Is there any video game character stronger than madara uchiha?

Is there any video game character stronger than madara uchiha?

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Yes. Powerman.


What would happen if two Madaras collided?

Which Madara?

>this fcking meme again

Will it ever end?

But it's true, it depends on the kind of Madara.

No, nobody can beat him

Madara Uchiha is kind of a bitch.
They kicked his ass like 6 times and every time he tries really hard to convince people that he isn't losing non-stop. Then he finally gets killed by a black guy who lives in his mom's sleeve.

nope madara solos capeshit and vidyashit

>nobody can beat him
>got his ass handed over by the first and Naruto/Sasuke


Which version of Madara tho because goku would easily beat his normal form.

Bitch plz

Saitama can, he's the stronges character in fiction nobody can beat him

I was trying to watch naruto shippuden again and I got from like episode 270 to 300 and it is just unwatchable garbage. It is so convoluted and breaks all the rules it establishes in the first series.

Jo jo is so much better because it is just crazy from the start.

>Naruto is not a good anime

I want this meme to die

Look up which one are the filler episodes and skip those then its pretty watchable not great tho....

seeLightning killed God, Satan, and then the combined power of God, and Satan.

Naw nigga I can tell what episodes are filler and skipped them. But I think it is trash beyond pain fight. The author just ran out of ideas and decided to just bring back old characters with reanimation jutsu instead of creating new characters.

Plus I hate that naruto goes basically super saiyan after mastering the nine tails chakra. I liked naruto before because it didn't have all that dragon ball z shit.

The whole war is fucking boring.

Seriously? And people say this game is good?

This kid right here would defeat him.

No one says it's good, they just say Lightning is OP as fuck

Either one of these two would defeat him.

It was good until the Chunin Exams. Although I don't think I can ever watch Naruto again.

>Jo jo is so much better
You almost had me until you brought this autistic crap into the conversation.

I wish all spics and niggers were gassed.

Goku. No wait, nevermind.


It depends on which part

2 and 4 are good (havent seen/read the others) but 3 is nearly unwatchable its 3/4 of it is filler

Marty Mcfly

>video game

Dr. Manhattan

Dio Brando

And I'm not talking about Part 1 Dio Brando, with super strength, agility, and regeneration due to his vampirism as well as the ability to freeze anything on contact as well as shoot lasers with his Space Ripper Stingy eyes. I'm not even talking about Part 3 DIO with two Stand powers, one being the psychic powers that come with spirit photography which he obtained from having the Stand of Jonathan, and the other being The World, which has the capability of stopping time for a few seconds, nor am I talking about DIO after he absorbed Joseph's blood, in which his ability to stop time surpasses 10 seconds continues to increase in length as time passes.

I'm talking about video game original character Heaven Ascension DIO, who has reached Heaven and obtained the Stand The World Over Heaven, which is capable of stopping time for as long as he desires, and more importantly can rewrite any reality he wishes to with his fists, changing other people's histories and being able to erase the effects of Gold Experience Requiem and Tusk Act IV with no effort, rendering anyone without the same ability as The World Over Heaven completely and utterly unable to defeat him.

Who the fuck want it with Madara, bitch

Could any video game character defeat Sawako Kuronuma?

So it was good for like 30 episodes? That's a bunch of bullshit since you'd miss out on Sasuke vs Bee, Pein vs Naruto, etc.

I enjoyed the show up until the 10 tails was introduced and then it got sort of shitty, plus the Gai vs Madara fight was disappointing

how do you like the taste of chinese fastfood in anime form.
Naruto is garbage and if you don't acknowledge that you have no taste or didn't watch many animes