>NeoGAF reference in Uncharted 4
That's kinda cool. Has there ever been a Sup Forums reference in video games?
>NeoGAF reference in Uncharted 4
That's kinda cool. Has there ever been a Sup Forums reference in video games?
What is that mexican neogaf?
Don't be silly user who would do something like that.
In Battlefield 3
how is this neogaf? never been there
>those hands
Here come dat boi
this shit absolutely blew my mind, and it was posted like a few months after the karkand expansion came out, most likely by the dev himself because literally nobody noticed it up until then
that's italian, dude
Stll better than anything on PC LOL
Flame wars will never end...
shut the fuck up and die
I want the kids to leave
Oh shit waddup!
Should've used kek instead, thats contrarian enough for Sup Forums
Mein negroiden beat me to the punch line ja?
How is that neogaf? Looks like every forum that isn't Sup Forums.
>get out of my secret club!
Sorry man, but this is the internet and children are going to be everywhere. The best you can do is try to ignore them. If all the children left Sup Forums it would be like six guys constantly posting Overwatch threads.
no you should have not used any fucking thing. Just leave, all of you meme spouting faggots from reddit, fucking leave
>intentionly used LOL cause knew people would respond to it
Does this mean Neogaf literally, truly is Sonygaf?
Is this for realises
Don't tell me you still doubt that.
>nip game
>Sup Forums reference
Are you retarded?
The dinosaur in Battlefield
Fucking. Kek.
>What is 2ch
What a fucking underage faggot.
Or uncultured i dunno.
It's talking 'bait' and makes fun of Reddit.
It's translators making jokes for users of Sup Forums since a majority of their sales in the west comes from people who browse Sup Forums. In the east, it may reference their many chans.
I'd browse Nchan.
Would you, Sup Forums?
Why, does 2ch make fun of Reddit too?
red eyed tsundere nep a best
Akiba's Trip literally has a Sup Forums in it, except not literally
I'd browse her channels if you know what I mean
Idk, but the memes were localized when they translated it. The Japanese version doesn't say quite the same thing.
>what is meme translation
Who localises these? Seem like cool people.
It's still there too.
You would haven ever found it unless the developer shown you.
It's in a random corner at a chokepoint, and the texture itself is blurry even on ultra settings.
more than you can even imagine
the more we shitalk EA the more they keep lurking around here
What game?
they were
until the third game, when they started to shit on the fanbase
Idea Factory International
NISA used to, but luckily lost the right to.
They really should've added a co-op survival mode against hordes of dinosaurs in BF4
Battlefield 3.
Battlefield 3.
The reveal trailer also started with a dinosaur in reference to a Sup Forums thread.
I miss this kind of Sup Forums.
I'm pretty sure this was posted on here within the first week or so it came out because I remember seeing it before I even got a chance to familiarize myself with the map. It wasn't a surprise either since back then DICE and EA were all over Sup Forums after they realized they could take advantage of that CoD has no dinosaurs meme.
Minecraft. Which was integral since nobody gave a rat's ass about Minecraft until Markus started shilling it here every day.
>Paid Sony shill site gets reference in Sony game
>It is a neutral ground where facts and evidence, presented within the confines of civil, inclusive discourse, prevail through careful moderation.
>Who localises these? Seem like cool people.
>bans "gators" on the spot along with anything remotely criticizing an SJW-approved viewpoint
>They really should've added a co-op survival mode against hordes of dinosaurs in BF4
>Map has an easter egg where you flip some switches around the map and the trees will move and there's a dinosaur roar
>No dinosaur mode as Battlefield's take on CoD's Nazi Zombies
Feel fucking terrible, man.
Can't see shit, what is it? What does it say?
Sup Forums - the Vidya
why haven't you got a girlfriend yet?
it says 'phone posters not welcome'
I fucked it up.
Oh shit waddup
Well steins gate(if you can consider a visual novel a game) had a reference to Sup Forums but they didnt say explicitly say out Sup Forums
>cancer makes you privileged