>want to replay TTYD
>have to go through Chapter 2 shit
>Chapter 4 backtracking
>Chapter 5 shit
>Chapter 7 shit
>want to replay TTYD
>have to go through Chapter 2 shit
>Chapter 4 backtracking
>Chapter 5 shit
>Chapter 7 shit
Other urls found in this thread:
Chapter 2 is the only chapter that's stopping me.
Game is fantastic overall.
Yet another thing that Sticker Star did better.
Delete this.
replayed the whole thing 100%, game was phenomenal and still hold up to the test of time.
Super Paper mario didn't hold up nearly as well.
What's wrong with chapter 2 again?
>Got to the last boss
>I died when the boss had 1hp left.
Technically, I never finished the game the first time.
Is chapter two tho Boggle tree? That's where I stopped on my first playthrough.
why do people dislike the boggle tree and twilight town??
I know, i know, backtracking, but DAT ATMOSPHERE. I enjoyed backtracking just as an EXCUSE to stay the fuck in those areas.
Chapter 2 really isn't that bad. Though it is one of the weaker chapters.
Dunno, really. It was definitely the weakest chapter of the original 2, but it's still pretty good.
Chapter 2 is one of the few I actually like
Honest to god TTYD is in my top 10 games of all time, and I still have to say that Boggle Tree was a shit, Twilight town was annoying at the very least because of backtracking, and Glitz is shit because having to fight enemies over and over doesn't make for an exciting map, even if pic related was in it.
Boggle tree is just running back and forth tirelessly and then you gotta start collecting stupid fucking punies, and then more back and forth, and it's just trash.
Twilight Town is okay, but the trek up to the castle is just bulky, and the fact that you have to go through it multiple times is no help
>Chapter 5
Flavio disagrees.
>not liking the mystery solving with a side of wrestling chapter
What are you, a homosexual?
Agreed. Super Paper Mario is good, but the first two Paper Mario games are pretty much masterpieces.
Might as well skip all the dialogues, sidequest and play the superior paper mario shitter star or wait for the supreme paper mario color splash just for faggots like u
SPM is more replayable and a better game overall imo. Really the only thing TTYD has over SPM is badges.
Is color splash still happening?
After the huge backlash they got real quiet, i haven't heard a single thing about it since
>there are actually people who defend Chapter 4
they took the backlash to mean nobody wants any more WiiU games and cancelled Zelda
Meant to reply to On a relatable note though, I think SPM was good but I wouldn't put it at the most replayable spot. It's great, yeah, but there's a lot of junk you gotta wad through first before you get to the good stuff. That chain chomp boss battle for example, perfect, but you have to go through so much to get to it
I hear a lot of praise for the paper mario series but I never played it. I have most 3DS and Wii U and a decent PC, what Paper Mario game should I play? Is there a downloadable older one? I hear the newer ones are different in playstyle and simplified or badly received
>Want to replay Paper Mario 64
>Replay the entire game and have a good time
2 and 5 are fine and the only shit part of 7 is Where In The World Is General White
It's all worth it for the music.
Same. I went through about 3 days straight of it and I can't believe how much of the game I had forgotten, truly a masterpiece
oh man what a delicious looking cake.
If they're still making Fed Force, then they're still making that.
64 is the one you should start with, but TTYD's the better one.
Don't know about downloading/emulating, if you can't get a hold of them though pick up SPM, it's not as good as them but still alright
Paper Mario 64 is on the eshop, I recommend that one first. Play TTYD after that. Ignore the rest.
64 is easily available on both the Wii and Wii U Virtual Console. The Thousand-Year Door has only officially been released on the Nintendo Gamecube.
That would be funny if I couldn't totally see current Nintendo doing that.
>we will never get another Paper Mario like 64 and TTYD
Well they are moving it to NX.
Feels good man.
>post yfw when
>Mario literally went to hell
Super Paper Mario is the best game in the series
You don't have to do Chapter 7 in the Japanese version
If you haven't already played it multiple times, just get past it man. It's over way faster than you remember.
You are now aware that Chapter 3 is the only thing that saves TTYD from being fucking boring garbage
They must have at least considered it
Don't fucking do it!
You forgot Chapter 6. I don't care how cynical you are, you can't shit on the mystery train.
forgot how fucking chill this was
Not necessarily. Fed Force is new, and they are probably of the mentality "Well, they just don't know what it is, wait until they get their hands on it!" But with Paper Mario, we know exactly what it is. It's Sticker Star 2.
What happens if you eat the cake? I forget.
Crazy to think that Paper Mario color Splash is literally exactly this if not better in a graphical stand point
I still hate Sticker Star
But i absolutely loved that you can do chapters out of order at your own pace
First time around it's a full heal. Second time it poisons your Partners and you can't use them.
First cake is good
Second cake poisons your partner and you cant use them
but let use a copy pasta to tell you something
People need to understand that they didnt suddenly make Color Splash on purpose for spite
It was already in development a while after Sticker Star because Tanabe planned it that way
It doesnt suddenly mean this is the future and that Paper Mario is lost forever
Same shit with Federation Force, that game has been in hiatus for 7 fucking years, it's not Tanabe's fault that Other M fucking flunked with Sakamoto and now his game is going to be hated because there wasnt a proper game
Game development takes time
I can almost gurantee they don't have time to do anything with Paper Mario than what they currently have
They literally told you that a future Metroid game would be on NX because it's too late for Wii U
The same shit can apply for Paper Mario
Here's another situation, Super Mario 3D World was created first, with 3D Land being made during development for the 3DS to get it's head start
and right after 3D World released, Miyamoto literally confirmed that they were already working on a new 3D Mario with a new style
Which debunks the shitposting that people thought 3D World was a permanent style
Paper Mario is going to be just fine, it's future is bright, Color Splash, if anything, will be it's own great game