Twilight princess or skyward sword? Why do you hate one over the other, why do you hate both?

Twilight princess or skyward sword? Why do you hate one over the other, why do you hate both?

What is that cloth in front of her leg attached to?

a benis.

a penis

a penis the other one has a vagina.

a penus weenus

Why her peanus weavus of course!


i wonder what sheiks eggs smell like haha

more lewds.

TP is a very good game with small bits of boring parts every now and then

Skyward Sword is tiny bits of a passable game held together by a boring-ass game

the only thing I hope they bring to newer games from Skyward Shitstain is the timeshift stones


Pick one.

Zelda's body morphs when she uses her magic to become Sheik

think about it,how else did she hide 7 years from Ganondorf? no female would be that competent
further proof is that seconds after going female again, Ganon catches her

TP had the best sword combat of the series with all of the special moves. It also had the best companion/waifu. This is non negotiable.

Just because she morphs, does that mean she has to be a male and not just a girl with small breasts who looks like a man?

you're right, maybe she's just a girl with a dick bulge, no tits, and no female features whatsoever

The sword combat was braindead and never utilized, and the companion was forced as all hell and tried to steal all of the spotlight while acting like a bitch and not actually doing anything. We already went through that with Tatl and Ezlo by that point, except they weren't forced like some original do-not-steal fanfiction character that was the most important character in the world and made people ignore Link entirely.

Those are the best kinds of girls.


>likes toilet princess
>literally better off playing ocarina of time instead of that shallow copy
You're not exactly a good judge on taste are you.

>tp has better combat than ss

I've always wanted to play Twilight Princess, and I got the Wii out today and it still has homebrew software and Twilight Princess on it, but I need a Gamecube controller to play.

Should I buy one just to play this one game?

They're both awful and handholdy compared to the previous 3 entries in the series. TP could be a lot better if they made the intro not take a billion years because the world design is actually pretty good.

I honestly liked all of twilight princess, even the wolf parts

>shallow copy

OoT is missing the sword moves, has worse visuals, atmosphere, less content, the only thing that it can compare to TP is in music

Skyward Sword's combat is pathetic novelty that wears off quickly, TP's combat just needed more punishing enemies (more damage maybe)

i bet they smell like SHIT haha
just like romani cuz she smells like SHIT as well haha i wanna sniff them haha

So either ss, with better combat, bosses, endgame, characters(with the exception of fi), dungeons, artstyle and plot. And the fact the items are actually useful outside the area you found them in

Or twilight princess, with inferior combat filled with QTEs, only one good character, unskippable tutorials and the lightning bug quests and a bare bones overworld masked my making it bigger

So QTEs pass as good combat by your standards? I bet you only think ss is bad because you didn't git gud at it

>le git le gud

fucking seriously? in SS? the only enemies that provided any challenge whatsoever in the game were those scorpions and Demise

>get near enemy with non-electrified blade
>slash right to left (my arm is now at my left)
>enemy parried the attack
>slash left to right
>enemy is hit, I can now combo him

they didn't even playtest the fucking thing

I was spacing my quickdraws, actually, and cutting armor is fun as fuck

where are the lewds?

I enjoyed both. This is something people can, and have done.

i love the shape of rutos head. its hot desu


In your heart

A hearty laugh is my reward.

>It's a Sheik has a penis episode.


It's all I ask for haha

damn jfk was a good looking guy back in the day.

He still is.



Whose ass is this?
"Recepcionist" doesn't ring a bell.