Post game only 5 people on Sup Forums have played
Post game only 5 people on Sup Forums have played
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>5 people
Pretty good game user, was pleasantly surprised by it
I'm still surprised that after 3 Luminous Arcs and some other games the developer still failed to make a non-mediocre game.
I swear, nobody has played this game but me.
Guess I'm the only one left here
Probably Pac Man 2: The New Adventures. It gets shit for being weird as fuck, but that's what I love it so much.
>Pirated it to get the Undub version
>Still bought it
Fuck you OP this is an excellent game.
Lufia the Legend Returns.
Personal childhood favorite, barebones compared to Lufia II but for a GBC game it was pretty packed.
>implying yggdra union hasn't been shilled for like a decade
Is that ideolo?
I didn't know he drew official illustrations
All the other Dept Heaven games were better though. The combat in YU was too RNG based for my taste.
This was the shit back in good old 1995.
this game should of been way more popular than it was
Most stuffs in the world are mediocre user, that's by definition.
This is also a by-product of 3 Luminous Arc
Fun game. Just has a bit of issues but nothing to minor.
I have my day 1 copy
OH GOD, it was so damn slow. I mean it could have been good, but it was TOO DAMN SLOW
$10 new on Gamestop right now
I like the idea of Valkyria Chronicles system on 3DS the setting is fucking stupid.
I personally loved this game and even though the dub was pretty bad I grew fond of it after a while
I'm glad the localized game got leaked 2 months early
I like it a lot user. But I played in Japanese, didn't know about English voice until someone on Sup Forums told me.
Certainly not the GOTYAYEY but still very good.
I'm planning to play it. Gonna pick it up on Monday.
Who cares. It's a lot fun to play.
I'm probably gonna end up buying it.
George of the Jungle: DS
I'm probably the only person who has played this game.
But there are 25 people in this thread
Gulcasa did literally nothing wrong
And I do mean literally
I played Riviera, the vaguely similar game
>I can't read
Games can be mediocre but still leave a lasting good impression though.
I'm playing SG right now. Bought it on a whim. Pretty good. I dig the incest vibes.
My niggas.
Bought it at launch, senpai. Pretty good.
This game was impossible on the GBA. I might have been too young for it when I played it, but god damn all the bullshit this game had, especially with how health worked.. Worst part was that I didn't even know what half the stats did or using items in general. Also almost all the enemies were fucking bullshit.
Looks like a Slav rip-off of Caesar.
I have it installed but haven't played it, how is it?
dunno, liked the demo but EU doesnt have a physical release so not gonna buy it.
why would anyone
i can't even
Not Sonic 06, the other two.
>Looks like a Slav rip-off of Caesar.
Rome is just one scenario. There's ancient egypt, ancient greece, English and german industrialization and more. Here's the region map for rome.
>EU Status: Never ever
>He hasn't hacked his 3DS!
What's your excuse?
blame your European Union laws for cuckolding you from imports outside of EU.
Went in playing this with no expectations and got a game with a better story and characters than Fates.
Do you have a link? Is it a big game, space wise.
You mean region locking?
Because Im I actualy believe that developers and publishers (if they arent western triple A garbage like Ubisoft or EA) deserve monetary compensation. I dont have any right of entertainment if I dont pay them. Its a moral thing
also I make 3500-4k € a month and live alone in a small flat, Money is my least worry. Dont want a US 3DS though
I don't even remember a lot of details about this game other than the different forms you could transform in to and how weird the game seemed to me as a kid
>Because Im I actualy believe that developers and publishers (if they arent western triple A garbage like Ubisoft or EA) deserve monetary compensation. I dont have any right of entertainment if I dont pay them. Its a moral thing
>also I make 3500-4k € a month and live alone in a small flat, Money is my least worry. Dont want a US 3DS though
You can still buy games for a hacked 3DS, fag.
Fuck you.
This game was great.
Started the undub last night and having fun. Are there character endings for each party member?
Because it's not actually a bad game, memelord. A hidden gem, if I were to say so.
>You mean region locking?
EU laws block all imports from outside EU members with huge amount of paperwork, lines of red tape and taxes. The red tapes and paperwork is the problem. Additional taxes is also why the price is higher in Europe.
The reason behind this to ensure EU products and service providers have very few competition in EU members' marketplace.
Clearing them depends on the company you hired and the lazy yuropoors assigned to your case but usually takes companies from several months to a year plus.
Affect everyone who try to ship goods into EU.
animal soccer world kicked ass
it had british hoodlum ducks with baseball bats
Nice try.
This is a lot better than the shitty first, but the gradius system still annoys the fuck out of me.
It's really good I'd definitely say it's one of the top 3ds rpgs
here's the link it's only 1.5gb which is pretty standard for 3ds games
played this game with 0 expectations and now i love it , its a betther game that fates
time best grill
well, thanks for proofing me wrong
Favorite game when I was a kid
It would still be in Japanese, it isn't'? Why the fuck would I want to play that?
>The circle of life has no beginning or end. Choose your faith and write your own destiny.
It's not, actually. The translation was leaked two months before release.
You may have been thinking of this instead, which doesn't have a physical European release.
My favorite PS1 game. Was so happy when I found it in an EB back in the day.
In my quest to play every GBA FPS, I think I played a lot of games nobody else here has.
Thanks for the link user.
I'm pretty sure I've got each and every one of you guys beat.
None of you probably even know what this game is called. :^)
no problem user
is that a good game ? a hidden gem like stella glow or another shitty game ?
>all these people liking stella glow
>all this excellent taste
Yes there are but you can only get 3-4 of them on a first run. If you're not too far, you can switch to a NG+ save if you choose but it'll be a bit easier than a first run of the game.
I've only just started it, so I can't really say much. The combat is interesting: you have to hit enemies into other enemies, making a domino effect and increasing the combo.
I did know about the NG+ before starting, but I honestly prefer to begin fresh. For me, part of the experience is doing more playthroughs for other endings though.
I like luminous arc 2 and 3 though
Did they ever found Imageepoch CEO?
Anybody got any webms of that goofy Lisette butt drop?
I just got to chapter 9 after the big twist. That escape from the tower final mission last chapter was so annoying. Hilda's group kept luring out the angel and she'd oneshot one of my units with her 3+ range laser. I just had to let them do the majority of the work.
Is there that much left now?
YU is my favorite Dept Heaven game. My ringtone is:
Including chapter 9, you got 3 chapters to go.