Best girl coming through

Best girl coming through

I want Yen to be my mom

I want to be your dad.

Sorry user,best girl is Ciri my friend


enjoy your hunchback

To fuck your mom
oh wait, I already do that

But Yen isn't my mom, you're fucking a woman in her 50s
Also you owe me some birthday and christmas presents

That's not Ves

>Sup Forumsirgin kissing a girl for the first time


Real best girl coming through.

Move aside, niggers.

>dumb bitch that tries to take on 15 soldiers and ignores orders


Why don't you get kidnapped and fall to the Dark Side again, useless cunt?

Triss was better. Yennefer was an annoying manipulative bitch. Also dat salt if you reject her is hilarious.

Shani from Witcher 1 was bestest grill though.


I want to fuck Ciri while Geralt watches how I ravage her daugtherfu

fuckin ell


But that's not Rosa user

You can't even fuck her. Or her twin.

What a disappointment.

you cant even fuck Cerys either FeelsBadMan

she has that shirt open on defending castle quest lel and people say cdpred is best developer

Finally, someone with good taste in women.

But you can fuck that other warrior woman. She's way hotter anyway.

Best girl with the best assets right here

Delete this


i love her and ciri

this tbqh

so pure and innocent

So I can call you my wife's son.


i did this second playthrough because fuck digital romance.
I fucked keira and sasha that was enough for me

>he doesn't know