Any love for Point and Click games?
Any love for Point and Click games?
Literally every PC game is point and click.
Except for the ones that don't use the mouse
Absolutely. Sadly, the 90's was the best generation for the genre.
I don't have too much patience for those. I'm too old
Been playing deponia a lot lately, bretty good
Also Goal best waifu
A bit apprehensive of playing deponia 4 because of her new haircut though
Of course. Loved it since I was a kid. And I'm glad studios like WadjetEye exist today. Blackwell is my favourite modern pnc.
Also Fran Bow is really good
i enjoyed botanicula more than machinarium, which got a bit cryptic.
who among you shall go next
Primordia is pretty hype.
I've never played a Sierra game without a walkthrough.
Tfw playing dracula and amerzone in elementary school.
They were fucking amazing.
Yea, it was lovely.
This game was super atmospheric.
You are a gigantic faggot.
I love that shit.
Anybody played Kathy Rain?
Love them to bits. Anything upcoming I should have my eye on except Syberia 3?
>tfw love comedy adventure games with romance in them like Monkey Island and Deponia
>tfw there are literally no other games with that tone
It still freaks me out
Lost Horizon is kinda similar, but more serious (still have a lot of comedy, though).
Indiana Jones too.
Or as i like to call them.. pointless and shit adventures.
i've only played the first one, but i thought it fun, and i enjoyed the humor. need to get around to playing the second one.
I just want to say that this game right here is charming as hell, fun, has good puzzles and you should get it if you like fairy tale like adventure games.
Forgot image.
I really do miss old lucas arts
Well, you are in luck as it's more of the same. I played the trilogy but was a bit sick of it.
Get some techno Babylon down you. Hand down wadjeteye's best.
fucking confusing game but i loved it for its atmosphere
Yeah back when games didn't hold your hand the whole time
I like the occasional point and click
There was this old one which mixed fps and point/click
That was pretty spooky
Question: why does everyone say that Sam and Max hit the road has great humor whin in reality it is edgy tryhard "muh post-modern" shit?
Also, superior mystoid incoming.
You bet. Have replayed Day of the Tentacle recently. Thinking about playing Companions of Xanth again which was my all time favorite point and click.
>Lucas arts
>Every single product is Joke like the puzzle designer: the game
>Every single one but Dig
>Which is Random crap: the game
I recomme d you guys play Tormentom:Dark Sorrow. Fun point and click with intrestign world and story some 'choices' even and gorgeous art style
Idk, I mean I was a kid when I played those games so they def left an impression on me. Full throttle was very clever, and the dig was basically Interstellar: the game. what's not to like?
The author apparently thints that stealing art is okay since the company that created is defunct now.
Discworld and Discworld 2 were part of my childhood.
Never played Noir.
Who the fuck cares, user?
>Full throttle was very clever
Yes, and also not that hard. I'd rather watched the cartoon. As for p.1 of my post, it seems to be the problem that depends on the quality of developers.
The Last Door might not be a looker, even by indie pixel art standards, but it's the best current Lovecraftian/Poe inspired point and click out there.
I do.
>A train
don't look the same
>What is a homage?
Omelet Du fromage?
>train looks like train
Wow! They don't even share unique details
I actually can't remember what it was called
I just remember that your Dad dies and he was a ghost at the start of the game
I really liked it
Had cheesy live-action cutscenes mixed with cg
Yeah. Wish there was more set in its world though.
Machinarium looked stunning, but its puzzles weren't that much fun. Botanicula on the other hand is one of the most charming games I've ever played.
welcome to fantasy. where everything is derivative of something else.
no, they are mostly terrible, Ghost Trick is the only "point and click" that is beyond average
I'll never understand how my mum got through the Kyrandia and King's Quest games without a walkthrough, there are so many dead ends
I don't know. Sure, much of Sierra's and all but all of Lucas Arts output are all time classics.
But although there's less volume than in the glory days, I think most modern point and click developers are more genre savvy in the sense that they know what work and what doesn't in the confines of the genre.
tormentum is some good shit. Short, but amazing art style and even better atmosphere.
Machinarium is fucking terrible though
Point and click games are a genre that died when the stupid common man got access to computers.
When only the rich(smart) people could afford computers the point and click genre was at its top.
The reason is because it's versio three created from shambles.
So apparently Jane Jensen's studio is now dead, and we'll probably never get a GK4. Probably for the best.
Also, I finally started playing Beneath a Steel Sky.
>typical lighthearted pnc humor everywhere
>doesn't even remotely takes itself seriously
>suddenly Anita's corpse in the closet
Wew lad.
Jane's Gray Matter was meh and Moebius was boring, I'm not surprised studio is dead.
What do we think about Telltale?
I'm mostly a fan, they kept the torch burning when most game news outlets were still proclaiming it dead and whether you agree or disagree if we should call their more recent efforts point and click, they're certainly derived from the genre.
That said, uneven quality, often within the same season. The Sam & Max episodes for example ranged from mediocre to good, Tales of Monkey Island was serviceable to cringe worthy fan fic tier mediocrity, and Jurrasic Park could only be enjoyed in a "so bad it's good" context.
But pic related were really strong experiences, and I'd like to throw the two Puzzle Agent games in with them as well.
Heh, most of the kids here would probably make the opposite excuse.
I like them, they're like interactive movies, definitely not point and click
I loved this game so much
My mom is a programmer, was back in the day when computers were essentially buildings. She is the only person i know who get past the fridge here without a solution. That was a fucking hard minigame.
Shut the fuck up
>take out puzzles from the game
>play your cards on "emotions" and "feels"
>call it a point and click
that's telltale for ya
Their earlier games were more traditionally point and click, and I'd argue that their more interactive episodes still retain enough puzzle like elements to at least be a derivative of the point and click genre. Best just to call them adventure games though.
Honestly, the demo was disappointing and very boring and the graphics wasnt exactly good.
how about this one?
i never play it tho
Puzzles were always the worst part of adventure games though. Like 90% of them have some bullshit logic leap that forces you to get a guide in order to advance.
Yeah, back to the future, sam and max and those other games are point and clicks, I was talking about the newer ones
It's great.
Only ____ game
got the first one in a humble bundle, it was alright
Apparently the MC is an asshole or something. I read somewhere that it was the family guy of adventure games
GERMAN humor that often gets lost in the translation or just isn't funny, obtuse puzzles and annoying music. But it looks great and has some charm to it.
I'd recommend pic related over it, just mute the voices and prepare for a disappointing ending.
see Also,
>Syberia 3
my nigger
Playing through this now, got it in a bundle. It's pretty good.
But fairly easy and generic as well. And I feel like Yahtzee did it better (while not being Cthulu-inspired) with his 5 days a stranger series of games.
Those looked better, too.
John "how do I jump?" Walker from RPS is on a personal crusade against the Deponia franchise, you probably read something from, or influenced by him.
Personally, I wouldn't give anything about JWs rants. He's been blown out by devs, by his friends on his own podcast, and by pretty much everyone and their mother. That guy didn't even manage to get passed the "tutorial" stage in LISA and to this day, is buttblasted about it and deliberatly shoehorns his "games need to be easy" "this game doesn't want me to play it" shit into chance he's getting.
That said, the protag is an asshole, but thats kinda the point.
Bone: Out from Boneville, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, Wallace & Gromit and Tales of Monkey Island as well.
Sure. Last I played was Broken Age.
I don't know if you can really call it a point and click adventure, but I really liked heart of darkness. There's no other game like it.
>inb4 oddworld
Nah not quite the same.
MC is a courageous idiot, not an asshole.
I bought this on steam lately for cheap because it looked interesting. There was really no indication that it was part of a series, let alone a direct sequel.
I'm enjoying it but I'm confused about a lot of the story.
>Wolf Among Us and TFTB are arguably the best "interactive" movies telltale has produced
>"Alright lads, for the next few years we're going to rely solely on brand recognition through Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Capeshit."
I liked Yahtzee's Chzo Mythos, but this series managed to get further under my skin, and I liked how matter of fact the puzzles are or at least start out to be
Wish someone would remake Shadow of the Comet though. Hell, just an interface update would be swell.
>TFTB are arguably the best
...really? I thought that it would be shit filled with maymays like the original game, I really liked wolf among us though homo for the wolf
Thimbleweed Park.
It has some cringeworthy meme moments, and some shit straight out of the reddit front page, but even so it turns out to be great.
So yeah -- it's up there with Wolf.
Me too, but similarly to The Walking Dead it elevates the material to the point of one actually almost caring about Boarderlands lore. A strong cast of characters and humor that isn't just memes or confusing references with jokes will do that for you.
Technobabylon and Primordia were both very good
Still got The Shiva sitting around waiting for me to play it
required playing for those who enjoy point and click games
>Tormentum: Dark Sorrow
>Syberia 1+2
>Lumino city
>The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
>anything and everything by Amanita (samarost, botanicula, machinarium)
am I missing anything?
Did you tell your dad about the meat, Steve?
I loved Space Quest as a kid. Hearing Gary Owens' buttery voice mock me every time I died was great.
King's Quest was alright, but full of bullshit that practically required a walkthrough to complete.