You literally have no excuse now. Hop into the most exciting, fast paced, thrilling first person action shooter from Gearbox Software, creators of the hit Borderlands series.
You literally have no excuse now. Hop into the most exciting, fast paced...
Pic very much related.
Overwatch looks better though
The general consensus is that this game is great, we want it to succeed, and we want more people to experience and understand it. Cool thing is, we can easily help make an impact towards these goals through minimal effort:
Write a positive review somewhere. Amazon is a great place to start as well as Steam, or any of the major gaming review sites that allow for comments after the review. Doesn't have to be long, but put some substance into it.
This game could be a huge word of mouth success. It happens for movies, bands, and other video games quite a bit. Let's make it happen.
It's obvious that Battleborn hasn't been marketed enough and if you'd like to help Battleborn ensure its stay, then here are a couple things that you can do to help battleborn get noticed and therefore get more players!
The main way to spread things is through your social media such as twitter, tumblr, facebook, and even picture screenshots on instagram (Although it seems less effective)
1. One thing I did, and got almost 2k notes on tumblr, was just post the prologue video! I received comments drawing interest and even convinced some people to buy it!
2. Another thing to do is to post and write about your favorite characters with some pictures or gifs and what you like about them, their play style, and how useful they are with certain unique aspects of this game.
People love characters with personality so show them battleborn is chock full of them! show off your favorite character and gush over them!
3. Theres also talking about how chock full of lore and story it is, so along with campaign and awesome boss battle talk, you might want to add in
the link to the 3 chaptered pre-game "animated" comic or show off easter eggs to show the games humor! (since most people miss it) Or other things of this sort like direct funny quotes!
Is this just one guy, is Gearbox trying to harness the power of Sup Forums, or is this the new way to meme?
is this ironic reverse marketing
I understand it all now. Blizz and Gearbox planned this knowing mobas are usually free. They started this flame war, and now they are gonna bid each other down and pick up more sales each drop. It's genius.
>played the beta
>not even touching the gameplay the game was so visually offensive I had no urge to keep playing
I can't believe the artstyle is considered final.
Look at this shit.
>blue lasers
>blue floor
>blue gun
>allies glowing blue
>enemies are MOSTLY blue
Everything blends together.
>"feminism is awesome!"
yea nah. fuck off
That's funny, Adblock doesn't seem to be working right ow
They should add more waifus and they are good to go.
I didn't even read
But the game looks like shit and so do the characters.
Also i cant see how mixing FPS and MOBA could ever work.
It was only me in all the other threads. Now this guy is making a mockery of my convictions with this bait thread
Well I feel sorry for the people who preordered then because they were the chumps of this little marketing scheme
Only about 24 hrs before overwatch shits this little "fpsmoba" that could.
This game will be irrelevant and every one left playing it will be on their desolate servers and shitposting that they have a "smart, niche game, that youre inferior if you dont play.
The 24th is almost here guys... PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING.
Jesus that gun model is fucking huge
>open gear box
please close gearbox instead
>Smite with crosshair
>Floaty, light, unsatisfying gameplay
>barf graphics
No thanks I'm aight
I can't even tell if this is all genuine, desperation or just ironic shitposting
Do all of their games have to look like the wind waker? Holy shit.
Don't forget the awful sound effects. It's not enough that the guns look like they're made of plastic, they sound like it, too. It hurts the eyes and the ears.
the one thing I kinda liked was the wacky humor this game seems to have. In that stream I watched the announcer lady outright said "it sucks to be them" when commenting on the enemy team, or this oscar mike guy, fucking crazy dude.
Jesus christ thats disgusting
Obviously shit posting. No one would advertise so blatantly here.
I like Battleborn threads. They are like toddposting, but real.
The art style is fucking ugly and I hate those bright colors. Go away marketer. It's shit and you know it too.
Its way better than smite, this is not up for debate.
I love the bright colors, but the art style is trash.
Fucking hell Randy, stop posting this fucking shit and end it all.
Art style is very much like those average guys who try to copy pixar style and who post on forums for reviews. I will add an example
It's almost there but not enough to be enjoyable. They are just jumping on bandwagon with this game, it's an obvious cash grab.
Blizzard does it as well with Overwatch but at least it has consistent style and gameplay, which pretty much ensures it's going to be fun for 2-6 weeks and that's about it.
Haha! I love Gearbox!
Did you know that Randy won the Gearbox name from Gabe Newell in a poker match because they both wanted their companies to be called like that? Gabe had to call his company Valve because he lost.
I can't wait for them to finish the remastered version of Duke Nukem, it's going to have fresh new memes like Bazinga and remove all the misoginy the old version had.
unless it's literally free then no thanks mr. shillington
Fucking rekt. Randy is a fucking scum bag just like we all knew after duke nukem.
>that lazy logo design
>those lazy character designs
What third world was this produced in?
>its' real
Holy fuck someone put them out of their misery.
They did the same shit with the original Borderlands. As far as I remember the original Borderlands is what kicked off Sup Forums's viral marketer witch hunt that lasted a few years back.
>You literally have no excuse now
it's $40 too much for me
I think I'll pick it up in a month's time when gearbox switch to F2P cash shop in order to stay off the streets.
And then I'll probably play for 30 mins, drop it and leave a bad review.
new Overwatch animation is out guys!
That's still about $50 too much
>that muzzle flare
Hey Randy why don't you fucking go make the real Aliens Colonial Marines before asking us to purchase one of your companies shitty games
Holy fuking shit, for real? I remember being in the threads when it was made.
There is truth in the whole "you're here forever" thing.
Borderlands is garbage. I will never support a Gearbox game again. I've given those hacks enough of my money.
Gr8 pasta.
b-bbbuy meeee
That makes you a pseudo intellectual user. See dumb people love Gearbox games for the fart jokes and pretty colors, and smart people love them for the nuanced depth.
But pseudo intellectuals are to dumb to appreciate the subtler aspects, and just barely too smart to enjoy the simpler things. You=average as fuck.
Just give us BL3 with improved game and humor.
Kinda like BO3. It's gross.
Randy Pitchford plz go.
It could but.. well.. I hope we all remember Monday Night Combat ..
Funny, I have my masters from an Ivy League school and my one major for my undergrad was based almost solely upon critical analysis (graduated with honors by the way).
I don't need to pretend to be smart like you, I know I'm intelligent. I just know what I like and I know what appeals to the general public/the major demographic of the gaming community. Sorry that I'm not a simpleton backwoods cunt like you.
Cell shaded graphics, immature humour, obnoxious characters, stupid amounts of loot, and explosions can't carry a game on their own. I feel bad that people like you exist, and that the major demographic accepts this trash as a quality game.
You still only see the first layer, so you must not have learned critical thinking during your critical analysis. You're perception is deluded, and narrow. Going to college doesn't make you smart. Some of the dumbest motherfuckers I've ever met graduated from some of the best colleges. It makes me feel good that someone could put so much effort into their intellect and still be so small minded compared to me.
>play beta
>have fun, bored waiting for Overwatch
>buy Battleborn to kill time
>Devs have fucked it up since beta and it no longer will run on my rig
>Steam Refund
They fucked up big time with this game. close release date to Overwatch. $60 price tag is the kiss of death for FPS's and MOBA's.
This game will be DOA
I didn't go to college, I went to university.
You're incredibly delusional and conceded. I hope you're trolling because you seriously need to get a grip on reality.
Have fun working your minimum wage job for the rest of your miserable life.
Holy fuck I know a guy who paid the full 75 dollars for the game. There wasn't even that many people playing the fucking free beta
>believing Borderlands is a deep experience
dude what the fuck did you even play? because it sure as fuck wasn't borderlands
You think mincing words makes you any less close minded? Right now you are basically just repeating what I say. You are like the Ted Cruz to my Trump.
Also I work off commission, and am exceedingly content. But I feel bad for you. You graduated with honors as a critical analysis major. That's like retard physics. If you were smart you wouldn't need to be taught critical thinking, and you still failed to learn it.
>released 5/4/16
>standard edition 33% price drop
>deluxe edition drop by nearly 50%
memes aside, has there been another game in recent history that dropped its price this quickly?
i played the beta a while back
it was boring shit
No, i said one of my majors for my undergrad was based up one critical analysis. My masters was focused on human osteology and forensics you dumb fuck.
Borderlands has one of the most well developed lores of any fictional universe, but you have to collect all the audio logs and do every side mission to fully see it. If you just run through the main campaign yeah the story is pretty shallow. Gearbox is pro at separating story from gameplay, and letting you hunt down as much story as you want. Or just ignore the story and blow shit up.
Also, based upon your grammar and articulation you're clearly uneducated and ignorant/naive as fuck
Look at you sling monkey insults little man. At least I'm eloquent enough to tear you apart without resorting to base shitflinging.
Ah grammar I was waiting for it. The last fall back of someone with nothing else to say. I don't proofread my Sup Forums posts. Thats for people who rely too much on how they say things instead of what they are saying.
I'm excited to see the Steam numbers after Overwatch hits.
The games aren't good enough to warrant that many hours of exploration/hunting down collectibles.
People who defend these games are people who have no concept of what a quality game actually is and are most likely between the ages of 16-22 years of age.
That's a groundless statement unless you have an example of someone doing it much better than them.
holy shit! How desperate
>There will never be another Brothers in Arms
Feels bad. Those games are the shit
Why is this bitch extending her hand towards me? I don't know her. And why is she crying after that? I think she's got brain problems.
You're definitely eloquent in a country bumpkin fucking your sister kinda way.
Sorry that you're jealous of my career and the fact that I have better taste than you. Again, have fun with your shitty commission-based job and fucking farm animals on the side. I'm done with this immature bullshit.
Gentleman we have achieved butthurt
I think that people are overreacting to Battleborn. Having played the game in closed beta and open,. I found it fun. Not worth buying or anything, but it wasn't shit or awful. It just was just bland after a while, not to mention the balance was ass. Characters and abilities were nice too, but the graphics made the one game mode they had near unplayable (that one user from earlier mentioned everything blending together, and holy fuck is that true)
Also I'm pretty sure the UI was customizable to be smaller than that one shit tier console screenshot, despite how obnoxious it is anyways.
overall, game is a 4-5/10. just unmemorable.
>Borderlands has one of the most well developed lores of any fictional universe, but you have to collect all the audio logs and do every side mission to fully see it. If you just run through the main campaign yeah the story is pretty shallow.
oh fuck off
So they hired a couple mediocre lit majors, wrote what amounts to a pulp-tier novella and threw it haphazardly into the game via audio logs. You cannot call that a success. The only impressive part about that is they circumvented any sort of acceptable process of worldbuilding or storytelling and they actually got retards like you to believe it was clever.
that game was horrible
I'm pretty sure its just a guy making fun of how desperate this game is... I hope so anyway, any viral marketer this bad at his job should be fired.
>So they hired a couple mediocre lit majors, wrote what amounts to a pulp-tier novella
Shut the fuck up. Many of the worlds most beloved fiction began in the pulps.
Lovecraft was pulp. Howard was pulp. Moorcock was pulp. Even fucking Dune began as nothing more than a dime store novel.
You've taken the bait. Lol jesus you're dumb
oh I guess all pulp was good then
spoiler - No they weren't, 99% of it was trash, because there was so much produced. The majority of it was cheap garbage. You have no idea what you're talking about.
And Borderlands is trash too. Get over it.
Stay pleb, shiteater.
>randy posting is going to be a thing in your lifetime
Jesus Christ
Just accept the fact it's over man.
Though I refuse to believe anyone would be THIS retarded, so you're either a really bad shill or a fucking great falseflagger
FROM. Story and game play are almost completely disjointed, and finding a new item with some lore is a joy.
I think it's some kind of reverse viral marketing where they keep advertising this, but bring up Overwatch so you get mad and want to buy Overwatch to spite them.
That or it's just shit posting
Is garden warfare a good alternative?
>oh I guess all pulp was good then
Point in my post where i said that all of it was good.
No shit. When you have an unfiltered publishing avenue, no shit the bad stuff will also come through.
But to claim that "99% was trash" is beyond being wrong.
Warhammer got its origins due to pulp influences. Eat shit, nigger.
Who knows, Gearbox has been known to do this shit with borderlands though
This is the most OBVIOUS shill attempt I've ever seen on Sup Forums
This new meme is not funny. Battleborn meme shills please go.
Never heard of it but i will check it out user since you came up with an answer