Girl joins game

>Girl joins game.
>Uses voice chat function, beta orbiters left and right trying to get her attention and white knight when someone complains about her.
>Girl and beta orbiters just sit in spawn, chatting about off-topic subjects instead of playing the game.
>Feel bad for the guys on their team that want to win.

>mfw whenever a girl joins the server and they aren't playing the game.

Other urls found in this thread:


>girl joins the game
>uses voice function
>actually plays the game
>no beta orbiters
Only happened once in my entire life. Magical.

>Go to LAN party
>One girl shows up on her own and plays, has a pack of 5 orbiters surrounding her at all times as she moves anywhere in the room
>Only other girls are girlfriends that some guys brought with them that sit in a chair and look miserable for a few hours until they finally drag themselves free of the tiny sealed room with 50+ bodies and 50+ computers and 50+ CRT monitors dumping out heat, the air so thick with BO you could cut it with a knife

Am I odd for thinking that'd be a 10/10 grief, if done intentionally? Like, a girl gets a bunch of white knights and orbiters and "accidentally" wander into terrible locations where all the orbiters get severely wrecked. Especially in games where K/D actually matters.

dont know why but this image actually made me laugh

>Girl joins game.
>Niggas immediately start repeating "gurl gamer" with annoying voices until she leaves

>girl joins the game but never says she is one
>we get along nicely and talk everyday
>"you know, I'm not a boy"
>yeah sure
>she shows proof and she is a very cute chick that is great at games
>some time later the magic goes
>never talks to me ever again

It was good while it lasted, I never wanted anything sexual with her, she was so unbelievable, I miss you girl, hope someday we talk like the good old days again.

Try to raid h d soul.
Underage girl is healer. Pretty terrible in some encounters. Has to leave after 2 bosses because her dad is yelling at her on mic.

Raid leader is autistic ptsd faggot. He's a tank, my auto attacks pull aggro from the boss.
He favors her with all the drops.
They're up all night in a private vent channel talking.
Heard they were going to meet up.
Quit the guild after airship because of all the fuckery. In the 3 months we raided, I only ever got 1 h shoulder and a dps weapon for offspec. Mfw I pulled more dps than some of the other players that had most of their gear.

What's an orbiter..?

>I join game
>don't say anything, keep playing
>only make game relevant voice comms
>teammates chat for 5 min about this stupid shit

>mfw when I just wanna play video games without being made a spectacle of

>Be female
>Play online
>Never use voice chat


This doesn't happen on xbone I feel like.

maybe change your tag to something that doesn't have GamerGurl in it?

The worst type. I need game information you fucking faggot. I don't care what's between your legs.

It doesn't as everyone just sits in party chat.

I don't experience this in MMOs since people on there don't use voice as much and seem to act more polite, but I usually have voice disabled in shooters for this reason or leave the game when a girl talks because it ALWAYS devolves into a shitstorm focused solely on the pussy.

It's called a chatbox you cuck.

Mic is better in every single way.

>girl joins guild
>other guys in guild confirm that she is in fact female IRL
>might even be hot
>rarely talks on vent
>you are the one guy in the guild besides the guild leader that isn't falling the fuck all over themself to talk to her
>she starts to group with you often, you and her develop inside jokes and what not
>other guys in the guild can barely stand it, are asking you what is the secret to your female communication skills
>tell them that I don't act like a fucking sperglord and I just pretend she's a dude
>they are all convinced that we are secretly seeing each other IRL

Fucking MMO's lol.

This used to make me laugh, now a few years later it makes me feel sad. Nobody is malicious here, he tried without knowing what he's doing, and just couldn't handle the reality of the situation.


if anything, it would probably help the dumbasses figure it out

Jesus that voice.
I'm not sure who to feel bad for.

And this is why I don't use in game chat. Not because of women, but because the majority of people in game chat are the retards and betas who get all excited when they encounter a female.
I purely use private party chat, and yes we usually have one or two women in the party. Do they get special treatment? Fuck no, they give and take the abuse just as much as the rest of us guys.
Seriously though, it's 2016. Why are women who play games treated like fucking unicorns or some other wonderful, mythical creature only the lucky ever encounter? Some people need to leave the fucking house once in a while...

>never hear anyone use mic
>would kill to have anyone actually strategize during the game no matter how many beta orbiters or trolls it may bring.

>girl enters and starts talking
>random nerds start chanting "GO HOME GAMER GURL!"
>She levels up

>girl joins guild
>realizes that there is a large population of females already there
>males aren't sperging over her due to most people being closer to the age of 30
>uses a voice changer to sound super cute over teamspeak and attract orbiters
>the lonely virgins begin to sperg
>gets kicked from teamspeak for using a voice changer
>betas get over it in a few hours

Fuck I love being in healthy guilds that are here to play the damn game.

>gets invited back as long as she drops the voice changer and stops being an attention whore
>tries the same shit again when admins aren't online
>banned indefinately next time one logs on

>if he wants her in a bodybag, that's his decision, okay? leave him alone.

A beta orbiter, they orbit around a girl just for being a girl and ignore game objectives just to be near a girl.

>girl on team uses mic
>faggot on team starts harassing her and calling her an attentionwhore
>kick him
>play game normally with rest of team

>girl joins primarily male forum
>men circlejerk her because they want a girlfriend
>any display of intelligence is met as though it's blinding wisdom
>9/10 times she's a fucking bitch

Thanks to this bullshit I can't help but dislike any female smart enough to type properly on a forum from the get-go. It's an inbuilt illogical bias at this stage.

i'm happier online when i can just pretend girls don't exist. they create new social problems that i don't understand.
not even gay, just really really autistic

The question is, what's more cancerous, voice chat or matchmaking?

>, it's 2016


>9/10 times she's a fucking bitch

This, this so much.

Especially in FPS games. MMOs at least have nice girls even though they're bad/just do casual stuff like crafting and not combat content.

Maybe it's just that I play games with smaller player bases, but no one ever makes a big deal. Personally, the only thing I ever get or ever see is "are you a little boy or a girl?" I answer either "I'm not a little boy", or say "I'm a girl". The other girls I've been around do the same. Then that's pretty much the end of the conversation.

Why do all of them have weird voices
Even the not autistic one.

Literally never had this problem on console. Try and act superior over this pcucks.

Isn't that Mark Zuckerberg, the guy that made Reddit?

>girl joins game
>open mic so both team can hear
>starts smacking her lips and moaning and making sucking sounds
>most of the players are completely distracted
>she caps the intelligence by herself and wins.
Then people caught on and the guys started moaning and doing the same stuff. That was a weird game.

Kinda the same boat here. Actually run in to a few decent women online, and it's theoretically possible I've got some friended that I don't know about (Not super likely, but possible) but a disproportionate number end up being shitters, and often end up being moderators/admins after a short while due to mods/admins almost never treating their position like that of a janitor and wanting good boy points for having women mods.

Out of my 163 Steam friends, only 2 I know are women, both of which just like playing videogames.

Whats his name again?

>Join lobby
>Hear girl with soft and cute voice making call outs
>"2 flanking from the left"
>"Need medic, can't push with this much health"
>No one comments on her voice
>Don't think much of it, she seems okay and is helpful
>Some guy stands in front of her asking for ammo so she puts down ammo for him
>He keeps asking for ammo
>She shoots at the floor to help him see where it is
>He keeps asking
>She screams in a very loud and aggressive tone
>He looks down and grabs it

Any girl I've met online who is in any way decent at the game also happens to have a short temper.

It's because they're desperate virgins who place weird expectations on every girl they meet. My friends tell me about how they never tell strangers they meet they play games because they start acting super weird and beta, saying shit like "wow you're like the perfect girl XD"

>tf2 arena server
>one of the admins is a chick
>actually pretty decent at the game
>huge cunt, constantly condescending
>legion of beta orbiters defending her shitty attitude
>because she was pretending to be a porn actress
>turns out she is a ham planet
The saddest thing I've ever seen in a video game


Actually thats Gabe Newell, the guy that made tumblr.

>defending a fake porn star
Ahahahahah wow

Almost halfway through 2016, can't wait to see the next entry.

The "real one" is way more attractive.

that's weird.

This guy sounds like he's trolling.

Is that the "official one" or just one made by some random autist going on a rant?

>playing GTA 5 online
>be a newb
>kill some random guy
>driving around
>minding my own business
>guy who I killed 5 minutes ago crashes into my car
>he's in an armored vehicle
>he kills me with a headshot
>oh well, I guess I deserved that
>see him coming at me on the minimap again
>start panicking
>hijack the nearest car and fucking bolt
>he kills me after a while because he's faster for some reason
>he literally does this for an hour, talking shit as well

>grill starts talking out of nowhere
>fag who's been stalking me immediately responds
>he turns his vehicle around in an instant
>goes towards her and helps her win KotH
>somehow feel abandoned
>I really hated this guy, but trying to escape from him was probably one of the most exciting things I've ever done in a game
>I start stalking him and the other low test moons surrounding the ham planet from a safe distance
>there's about 6 of them
>they are all near the harbor with the helicopters
>I climb up a ladder towards a high roof overlooking the harbor
>a bunch of them including the grill get inside a helicopter, still talking to her subs
>grab my homing launcher
>it's too far away for a lock on
>put it right in the middle
>right before the chopper lifts off, it explodes into a million pieces
>enjoy the sound of audible butthurt from the grill and her slaves
>Stalker-san gives me attention for 5 minutes again before going back to his mistress

>we later settled our differences and he added me as a friend, but I still think he's a hueg fag

aw fuck that's the wrong cat pic
oh well

that's the most normie thing I have watch today

>start playing WoW again with WoD
>start up guild with a couple of friends, were all around age 18-20
>one autistic sperglord, hes 24
>he invites a girl into the guild
>shes often with us in TS, pretty chill
>we all get along well, but sperglord is really into her
>shes 16
>always tries to speak with her alone, group with her etc etc
>she lives kinda close-ish to a buddy of mine
>after a couple of months he invites her over,he fucks her, now shes his GF
>autistic sperglord got cucked so hard he stops playing for a couple of weeks
>comes back, tries everything he can to make them break up
>stops playing with us again
>forward a couple months
>she comes to visit often, is now part of our group of friends
>autistic sperglord is always trying to flirt, gets cucked again and again

i dont even know why they keep him around, everybody says hes a retard and hes literally just there to fill if they need one more person to play.
Oh and hes on a Personal crusade against me because i called him an autistic retard when he threw an autistic fit lmao

every group needs a "friend" they all hate

we have one of those already, hes literally just this one online guy that they play with

That's really cute.

>gril joins
>people are actually willing to talk on mic and we fucking dominate
>gril leaves
>everyone stops talking and teamwork goes to shit

>this happens
>mfw I am that girl
Not even female btw
also check my 5

For illiterate retards.

>girl joins match as healer
>doing well because that's what she does best

And I love it when we have dedicated competent healers.

>Playing a fast paced game
>willing to waste time staring at the bottom of the screen

I take for granted you have never played at competitive level anything that requires teamwork.

Hey its me the girl

I only talked to you because I felt sorry for you :)))

>salty white knight or gamer gurl getting salty over a meme

I need water.

Each ) adds another chin.

Obviously, since she's a woman

i know that fucking feel bro but my girl was a fucking whore on occasion and she denied it

fuck her



>Random person on mic does call outs
>It's a girl
>Suddenly everyone does call outs and has mild banter after she broke the ice
>She's not that good but for some reason she's connecting everyone
>She leaves
>Our synergy goes to shit

Thats the power of heart the lesser rated power ring.

>join server
>gurlchan omg kawaaii
>lenny face
>didnt even say anything but my steam has my name in it (so my friends know who i am)
>this continues
>leave autistic chat and play game

cringy af.

>Any girl I've met online who is in any way decent at the game also happens to have a short temper.

the result of having to constantly fend off retarded fuccbois who think with their penis

Great post user, you should give us your tumblr account so we can continue listening to your great stories in your blog.

>Spend the better parts of 2000, 2001, and 2002 playing Runescape
>Early on have your friends tell you it's super easy to get free shit if you pretend to be a girl and cyber with guys for it
>Don't go so far as cybering, but do wind up claiming you're a girl to see if they're full of shit or what
>It fucking works
>Wind up a pretty popular high level vagina as time goes on
>Wind up standing in Falador world 3 chatting all the time instead of "playing" the "game"
>Years before you ever hear the term, quickly learn what a beta orbiter is
>Can't believe guys can be this faggy when they're not keeping up their masks in real life social interactions
>Wind up saying you're a lesbian to avoid all the relationship requests
>Actually develop empathy for fags at an early age for it as a side effect of arguing for their case all the time
>Eventually go so far as to build and maintain a convincing Myspace page when that shit becomes popular to keep up the ruse
>Give all your party hats and shit away when you quit and just disappear
>Never ever go back
No regrets.

if you're a slow reader you're a retard

It's strange, but I guess it makes sense. Girls fuck up groups of boys just by being present. I guess sometimes it just means they fuck it up in a good way, creating a focal point when there was none.

This is painfully accurate. Every online and real life group has one.
>tfw I just realised that every group talks about that friend behind their back
>I'm most likely that friend in the group that seemingly doesn't bitch about someone when they aren't there

fake n gay

Nah nigga, I'd get mad too.

I know a guy that speaks that autistic and he is like a nerd from a cartoon just with that voice

>girl joins server and asks for help

>she sounds cute
>don't want to drop my spaghetti so i don't say anything
>Some guy starts flirting with her

>play tf2 pub
>some girl trying really hard to sound like an anime loli on mic
>two guys constantly following her around the map
>everytime she or they kill someone, they laugh over mic and talk about how bad player is
>everytime they die they get mad and talking about tryhards and make vague hacking accusations
>spent a lot of time having a personal conversation (apparently they all knew each other irl) over mics instead of having their own vent

i've never blacklisted a server so fast

This is what beta orbiters believe

>have casual conversation with someone over a video game
>"some time later the magic goes"
>the magic

jesus christ dude get a life

I haven't seen too much of this shit in games but if you ever use chat rooms it's fucking terrible.
>Be in a chat room
>ask a question, people respond
>All around good community
>Girl joins
>Only conversations that happen now are asking girl about her day and commenting on it etc.
>Leave chat

Altough there was a Tyrone that was pretty fucking cool and also didn't 100% jump on the bandwagon.

He probably had feelings for her

Good on them.

Who is this semen demon

haha fucking this. i get so many random friend requests often on cs:go because i do the same thing.

I remember when people would do this in online games and it was always SCANDALOUS when it came out. Can't believe how small our world was back then. The whole community would take that shit serious.

i was in a guild like that in WoW last year. was fucking great since there was a lot of sluts so they always competed on trying to reveal the most on our forum for attention.

you're part of the problem you know?