>Game alt-tabs out and in flawlessly and never crashes because of it.
Game alt-tabs out and in flawlessly and never crashes because of it
Other urls found in this thread:
>game has a borderless windowed option
>game has 2 different pause buttons
>Game icon disappears after one alttab, making it play on background
What game actually crashes when you alt+tab?
I can't remember when that last time happened to me.
>You can change the post processing effects without restarting the game
>game doesn't have a pause button
Any Source game ever.
Well.. maybe not so much now.
This shit triggers me
>game lets you con foreign wrestling stars into working for a glorified developmental promotion
Sanctum 2 crashes for me almost 100% of the time when alt+tab
Pretty sure every Game Maker: Studio game does this.
Every fucking source engine game.
nuclear throne
name ONE game that does this!
I remember half life 2 crashing when quitting the game but never on alt+tab.
Admittedly I don't play many games that use source engine.
>game comfortably does over 200 FPS with no fucking garbage collection stutter
>wanting that extra drawing latency
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil when you try to tab back in.
Dwarf Fortress.
>game switches to windowed
>need to go back into the menu to switch to fullscreen
Hello input lag my old friend
>game automatically pauses when you alt tab
CSGO crashes often if you alt tab during a loading
its because they are using surfaces, and not using them well. GM:S games dont normally crash like that.
>Game crashes and give you a generic fatal error message.
because it runs in a window, not fullscreen
>game somehow puts its icon first in the alt-tab window list, meaning you have to press shift-alt-tab to get back instead of just pressing alt-tab a second time
>alt-tab causes computer to explode
nice memes
Go play CSGO in borderless
But I read that on MSDN itself.
>Can Alt Tab in an MMO and your game keeps going
I swear WoW is one of the only people who do this right, other MMos just have your character stop when you alt tab. I just want to be lazy and alt tab out when I am autorunning/flying/etc
borderless employs tripple buffering which introduces lag
>alt-tabbing causes 10 cyberdemons to spawn around you for a nice surprise when you get back
I'm pretty sure black desert does this too
Why does Overwatch do this?
>quit game
>game.exe has stopped working
>game doesn't let you skip cutscenes
>game automatically pauses when you alt tab
>you have to watch even though you are not interested in the story
>The game only runs smooth with Vsync on
>game crashes with an error message popping up
>the error message is part of the game and after a minute it flies across the screen and tries to kill you
>game saves before quitting when you goof around and press alt+f4
That's an old article that's wrong. Go play CS in borderless and you'll notice the lag immediately
>and alt+enter doesn't work
fuck this shit
They don't crash.
They hide.
which gaem
>quit game
>game.exe has stopped working
>game instantly closes when pressing esc
Games seem to cope better tabbing to a second screen than to the desktop
Blame Wangblows i guess
Fucking Max Payne 3
Can't replay it because of that bullshit
Any bethesda game
TF2 used to.
doesn't crash that often anymore but it still has a ludicrous switching time. it's like they unload everything when alt tabbing and load everything when tabbing back in.
>playing CSGO
>old Windows 95 game won't work on modern system
>install dgVoodoo
>works flawlessly
All of mine.
May be my computer...
>quit game
>game.exe has stopped working
>alt tabing from the game when you have barelly minimum RAM memory
I don't recommend doing it
If I alt-tab it crashes a minute later.
>game alt tabs randomly when you're playing a comp match
>it happens twice in less than 20 seconds.
While on the subject of shitty backwards compatibility
>directx8 game
>runs perfectly on older systems with all settings turned up, not a demanding game
>install it on modern computer
>dips down to ~20 fps on max settings
The only graphics setting that mattered was the shadows. Once those were turned down, the game ran fine.
why does this happen so often?
>typing reply
>shitpost.exe has stopped working
Fallout 4 generally doesn't crash but your computer gets fucked up until the game remembers it's still running and opens back up
get rid of spyware you shit
good thing i dont believe in online banking
Why do games crash at all when focus is broken?
SFV's saving grace.
>O is cancel/back
>Triangle is accept
>X does nothing
FFXIV does this too
>game has this even in fullscreen mode
>devs release update
>it's borked to this day