This was the best game in the series, and its not getting remasted, why?

This was the best game in the series, and its not getting remasted, why?

No it wasn't, it was by far the worst.

It was the third best.
It's better than City

City Fags will never admit this though.

It's literally the New Vegas to City's Fallout 3

What is with people saying the worst games in the franchise are the best? Like Arkham Origins and Dark Souls 2

have you seen what the fuckin remasters look like?

It had the best writing and the most potential but the worst execution.

A damn shame.

>she will never tongue your butthole


I'm still working through Arkham Asylum.

Is it even worth it playing the series past that? Is Origins actually worth playing? I heard its garbage

It is non canon garbage, don't even bother.

City improves on many things from asylum greatly (combat/traversing in general) but has some broken stuff as well. Haven't played Origins but I plan to after I'm done with Harley Quinn's revenge DLC and doing the side missions.

Origins has the best writing and it's basically a copy of City with a few tweaks to the combat. Most are slightly negative but not a big deal. If you like the series, give it a go. But at least go with Asylum and City.

All 4 games are good and worth playing.

Asylum is best tho.

City>Asylum>Origins>Gotham Tank Simulator 2016

100% correct

The detective segments in Origins were so fucking cool. One of the best parts of the game.

Yeah, I remember thinking holy shit I can be a detective in this game. But then again I didn't really find any of that detective stuff fun. It's just looking for the bright white thing mostly.

I personally found Knight to be my favorite. I don't get why people shit on it so much. The Tank segments were pretty great, except for the races, and represented maybe 10% of the game.

It looked amazing, played great and had both atmosphere and a sense of freedom, combining the best elements from AC and AA.

For me it's

>Arkham Knight>Arkham Asylum>Arkham City.

I still need to play Origins but I can't get over Batman's voice. It's dumb but I got so used to Conroy it's hard to go back. It's also hard dealing with the limitations after playing AK.

I got it for PS3 and I really enjoyed it but it plays horribly at times, constant hiccups in the beginning of cutscenes and sometimes gameplay.

>This was the best game in the series
>It's better than City

>The Tank segments were pretty great, except for the races, and represented maybe 10% of the game.

Nice selective memory bro. One of the sidequests was entirely devoted to tank battles, Deathstroke's battle was a tank battle and several of the 'bosses' in the game revolved around using the tank. And it's not just the tank mode either, the Batmobile in general was just shoehorned into the game to a very unsavory degree, from those shitty racetracks to the dull APC chases. And it's STILL not the most efficient way to navigate the city, which is always the grapnel hook.

Well, that's kind of what I'm getting at. So much of the game is spent outside of missions. Yes, a decent chunk of missions required the Batmobile but even what you mentioned comprises fairly little. Even if we said 40% of the entire mission list required it (I think that's generous,) a lot of the game isn't set within specific missions and you spend most of your time moving with your preferred method.

I personally didn't find it overbearing but obviously that's subjective. I also genuinely enjoyed it so maybe my experience is less negatively impacted, regardless of the ratio.

all the edgy fagots who are missing Origins becuase 'its broken' should shut the fuck up and play it

just pirate if it is necessary

it is a solid batman game, graphics are excelent, and the story is better than City

AA > AO > AK > AC
city sandbox fags B T F O