Convince me to build a new gaming PC

I wanted to build one but then I realized that out of the upcoming games I'm interested only in Mankind Divided and I kind of don't want to do this for just one game.

My current PC is 5 years old and so far the only game I wanted to play but had to drop due to performance issues is Witcher 3(and the problems only happen in Novigrad)

Easier and faster access to games
Free games if you're a piratefag (Denuvo, though)
Free online, except for shit like WoW
Better framerate and graphic quality
Terrible ports are getting more and more rare these days

just buy a ps4 for gaming and a good notebook for work stuff, web and a few indie games.

that's my setup

my PC runs emulators fine
already got a PC
already got a PC
already got a PC and I don't like 99,9% of online games
I don't like most of the graphics intensive games
all I want is a forza horizon 2 port and RDR but neither are going to happen
I'll give you that

Your investment in this will last you a good while if you build a good enough PC. It's essentially a game console that handles every new title at its finest quality. Never falls behind due to hardware limitations, IF YOU BUILD IT THE RIGHT WAY. I'm talking maxing the shit out of this thing. Get a good CPU, get the best GPU out there.
You get a strong platform for gaming, completely customizable and upgradable. Instead of buying an entire console every 5 years, buy a new GPU whenever you feel like it.
PC will never be an outdated platform of gaming. Like there are games on PS4 that aren't on PS3. That game is probably on PC.

>already got a PC

Then you should know by now if you need to upgrade or not. What kind of answer were you expecting?

kill yourself

I wanted to upgrade but then I realized there's only one game I'm looking forwards to

I wanted to hear whether there's any other upcoming games that would justify the expense of building a new one

i wanna build a new pc too.
budget is 2000 and the purpose is 3d modeling and animation.

How high should the specs be?

Well, we don't even know what kind of games you would like to play. A shit tons of games are released every year, most of them are multiplatform and indies. If you don't have anything on your radar yet, then I guss you shouldn't spend more money on your PC for now.

Fucking baked.
Focus on your CPU, GPU, and get a nice modular PSU/MOBO.

Your question is dumb as hell, OP. Just admit it.

would i need obscene amounts of ram? i was thinking of getting around at least 20 gigs of ram.

>20gigs of RAM

literally why

3d modeling and animation

20GB is obscene, unless it's not that expensive.
8GB for gaming
12GB would be budget for what you're doing, so 16GB would be a beefy amount.
But go for 20GB if you can fit it in the budget.

please just delete this thread

my thread objectively improves the average quality of the catalog

Then I guess this board is doomed.

>8GB for gaming
8gb isn't even enough without having a game open

I don't know a single person besides you who does that with their tabs.
Be minimalistic compared to this, don't be a retard. That's how I get by off of 8GB

Is it possible to just do a GPU upgrade, if your CPU is good? You may not have to upgrade your whole system, just 1 or 2 parts.

many games today demand 16 gb of ram

>440 billion Chrome tabs open
>muh RAM

Fellow Kraut, you're doing it wrong.


how do you even remember what tabs you have open? that looks like literal insanity

what i've been working on. i'm currently trying to do 2 more body mechanic scenes, then submit that so i can progress to the next workshop
Facial animation and lip sync

I just remember it.
It's fucking annoying to always reopen the tabs I need or articles that I want to read later. So I just leave them open.
My desktop or any folder structure on my notebook doesn't look any better.

And I prefer to play games on ps4, because all the shit I have running at the same time on my pc can cause random stutters in games and it's really annoying.

pcmasterrace is only for fags who use their pc's exclusively for gaming.