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Fio, of course.
Anyone but Fio of course
Fio and make her fat.
Fio = Shit
I call Marco.
Marco or Fio
>6 and later
Eri or Ralf
Eri, I like her sprite more
Fio is overrated.
Fio for waifu
Tarma for getting shit done
Fio, duh.
Marco is the correct choice.
Fio /thread
Dumb Fioposters
Always and forever Eri
Why not both?
Where's her pockets? Sup Forums?
Post more art
muh nigga tarma
Co-Op is immoral, user.
>Make pre-render backgrounds
>Use them as a single image in .jpg
I like Fio's glasses.
Also that twintail girl that was in like one game, I think it was 4. She was pretty cute.
Any good guro?
Post fat Fio.
or Eri
congratulations on your impeccable taste
Why not both?
I want moar Metal Slug damn it! And chance to side with the Aliens again. I though it was pretty cool having them fight on your side.
I'm a Tarmabro
Jeetdoh is a miracle to our degenerate fetish.
I always go Eri and pretend it's a dude because sprites are great like that.
Did you play as Fio, Sup Forums?
>That fucking Prologue
>Friend plays Marco
>Always yells "POLO!"
This absolute hamplanet is my favorite and I wish she was in more than one game.
Always Tarma
Nadia and Trevor are owned by the people who did Metal Slug 4, which is why they only appeared in said game
Eri is the obvious choice
Yeah, I figured it was something like that.
MARCO PLAYERS : Probably mashing A to get to the game as fast as possible. This may be the first time they've ever played a Metal Slug game. If a dedicated fan, expect them to be knowledgeable and find all the hidden shit.
ERI PLAYERS: Total waifufags. Most likely total shit at the game and only playing long enough to see Eri's clothes melt off from an acid attack. Unironically uses the Drop Shot.
TARMA PLAYERS: The real deal. Has most likely 1cc'd the game at some point in their life, possibly multiple times. Will not only complete the level, but will have the Metal Slug and every prisoner saved flawlessly. Small possibility they just saw the guy with sunglasses and thought he was cool.
FIO PLAYERS: Waifufags, but more skilled than the Eri player. Has a folder dedicated to rule 34 of Fio and will not hesitate to post it. Hogs all the powerups and will always be found an inch from the boss mashing the grenade button.
>Small possibility they just saw the guy with sunglasses and thought he was cool.
That's literally every Tarmafag. It's the marco players that are usually good.
>this is official art
Based SNK.
Whoa! THICK!
Whoops, noticed it's not actually official art
still cool though
He's cool
Joke's on you Tarma's my favorite and I'm not that great at these games even.
Why can't you guys tell the difference between fat and thick?
I chose to play Contra.
Was this game good?
t. Tarma player
>that neckbeard who always picked Fio in co-op
So whats up with MSD? I think its been 2-3 months since it was updated. Im not really sure if I should move on to MSA
I can get behind that.
I'm shit at metal slug, I just think Tarma looks like a cool guy.
Remember you can shoot at 2x the speed if you shoot while crouching down
What is the best way to enjoy Metal Slug? It seems like you either play with infinite continues and it's too easy, or there's some hard mode with not enough continues. I can't beat any of the games without getting killed a few dozen times.
Play each title until your 1 credit runs out once a day, eventually you will get better and enjoy it more
No joy in playing with infinite continues
git gud?
When is the next one coming out? The DS one was great.
Marco will always be my choice.
Practice in the Combat School. You will git gud fast. Also, you can romance crazy cuties.
I never played the Neo Geo ones. Just the Wii version. I should try em.
Play the neo geo pocket ones
If you don't pick Tarma you don't know SHIT about Metal Slug.
Fio is the only correct answer you fucking cuck
My nigga Tarma, and Fio is my side bitch.
The only reason I ever choose anyone but Fio is at the end of final mission first half when your player gets abducted
Now that SNK wants to revive its best franchises, what about a Metal Slug OVA?
Fio tbqh
Marcus if I cannot Fio
Fio is the most correct choice.
Marco is fine too
I want to fill fio with so much cum.
>tfw will never play Metal slug with a qt dressed as Fio
I never liked playing as Tarma because I thought he had an eye patch.
Nah, Dobson's more balloon and popping and shit. Fat/Weight Gain is a superior fetish.
>tfw metal slug is a pachinko exclusive now
can we go back to when snk was still good
Tarmicile is goat
>They got rid of the sprites for 3D models in KOF XIV
I'll never forgive them
Best girl Eri, always.
yes it was