what games that have the main character killed but you can continue the game without them?
What games that have the main character killed but you can continue the game without them?
Chrono Trigger
Not quite the same, but didn't one of the N64 Castlevanias have a kid you rescue, who you can play as a grown vampire hunter after you beat the game?
Red Dead Redemption.
The Darkness
Read it as "with them," I shouldn't be posting when I've just woken up
La noire Rdr Heavy rain Zombi u Rogue legacy
literally any rogue type game.
No, you're thinking of Legacy of Darkness which is basically an expanded version of the base game, but you can only play as cornell. It has all the levels from regular castlevania 64, plus new ones, but no reinhardt or carrie
Dungeon Siege.
Not that it matters because Dungeon Siege is a mindless, trash game.
>Implying you are the main character
Isn't the man character in most rogue type games the same dude? You just starting from the beginning, right? Doesn't seem like the game keeps going. Otherwise every game fits that criteria. Just never save and restart when you die
No, rogue type games have different characters every time you start the game up. """"""""""roguelikes"""""""""" have the same character, and some sort of overarching progression which directly contradicts the fucking term the genre is named on.
games like the shiren the wanderer series, torneko mystery dungeon, izuna unemployed ninja, pokemon mystery dungeon, those are roguelikes. Rogue, nethack, pixel dungeon, angband, those are rogue type games.
>Not implying your best friend who died in battle was the main character, and you're just looking at the aftermath
Isn't it just randomly generated main dude z y and z? Name your character differently and hit randomize in the character select screen and every fallout, elders scrolls and souls game will fit that criteria. Restart the game after every death. Done. Not like the game actually 'continues''
Wrong asshole.
You get to also play as Sir Henry Motherfucker, who uses a goddamn shotgun.
>school friend dies
>Notice I was a coward and abandoned him when he most needed me
>grow up terrified of death and making friends
>stop taking risks and shun people away
>start becoming a shut in and grow sickly every day
>hit my 30s alone, poor and sick
I can't say it was a good run...
>have a friend that I met in therapy
>we had good time and both recovered
>or so I thought
>his life was so shitty up to that point that he remembers this as his best time of his life w
>called him a while back
>he's back in therapy
>he still has a wife and let's his father live in his basement
I hope he is gonna make it
protagonist =/= main character
if the main character dies chances are he was never really the main character
Lmao, you so dumb it hurts. John Marston was 100% the main character/protagonist/centre of the game.
I've always heard nethack and such referred to as roguelikes for the longest time. Rogue-lite was coined to describe games that were only vaguely (and that's stretching it) like rogue in that things were randomly generated.