>Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon >Kirby >Donkey Kong >Mario & Luigi >Kid Icarus
One by one, Nintendo has been saving their franchises that not 4 years ago seemed doomed to fade into obscurity.
>Bayonetta >Monster Hunter >Etrian Odyssey
All while giving the support necessary to save these 3rd party franchises from extinction, offering them shelter from the hostile industry that cares not for gameplay nor difficulty.
Which franchise do you think will be next? Note that this is not a Console War thread, I'm stating plain facts here with evidence available upon request.
yeah, but no one wants to go to them anymore. that's as far as it will go. i say this and i have a wii u/3DS XL
Jason White
Why? Because everyone can just use kickstarter to fund their own IPs?
Josiah Edwards
>Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon >Kirby >Donkey Kong >Mario & Luigi
>seemed doomed to fade into obscurity Donkey Kong I will give you assuming you mean as a 2D platformer, but Explorers of Sky, Return to Dreamland, and Bowser's Inside Story were not very old at all four years ago.
Zachary Sanchez
I just want another core Metroid game man
Josiah Rivera
people still pretending Uprising trash and it's gimmick controls are good?
Gavin Taylor
>Cuckurai said no Uprising 2 never >turn the entire into railshooter shit >didn't outsell the original
>KI:U saved the franchise
Kayden Young
>Kirby >dying
>Etrian Odyssey >not inherently a Nintendo game
>Monster Hunter >not exclusive because Nintendo managed to give them enough money
I kinda get what you are trying to get at, but your facts are way off.
John Brooks
SF64 has better controls.
The only thing 643D has over the vanilla one, is the possibility to play against bots in multiplayer, and even then those are piss easy.
Jaxson Sanchez
>Nintendo has been saving their franchises >DK is suddenly back on the Mini Mario bandwagon >Star Fox gotten ANOTHER mediocre title but with a SF64/platshit flavor >another Sticker Star
and how Kirby was dying on Nintendo's hand again OP?
Luke Morgan
The majority of the game is not rail shooting, but feel free to keep pretending you know anything about the games you're criticizing.
It has that score attack mode where you can replay any individual level without going through the whole game over the original as well.
James Reyes
What's gimmicky about Uprising's controls? Explain.
Adam Rivera
>The majority of the game is not rail shooting ground sections were the worst fucking part of the game
James Baker
people still fell for the Kid Icarus meme?
i smelling a ton of smash kids in here
Jacob Lee
>ground sections were the best fucking part of the game Don't worry user, I corrected your typo.
Angel Anderson
Kevin White
What went wrong?
Logan Cooper
touch screen shit
remind me of another smup that has this shit
Liam Allen
>taking metacritic seriously
Jacob Reyes
The Mystery Dungeon games are never received well by critics. They're idiots considering these are probably better than mainline
Ethan Harris
you don't speak for me faggot
Nathan Edwards
>using the touch screen for the camera is a gimmick C.O.R.E., Prime Hunters, all the CoD ports, Star Fox Command. Yeah those are just gimmicks.
Isaiah Lee
>>Mario & Luigi
PJ was terrible
Ryder Parker
Zerofag detected
Leo Stewart
>comparing aiming with a touch screen, which is not all that dissimilar from aiming with a mouse, to controlling movement with a touch screen You are a fucking moron.
Jackson James
>Mystery Dungeon They've never stopped releasing Mystery Dungeon titles? There were plenty on DS and on 3DS.
>Kirby Kirby's been doing just fine...nothing's changed, they keep releasing Kirby games as they always have.
>Mario & Luigi Again, another series they've been actively supporting, albeit not at a game a year rate.
>DK I'll give you this one. DKC Returns was the first DKC game in a long time.
>Kid Icarus The equivalent to necroing a dead thread. It was a long dormant franchise - it was basically a new IP in its newest iteration.
Also >Monster Hunter >saving
Not quite. MH4U is fucking great, but they hardly saved the franchise. Forced it to jump ship to a handheld that actually has games and a playerbase? Sure. But the marketing has been weak and it's still the same old sorts buying the games, albeit with some Nintendrones added to the mix. MH4U was fucking great, though. Looking forward to Generations.
James King
>implying MPH was good Prime Hunters is the second worst Metroid game
also, futher of Tanabe's stupid attempt to turn a simple First Person Adventure into an actual FPS like Quake
Andrew Reed
Metroid 2, Pinball, and Other M are worse than Hunters. And the quality of the game does not mean it's a gimmick.
>if i like it it's innovative >if i don't it's a gimmick
Jordan Martin
Monster Hunters fate was not dependent on Nintendo, don't be dense
Ryder Long
>Metroid 2 >worse than Hunters apply yourself hunterfag
NST is never coming back to Metroid Prime nor touching the Dread project (if it still exists) outside mobile shit
Samuel Long
>Metroid 2, Pinball, and Other M are worse than Hunters. >Metroid 2
Hudson Powell
Metroid 2 is alright. I'd put it well above Hunters.
Pinball is too different to even be worth including in the conversation, but it's one of the better pinball spinoffs out there, and I probably enjoy playing it more than I do Hunters even though I don't care much about Pinball.
Xavier Miller
Oh, is it hip to like Metroid II now just like Simons Quest?
Matthew Moore
>Metroid 2, Pinball, and Other M are worse than Hunters. what the difference? Metroid 2 is just a weak Metroid next to Fusion, meanwhile Hunters has a steaming pile of shit in it's single player (which makes 95% of all of Metroid even Feddie Force)
Jack Martinez
>developers expecting me to play a game to experience the story L O L what fools, aint no reviewer got time to actually FINISH a game these days.
Jaxson Lee
Oh, is it hip to like Metroid Prime Hunters now because of Feddie Force's existence?
Jose Wilson
>implying Metroid 2 was a bad game lemme guess
you like Casualtroid Fusion?
Jonathan Jenkins
>Starts of with KI:U, the game that will see no new game for another 2 decades.
William Barnes
it even sold worser than Knack and Other Meme
such a failure of a reimaginative title, and so many people hoped for a replace to Star Fox and it's 2 holy grails
Hunter Rivera
Uh, what? Metroid II was never disliked, just ignored since the game before it was more innovative and kicked off the series, and the game after it was one of the best games in its genre, let alone its series.
Asher Ortiz
It's multiplayer was phenomenal and there wasn't much else like it on the platform. Enough to give it legs, despite the weak single player >le fusion was bad meme I bet you prefer Dracula X over Rondo, double nigger
Joshua Price
Call me when they revisit Golden Sun.
Julian Reed
Golden Sun was never good.
Julian Howard
It isn't worth saving
William Roberts
The suck thing is that it's probably one of the last few actually good localizations NoA has done, and it may be their best. It's such a damn shame because it's so good.
Jose Cooper
the part of KI:U that isn't a rail shooter is shit imo
i played like 4 chapters before abandoning it entirely
Isaac Reed
The rail shooting part is mediocre. The third person shooting part is actually pretty good.
Henry Powell
i didn't care for the ground section at all but different strokes i guess
Jeremiah Clark
>Pleb Sun LOL
Luke Stewart
Regardless how you feel about it, third person shooting is the vast majority of content and play time, and you'd have to be totally ignorant to say the series was turned entirely into a rail shooter like did. That's the point.
Adrian Wright
Jaxon Gomez
>i played like 4 chapters before abandoning it entirely Oh user, why?
Ethan Flores
Cooper Gutierrez
i liked the writing, but i don't understand how you're supposed to focus on it when you're shooting shit out of the sky and i didn't really care for the touch controls. Maybe it would've picked up if i mixed up my weapons and layout or something but i gave it a shot so whatever
Lucas Johnson
Cameron Jones
I liked Hunters, both single and multiplayer.
Levi Ramirez
Quick, post a Nintendo game/franchise that you'd like to see get a revival.
Robert Jenkins
Matthew Rivera
>all that shilling and exposure in Smash You can bet it's gonna happen.
It happened to FE1, Kid Icarus, and Punch Out. It is only a matter of time before they revive Castle Muramasa.
Bentley Jackson
>It's Apply yourself.
And yep, the multiplayer sure was good, with everyone picking the unbalanced character and the hackers absolutely everywhere.
Tyler Johnson
Hunter Parker
Sakurai continuously makes up excuses for why they didn't bring him in as a fighter. Does he not understand that Smash is the perfect platform for bringing back old characters ,or some that aren't popular in the West,considering the game is pretty much one giant advertisement. For fucks sake, he did this with Ness in 64, Marth and Roy in Melee, Pit in Brawl and added to it with Palutena, plus Shulk in 4.
If he re-introduced the characters fully, then there would be interest in the franchises again. Of course the series will continue to stay dead unless he does this
Hudson Gonzalez
Jordan Lee
Mystery Dungeon games have never been well received.
Console players are children, or too stupid to play roguelikes, even easy ones.
Samuel Ortiz
>remember being surprisingly hyped for this game when I was younger >parents kept asking what kind of game it was, responded that it was basically Mario but with Peach since it'd be easier to convince them to pay for it since sister would be interested in playing it >went to Toys R Us >walk up confidently to the counter and speak to the clerk >gives me puzzled look when I ask SPP >parents look even more puzzled when they see that I wasn't bullshitting about
I remember revisiting it 6 or so years ago and finally beating it since I couldn't find a Toad in some level. Pretty cool bosses.
>cousin visits and she gets a DS lite >later game went missing again >think that I just misplaced it for the time being so don't panic about it >never find it >visit cousin 3 years ago and find out that she stole the fucking game I was beyond pissed but I wasn't going to make a fool of myself in front of everyone so I had to let it be.
Mason Evans
I just want another F-Zero as good as GX.
With online multiplayer.
Brayden Moore
>Kid Icarus >saved Kid Icarus was ruined.
>Mario & Luigi >saved Mario & Luigi was ruined.
Mason Nelson
How was Kid Icarus ruined? The original game is mediocre, and Uprising is great.
Logan Sanders
Not that other contrarian fag, but I actually downloaded a rom hack for KI the other day, and with some tweaks on its level design, it can be pretty fun.
KIU is still an incredible game though.
Robert Morris
The original game is great, and Uprising isn't anything like Kid Icarus.
Uprising is half-Space Harrier but shit and half-mediocre 3rd person shooter with shitty camera controls. Uprising is also a game full of shitty writing. "HAHAHA WE'VE BEEN GONE FOR 25 YEARS ISN'T THAT SO FUNNY?" It might be somewhat amusing if Uprising resembled Kid Icarus at all, but it doesn't, so it's just throwing salt on the wound.
Samuel Harris
>Console players You mean reviewers. The players like them.
Evan Barnes
The gameboy game was pretty good.
Owen Fisher
>The original game is great Not really, no. It's a pretty run of the mill action platformer with no standout qualities aside perhaps from being very hard at the very beginning.
>Uprising isn't anything like Kid Icarus Who cares?
>It might be somewhat amusing if Uprising resembled Kid Icarus at all, but it doesn't, so it's just throwing salt on the wound. Setting aside that it's nearly unanimously agreed that the writing and voice acting and localization is superb, you are seriously overestimating the number of people who have played and give a shit about the gameplay of the original Kid Icarus. Very few people have the "wound" you describe.
Eli Sanders
>It's a pretty run of the mill action platformer with no standout qualities aside perhaps from being very hard at the very beginning. It's a combination of Metroid, Mario, and Zelda wrapped in a Greek Mythology theme. It was an interesting game and a good game.
>Who cares? Fans of Kid Icarus.
>you are seriously overestimating the number of people who have played and give a shit about the gameplay of the original Kid Icarus. Not really. The vast majority of people who think Uprising is good are underage and had never played Kid Icarus or Of Myths and Monsters prior to Uprising, so they completely lack the necessary context to judge Uprising objectively.
Uprising is a travesty. I only slightly hesitate when I say it's the Other M of Kid Icarus.
Justin Sanders
>so they completely lack the necessary context to judge Uprising objectively You are literally saying that people need to come in with certain expectations beforehand or they can't judge quality objectively. You are actually saying that. Stop and think about that for a second.
Christian Turner
Uprising is attempting to be a sequel to a franchise. Franchises have gameplay and thematic expectations. A game in that franchise that deviates from those expectations is a bad game in that franchise.
Were it an original IP separate from Kid Icarus, it wouldn't be a problem.
Leo Cox
You must really loathe Metroid Prime as well
Leo Butler
I feel that's an incredibly stupid way of judging a sequel. I mean, do you think Aliens is shit because it was an action movie while the first was a horror movie?
Dominic Martin
Metroid Prime stayed pretty true to the isolated, exploration-focused action platforming of the 2D Metroids.
Other M did not stay true to the isolated, exploration-focused action platforming.
Aliens at least still had elements of horror that Alien had. It didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater like Kid Icarus: Uprising did.
Would you be OK with Super Mario Bros. suddenly turning into a visual novel? That's what Uprising is like.
Nathaniel Morales
>Super Mario 64 >Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time >Panzer Dragoon Saga >Donkey Kong Country He must have hated these as well.
Blake Hall
The 3DS is Nintendo's only saving grace. To think that the same company made the disaster that is the Wii U is incredible.
Dylan Bell
>Would you be OK with Super Mario Bros. suddenly turning into a visual novel? That's what Uprising is like. Kid Icarus Uprising is at least still a shooter like the original, and has shmup sections like the original. It went 3D, lost the platforming, and added constant banter, but the change isn't even remotely as extreme as you make it out here.
To answer the question though, sure, if it was a good visual novel. I can't say I have much attachment to Mario. The best games have already been made, and all the series does anymore is wallow in easy samey above-averageness.
Nathan Green
the thing about the franchises you've mentioned were all notable to fans worldwide even in their own home before they came overseas. even KI had a strong and large japanese cult following unlike Takamaru's game.
Murasame Castle and it's spiritual successors on the FDS system is in the same place as pic related. very little following, former devs are gone, low chance to even get a new game outside cameos in spinoffs.
like Sakurai said, 'til he gets a new game, he and the girl from the Famicom Detective Club are low prior as fuck to be fighters.
>Sakurai: "Which has a higher possibility…The Mysterious Murasame Castle getting another entry in it’s series, or Takamaru joining the fight in the next Smash Brothers?" >Sakurai: "Both are extremely unlikely (dang)."
Nolan Martinez
>Murasame Castle and it's spiritual successors on the FDS system Isn't there only the FDS game?
Also >FDS system >Famicom Disk System system
Jose Myers
Boy, you must have been real steamed when those Genesis Thunder Force games were horizontal shooters with music instead of like this: youtube.com/watch?v=RCjtEG3Ox_o What a travesty Thunder Force III and IV were.
Easton Brooks
Nintendo practically rolled out the red carpet for Capcom
Asher Wood
Doesnt M&L suck now?
Sebastian Carter
they need to bring back Metroid.. properly
Dylan Hill
No, that's Paper Mario you're thinking of.
Jacob Miller
Not OP, but I'll answer that
Nintendo doesn't appeal to the core gamers that like FIFA, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed. Those games are the console flashships of Xbox and Sony. Their exclusives are a byproduct to why people buy their consoles, barely 10% of both audiences buy xbox or ps4 because of their exclusives (you can notice that with their attachment rate).
Meanwhile over at Nintendo they appeal to their fans only and find it hard to bring in the core gamers. Smash and Kart are their flashships and sell a metric fuckton more than any PS4 or Xbox game combined.
Kevin Richardson
*flagship, not flash wtf
Wyatt Hernandez
What the fuck is a "core gamer" in this context?
Adam Cruz
I mean I heard Paper Jam was pretty mediocre and that Dream Team wasnt anything special either
Asher Thomas
>Monster Hunter >support
Dude, Monster Hunter doesn't give a shit. It has its own fanbase which will buy any platform to play the newest MH.
Only thing I'll give you from that list is Bayonetta 2