a franchise which Kojima has been tired of and wanting to end since MGS2.

>Kojimbo says Big Boss is more human than Solid Snake
>Snake is the guy who told Otacon in MGS1 that love can bloom on the battlefield, told Raiden in MGS2 to find something worth living for, and tries to talk Raiden out of throwing his life away in MGS4

grey fox is. nothing epitomizes stealth action sci-fi more than a cyborg ninja.

shake my head.....why the fuck this kojima chinku is so retarded? obv as fuck all he can do properly in life is MG, literally ALL the other games are fucking memes, complete garbage unless ur absolutely meme'd by the kojima myth
>next game will be an atrocious fail, remember it.

Snake had a hard life.

So, I'm guessing you've never heard of Policenauts, Snatcher, Boktai, or Zone of the Enders.

>>dies off-screen shortly after MGS4

Unconfirmed death.

In all likelyhood Konami told him he couldn't kill off Solid. Same way they told MercuryStream they couldn't kill off Dracula/Gabriel in Lords of Shadow 2 (forcing the devs to rewrite the ending).
They did this so they can milk these characters if they so please.

Real human bean...bean...bean...

And a reeyul hero...