Japanese game

>Japanese game
>The church turns out to be evil

Oh wow like in real life what a fucking surprise

>Evil game
>Church turns out to be japanese

>church game
>evil turns out to be the japanese

>being this edgy

>Church game
>Japanese turns out to be evil

*unsheathe katana*


>Japanese game

fag japs hate christians

Is this the *tips fedora* thread

What do niggers have to do with japanese games?

Please post a picture of your fedora.

>Real life
>the church turns out to be evil

What happened to this board? I'm not even atheist, but c'mon, the only differences between cults and religions is the number of adherents. Church was fucking evil in the middle age. islam is evil. What do you need? Believing in a fucking cult is being a fucking imbecile.

>cuckolding game
>wife's boyfriend turns out to be black

> Japanese game
> Game set in Japan
> None of the characters look remotely Asian


How are asians supposed to look? Slanty eyes and yellow skin?

as a catholic fag growing up I always wondered why the churches looked so catholic and not like a Buddhist temple or something

>real life
>religions are built on the conquest and subjugation of people around the world

>the only differences between cults and religions is the number of adherents.
I was with you up until now, never go full retard
saying that all religions are as bad as christianity just means you don't know about them much

That goes back to westerners trying to spread the Catholic religion in Japan and they were all like, "naw."

Pretty much, yeah

>Church is evil
>Final boss is the fucking pope

Devil May Cry 4 did a good job with this.

>as bad as christianity
christianity is actually one of the better and progressive religions. No idea about burgerland or wherever youre from, but at least in europe the christianity does far more good than bad.

>He fell for the Christianity dark ages meme

>Morrigan being fat

I don't know where you came up with this.

>Game with Muslims
>They're the bad guys

>brainwashes people into being fearful of a mythical being
>profits off of said fear
>the church somehow is not evil

implying islam isn't as bad as christianity
have you ever read the quran?

Sup Forums was converted to Christianity by Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums thread
>redditors tipping their fedora
every time

Assassin's Creed 2 had a pretty good pope fight, too, but for different reasons.


>Spread my Tulpa around.
>Turns out people afraid of death will eat it up.

>the only two religions are christianity and islam
Stop pretending to be retarded on the internet.

Any game that let's you wear a pope hat is automatically top tier

So? Why do people take issue with this?

>Islam is shit

Hurp durp you got that right, fuck all them shitskins!

>Christianity it shit

Well now I am offended.

>Nip game
>The church turns out to be right every time, can heal status effects, and let you save

Churches are evil.

>inb4 fedora tippers
fuck off to

Without religion people wouldnt have AYNTHING to believe in back in the days and would probably be depressed as fuck. It was a necessary evil. But keep believing what your atheistic teacher tells you. Even nowadays religion isnt bad. Im not religious myself, but I do respect people who are because Im 100% sure they will be dying more happily than I am and probably 90% of all atheistic faggots. But I do have to admit that people who take religion too serious are worse than any fedora tipper.


>people weren't depressed back in the days because religion saved them from it
top fucking kek


Sure are a lot of sad Christian losers in this thread right now.

Devil May Cry's backdrop is way more interesting than it has any right to be.

It's a world filled with demons but no divine power seemingly exist. Yet people keep dreaming and chasing after it. Hell looks like heaven and demons dress up as angels. People are desperately looking for divine salvation but the irony is that it's only found in demonic power

>calling something automatically makes them incorrect
>implicating that all boards aren't soft/pol/

adherents of Christianity don't regularly commit terrorist attacks or try to force a way of life and government on people unwillingly :^)

>He doesn't know about the Jomon

The indigenous people of Japan look a lot like Caucasians. They have brown or black hair, fair skin, rounder eyes, and can grow completely full facial hair. A lot of historical heroes and figures are Jomon, on top of them being the original Japanese people.

Because of this, Japan likes to portray the Jomon in media. To them, Jomon features are heroic and more "Japanese" than the features that were brought over from Mainland Asia.

Must be sad to devote your entire life to make-believe bullshit but you literally can't defend it beyond pictures of guys in stupid hats.

>or try to force a way of life and government on people unwillingly
Thats bullshit, they do that all the time and a ton of current society is that way because they succeeded at it in the past.

>The mosque turns out to be evil

Might not apply to all, but farmers back in the days had to work their ass off. Without SOMETHING to believe in they probably had killed themselfes or something, which also would lead to food scarcity if this would happen too often.

>something was evil
>in the closely unspecified middle age
>uhh they told people what to do that's bad
>also a literal sect of christianity named after the one country it happenned killed a bunch of women on stakes because that made their dicks hard
>what is byzantium even


>turns out to be a hardcore fedora tipping autist

Every time.

>Without religion people wouldnt have AYNTHING to believe in back in the days and would probably be depressed as fuck.
you're thinking about it in a really bizarre and inorganic way

Yes, farmers needed god to have something to work for, not to provide for their families. It was just god otherwise they'd have killed themselves.
Without god, there would be no food.

>Butthurt religionfags detected

well before monotheism they probably worshiped the harvest because they didn't understand how it really worked.
It seemed like magic so they treated it as such.

I agree a little bit and this is coming from a citizen who lives in burgerland.

>Hasn't seen Japanese person in real life.
Top kek. Please leave your basement.

>Church was fucking evil in the middle age.

When it built all the universities and hospitals?

all organized worshiping groups try to do what they believe is good, it's just all perspective.
Not saying any is inherently good or bad, mind you.

>Spread my Tulpa around.
Stop spreading your mental deceasses please

I'd say a majority of social services not tied with the government are connected to churches here in Freedomland, tbqh.

>As of April, 2016, there is a subreddit devoted to this form of Tulpamancy
you should go back

All politics aside I'm sick of this shit purely because it's fucking boring

Like wow, the church is corrupt, never played a game with that plot twist before

The worst part is how people think the church is the one brainwashing everybody, as if they even hold a candle to pretty much every other subversive influence

*tips fedora*

>OP game
>faggot has a shit teir fat fetish and should kill himself


They always play it out to be some sort of surprise, too. By now if just one game added in some shades of grey I'd consider it a genius plot twist.



So do we just have to mention the church to derail potential thick threads? Good to know


Is there any religion which isn't evil, though?
It appears to me every religion secretly serves the Devil, with all the pedos and corruptfags commanding them.

samefagging mormon kidfucker detected

So do you guys honestly believe religon to not be flawed in anyway? In truth religon has been used frim ancient time by peoole to gain power and wealth even if there were good people devoted to it. Today it is no where as "evil" as edgelords like to think but there still exist violent extremist groups.

image source?

No, when they took profit from the faith of others or decapitated/burned people alive when they called the priests on their shit. Do you think the catholic reformation was a joke?

If you could point to any sort of powerful organization throughout history that wasn't largely controlled by bad people or did horrible things--not just a church but absolutely anything at all, I'd be very surprised.

No. There is a middle ground between evil and flawless, user.