Defeats Big Boss' body double Venom Snake

>defeats Big Boss' body double Venom Snake
>defeats Big Boss
>single-handedly destroys Metal Gear three times to prevent nuclear apocalypse
>brings down the Patriots
>dies off-screen shortly after MGS4

Why does Kojima hate Solid Snake?

>"Clones are not actual human being"
Kojima is a racist.

Snake is the poster boy for MGS, a franchise which Kojima has been tired of and wanting to end since MGS2.

>Kojimbo says Big Boss is more human than Solid Snake
>Snake is the guy who told Otacon in MGS1 that love can bloom on the battlefield, told Raiden in MGS2 to find something worth living for, and tries to talk Raiden out of throwing his life away in MGS4

grey fox is. nothing epitomizes stealth action sci-fi more than a cyborg ninja.

shake my head.....why the fuck this kojima chinku is so retarded? obv as fuck all he can do properly in life is MG, literally ALL the other games are fucking memes, complete garbage unless ur absolutely meme'd by the kojima myth
>next game will be an atrocious fail, remember it.

Snake had a hard life.

So, I'm guessing you've never heard of Policenauts, Snatcher, Boktai, or Zone of the Enders.

>>dies off-screen shortly after MGS4

Unconfirmed death.

In all likelyhood Konami told him he couldn't kill off Solid. Same way they told MercuryStream they couldn't kill off Dracula/Gabriel in Lords of Shadow 2 (forcing the devs to rewrite the ending).
They did this so they can milk these characters if they so please.

Real human bean...bean...bean...

And a reeyul hero...

because he was angry that fans wanted a sequel to MGS2.

Since fans didn't get the memo that Solid's story is meant to be over, Kojima hit the last nail on the coffin by making Snake die old.

>Big Boss in MGS3 is just Snake
>In POps he starts suffering and goes all mopey
>In PW, GZ and TPP he has no fucking emotion at all
>Only game in which he has a decent portrayal is in MGS4 when he dies and realizes he was an idiot for most of his life

Big Boy is an awful character for the most part.

I mean, Snake had 6 months to live by the end of MGS4, so I don't know how they possibly could fix that.
Inb4 nanomachines.

So long as he isn't confirmed dead on-screen they can easily "fix it".
Remember, current Konami only cares about money now.

Plus, it was sorta mentioned that Snake already suffered from accelerated aging in MGS2. Liquid makes a small mention about it, though not explicitly.

>Policenauts, Snatcher, Boktai, or Zone of the Enders
>even implying those are good games.
Decent at best, fuck off memed trash

You're not even trying.

Because the whole point of the ending of MGS 4 was that he was going to stop fighting and live the remainder of his life peacefully

>Games that came out before I was born are memes

I love how that completely contradicts the message of the first game.

Well done Kojima you hack.

At this point I would completely welcome a remake of the original Metal Gear by a new (Japanese) team. The bosses are there, the setting is there, the story is there. The odds of fucking it up are fairly low, and MGSV lowered the bar as it is.

They could even retcon MGSV's ridiculous ending as a final fuck you to Pretentious Hideo

A remake of mg2, or an amalgamation of the two would be better.

I've only played Twin Snakes. How much is changed in it compared to the original (aside from Matrix-tier action scenes)? Was snake really that much of a dick?

Why does it have to be a Japanese team? The Twin Snakes was good gameplay-wise, and the only really "eh" thing about it were the over-the-top cutscenes, which were done by a Japanese guy anyway.

TTS is fucking shit compared to MGS1. A fucking abomination.

What would be the point? The only thing you could really improve would be the graphics and sound. You might be able to tweak gameplay here and there but for the most part the levels were designed from a top-down perspective where you can see things you normally wouldn't be able to. Your movement is also restricted to account for this. Consider MGS2 which arguably had improved gameplay, all of the extra shit they added like being able to crouch was useless except for the times you were forced to use it to progress. The only way a MGS1 remake would work today is if it was a complete reboot with absolutely everything redesigned.

Reminder that it was Kojima who wanted the cutscenes to be so over the top.

But that was Naomi speaking not Kojima user :^)

I assume they would completely redesign everything.

>"Yo dawg you know that character that everyone liked in my first spin-off/reboot of my franchise?"
>"Instead of just making another good story with him as the lead lets make a convaluted as fuck story, with absolutely nothing explained at all, change the protagonist to purposely trick the audience, make said protagonist an absolute bitch, make the codec calls turn into tedious conversations about relationship problems that no one gives a fuck about. And to top it all off let's put in a message at the end of the game saying that society is fucked if we don't control the information age...what do you mean someone already did that?"
>"Fuck it do it anyway. Also make sure absolutely everything after the first 1/4th of the game is fucking explained."

I'm still fucking waiting for a reason why Solidus Snake even had a reason to be cloned and existed after presidency when the patriots could have easily just killed him and put in an actual Big Boss proxy which would have been 100x better and safer. And no...Until the mentioned above thing is explained absolutely nothing in MGS2 was good besides the half-baked fucktarded message that took most people years to figure out because of how convoluted and dragged out Kojimbo made it.

Fuck dude, all I wanted was another fucking MGS game but instead I got a purposely half-assed story about a literal faggot.

>Beats 20 metal gear rays with only stringer missiles
>Defeats Big Boss's perfect clone
>Surpasses Solid Snake and Big Boss even before he became a cyborg
>Defeats Desperado,Metal Gear excelsus , and Armstrong
>Becomes the strongest being in the Metal Gear verse
Isn't Raiden just the coolest guy?

Lets be honest, if the kojima name wasnt in those games, they would have been forgotten in history, if you dont agree ur officially meme'd.

>let the stupid fanboys rant for hours now.

No, The Boss would be better with all those op shit augmentations.

The commentary is rather grim. The philanthropic Solid Snake is 'not human' but the vengeful, misguided and manipulative Big Boss is 'human'.

Big Boss redeems himself in the end by reconciling with his non-human self and letting go of his driving emotions. When I look at it like that I see a sort of divinity in Solid Snake, not human but maybe something even better? Being a clone, a man without a real identity allowed him to smash the cycle of 'wills' that perpetuated the cypher conflict and pretty much every other conflict before it.

God bless Snake.

Venom Snake > Big Bojango

Ow the edge

You do realize he was talking about a remake of metal gear 2: solid snake but is to stupid to know it?

>tfw Solid Snake was an actual legend while Big Fag was a coward

Good post.

He's talking about a remake of the MSX Metal Gear. Not MGS1.