Sup Forums said its good

>Sup Forums said its good
>got it
>played it
>it's shit

What's her name?

Consider suicide, faggot.

Nier and also agree with your post

What are you talking about? the combat was horrendous and absolutely killed the game, it hasn't aged well

DS3, DS2

Please consider suicide and wish for better taste in your next life.


Mighty Switch Force /2. Flash game tier gameplay with above average production values

The threads being 90% image dumps of lewd fanart should have been enough of a red flag

>I can't comprehend basic rpg mechanics, I'm a moron who needs his hand holded with simple bullshit
You should work for polygon or just stick to Skyrim and jrpgs

Every Souls game except for Demon's

Most of you fucks will probably have a stroke over this one, but I don't give a fuck. If you have to install mods just to have the guns actually shoot where you're aiming, your game is fucked. 10/10 idea, but it's just fucking awful to play.

fuck you stupid faggots for making me waste money. Ive learned my lesson

some of these got for free though

Maybe you should realize your favourite game isn't as good as you remember

I'm real sorry dude.
that looks really close to my shit list too, fucking sad.

Why because i don't like playing games to enjoy %5 good parts of them? Morrowind was fucking horrible so was nier take off your nostalgia glasses.

New Vegas
Deus Ex
Vampire the Masquerade
Half Life
Any anime game
Dwarf Fortress

Trails in the sky

Most boring 15 hours of my life. I wasn't putting up with it any longer for it to "get good".

Morrowind isn't even near my favorite game and I just played it two years ago so it isn't nostalgiafagging. Git gud or get fucked, casual scum.

CIV 5 was fucking cancer

New Vegas
Half Life

Dark Souls 2
Undertale, when it first came out with all the retards recommending it

>he doesn't like bastion or system shock 2

Hard Reset was also not half bad for a sci fi old school style shooter. I was a sucker for Mafia 2 because I love that time period.

Nigger, what DO you like?

feel the same way, can't get into this game at all

Please kill yourself.

>system shock 2
watch your mouth faggot.

I was referring to Nier.

>Sup Forums posts bait again
>open the thread
>opinions abound
>love Morrowind even today
>but if you don't like it that's fine
Wanna recommend a game senpai?

Not necessarily Sup Forums, but GTA and Fallout

you have such shit taste user

The combat is just so bad

>System Shock 2
now you're just breaking my heart, user..

Why? Because i don't like bullshit games that make no fucking sense at all and look like a shitty mobile game?
Fuck off.

Undertale and dwarf fortress , thats it, every other game they said was good i actually enjoyed it

I dont enjoy but can understand System shock 2 and E.Y.E. at a push but FFXIV... I'm sorry.

Dark Souls is just so fucking boring and repetitive why do you people like it? And it goes for all of them demons 2,3 Blunderborne.

People will tell you to kill yourself if you have a different opinion, it's strange

PC or Console?

meh, I like all these games except for the blanket "any anime game". What didn't you like about them exactly?

Dragons Dogma was the biggest piece of shit , it was a cool concept just a shitty way to make a game out of the said concept.

I like plenty of genres. Mostly action RPGs and puzzles.

All these games were extremely boring and tedious.
Mafia 2 I couldnt get to work no matter what I did. Cant refund either because I played it 2 month after buying it on sale. Fucking steam jews

I mean, it may not be for everyone but calling it bad is objectively wrong.

>Arkham Origins
It's better than Arkham City. So you prob don't like the Arkham series at all then?

>Civ V
That better just be fucking vanilla because with expansions the games fun as fuck. But maybe you don't like turn based games.

I would really like to know what your top 10 steam games are though.

Kill yourself.

You too

>listening to Sup Forums

The reason the game is so adored is because of the story and exploration. If you couldn't guess that going into SS then you're an idiot.

They're shit

Pleb taste. Even my fucking girlfriend (who only ever played Skyrim) has gotten hooked on Morrowind for the past 3 months.

Either but I have a ps4 for console

Seconding both this and the OP, DD was such a slog to play through.
inb4 "b-but you just hate RPGs!" I just hate bad ones.

Well it's just: I needed one more to make a complete list of things to bitch about, and all my friends are playing FFXIV, where I'm stuck with my nostalgia from FFXI
so it's not really a legitimate complaint

post your favorite vidya

>>Arkham Origins
>It's better than Arkham City.


Rarely will you ever get a good recommendation here, it's just better to form your own opinion really. Just pirate shit too, if you feel like being nice maybe you can buy the game.

Can you emulate Killer7 on PC? It's a great game

lol glad to see you have reasons to back your opinions. Fucking trolls.

Valkyria Chronicles

La Mulana.

>See Sup Forums talking left and right about the game
"it must be good"
>got it and played it
>It's horse-shit

I swear it's like they love everything BUT the gameplay

That is on the list for me. But my machine can't emulate anything above N64. But I like to collect old consoles so a GameCube is priority cause of all the niche games on it.

>Vampire: the Masquerade
I know, I know, I even play the Tabletop with friends
All I wanted was to play a Caitiff- It would have made the game story fit 300% better

Hey I know what you mean

Aye Good luck mate.

Try getting into God of war while you're at it.

if you get a wii and hack it you can play any gamecube or wii game for free.

I've played it. Thanks to VtM I now know what friends mean when they say don't like Morrowind. Doesn't change that I like it too.


It's better in absolutely every way.

I stopped at 3. I could pick it up again but 3 kinda felt stale.

>Sup Forums recommend me Secret of Mana on 3x3 thread
>download and play it
>it's actually good

>I know, I know, I even play the Tabletop with friends
White Wolf tabletop is is the cringiest thing a person can possibly do. Maybe second after LARPing but you probably do that too.


3 was the second best but lacked replay value.

Ascension was horrible, it didn't even get a PS4 port and the multiplayer was deserted in 2 weeks, it's that bad

Of course, it is. It's a classic.


You cant trust modern Sup Forums's taste because its full of underage and B&, dudebro normalfags who think buying mainstream games as they are today is ok, redditfaggots, and neoFAG shills.

>2004-2010 Sup Forums
>2010 late through 2016 Sup Forums

>he unironicaly bought Hatred

The guy is obviously trolling. It is well known you that everyone gets a certain nostalgia for Morrowind, installs it, spends fifteen minutes creating the perfect character after carefully weighing out each skill, then uninstalls the game shortly after getting to Balmora because it hasn't aged well at all.

The only one of those I'd disagree with being shit is serious sam. It's not shit, not great. It's just kind of a generic horde shooter.

Tbh I had just come out of 2 and was looking for another game to play. So when I saw some of the gimmicks of three (beast riding?) I got bored


Hell even their Top 100 List was full of games that's only good for nostalgia, the gameplay for most of the games were abysmal.

We need to revamp the list

>System Shock 2

Nah, it was probably too hard to comprehend for you. Better go play Overwatch.

that's alright, what about the PSP games? Ghost of sparta was surprisingly impressive

you are a top tier pleb half of those are good

No PSP and Toaster computer.

Depends on what list you're talking about. There was one put out recently that was actually decent, but most of the other ones were absolute trash that looked like corporations paid to put the most mainstream garbage on it and pad the list out with "ok" games with no depth.

should I get disgaea 4 Sup Forums

Damn, son.

Would've been free on Newgrounds 10 years ago -tier.

may i see the recent one? the one i saw had fucking deus ex as No.1

I mean the game is great but not top 10 worth

Arkham has been trash after Asylum

>system shock
>the void

delete your lies and apologise

they are also on consoles, they ported it and chains of olympus and they were great

Could you not be alive anymore?

>OP posts a bait thread
> Turns into a game recommendation thread
Sup Forums one day you might actually redeem yourself

Everytime I see someone talking like this I pick a game from the list that I haven't played yet and have a great time with it.
Now's the turn for SS2

lol XD

Oh shit, sorry, didn't get that memo and I've been enjoying them all along. My bad, boy do I feel silly now!

What does that mean

I like both

City is alright if you ignore the writing

There's no accounting for taste