Shilling thread

Shilling thread.

What are some games currently shilled on Sup Forums?

I vote Exanima. Remember Sui Generis, the drunken-guys-combat Kickstater? They couldn't make the full game, so now they're selling a part of it... on Early Access.

All those waifu shooters I see everyday now.

This one.
>Pic related

Overwatch is def being shilled

>swinging around like a drunk
i want my money back

I think either the opposite or even both, there's just been so much shit about Battleborn I have to say something is up.

Exact same team is in charge of canvasing Sup Forums and /r/games

Currently: anything Bethesda, anything Blizzard, not sure about Valve and there's some Dishonored 2 pre-shilling.

also websites like this

In theory, reddit's model is becoming superior to imageboard because (again, in theory) you can get rid of shills more easily, if there is a will.

>STILL in early access

all these faggots that went into early access in 2013 are STILL in early access, it's annoying as fuck

Overwatch and Battleborn, although people seem to actually like Overwatch.

why dont fucking fund them then you whiny bitch.

Finished, never

I sometimes wonder if a game would've been completed if they hadn't gone into ea I mean some games are like 3-4 years in it and have no land in sight
and on the other hand many other COMPLETE games have a 3 year dev phase and the game is fine when it comes out

how long do your games take to develop?

Its almost like those COMPLETE games were funded via traditional means.

Indie devs shill without outside companies but it's as obvious. Also youtube people like matthewmetastasis and the like, though Sup Forums is also full of millenials vying for their favourite eceleb. DSP is probably starting some of his threads here but it's also uncertain because he has a literal hate cult hounding him.

but the ea games were developed for the same time or even longer so whats the excuse there?

what ea games? do you know how huge es is, retard?


Wow... I bet you legitimately believe all that, huh?

well exanima for example is an ea game thats been in development for the same amount of time some other games that didnt had ea and its still not released or finished or even close


we're talking about the time her bab not the funding

you might actually be retarded holy shit

I know it for a fact, now fuck off.

they go hand in hand, dumbass

>he actually believes it

they do not in ea
they work on the game for the whole duration of ea
until it leaves ea

>implying both publishers didn't hire shills

>indie game
>40 years in early access
>pixelart 8bit
>close to no gameplay

What are other kickstarter classics?

for fuck sake... because of the money slowly coming in bit by bit, moron.
we're done here. you are fucking stupid.

its amazing how retardedly dumb you are.
its not about the money you idiot.
I'm just talking about the TIME nigger
and the devs work on their game regardless of how its funded

>crowdfund game
>make over $110 million dollars
>hire hundreds of devs and some A list actors
>have nothing to show but some broken tech demoes almost 4 years later


There are waifu shooters?

Rather be shafted by a shitty indie dev than by TIM FUCKING SCHAFER for the billionth time!

>Like 1 Battleborn thread up at a time
>it's usually shitting on the game
>meanwhile there are 5+ Overwatch threads up at any time

What the fuck are you smoking dude. Battleborn has no marketing

I'd rather not be shafted at all.

Tell me Sup Forums, what was the last EA game that you backed? And do you regret it?

I backed Gloria Victis not long ago but boy it's complete trash and I regret spending 10$ on it.

And Tim Schagger isn't a shitty indie dev?

The overwatch shilling is getting pretty disgusting 2bh

I think he's talking about overwatch and battleborn or whatever they're called

Overwatch and Witcher 3 are competing for most shilled games of all time not counting autistic Nintendrones.

Meh. I expected something like this. He got me excited.

Noone is talking about exanima

Overwatch is being shilled to death

It's partly overwatch threads and antioverwatch threads being guaranteed (you) collectors.

Im not even buying the game and i've posted a couple threads to rile people

Is mgsv not in that race? Kaz posting went on for a long time

>There are people who genuinely believes that Overwatch is being shilled on Sup Forums.

Yes, because despite its massive popularity, OW sure needs a couple of neckbeards from a small time forum to help fund it, eat shit.

What is that game even about? Just another generic hack n slash d2 clone?

t. a shill

>there will never be a qt grills vs faceless old men shooter

shillboi on the loose

Comparison of current Battleborn threads vs Overwatch threads


>They couldn't make the full game, so now they're selling a part of it... on Early Access.
Isn't that the point of early access though?
That they're going to make the full game eventually?

>That they're going to make the full game eventually?



As far as genuinely shilling goes, that'd probably be some nameless generic indie pixelshit #015672. I kinda doubt any major AAA company bothers with a shithole like Sup Forums, their viral marketing teams have enough resources to manipulate facebook and reddit, but for a small 3-people dev teams, Sup Forums presents a cheap quick and easy way to get even a little bit of exposure to their shovelware.
How often have you seen threads that read almost literally "Hey /v, have you checked out BanalQuest? I was kinda skeptical at first, but then I bought it on Steamâ„¢ for a mere 9.99$ and it turned out great!"?

Kaz posting was just fun Sup Forums posting.

It takes almost zero effort and cost to shill on Sup Forums. The cost-benefit is vastly to the side of benefit ratio.

So are you gonna leave Sup Forums, or just stay but also yell "shill!" at everyone you disagree with?

>kinda doubt any major AAA company bothers with a shithole like Sup Forums
Incorrect. EA does it, Gearbox does it, Blizzard does it, fucking Valve used to do it when they made games. The creator of Sims Medieval even used to post here and tell people to play his game, though admittedly he said he was okay with pirating.

I'll report shilling and stay. Fuck letting Sup Forums go the neofag/reddit way of astroturfing.

>report shilling

And what do you think mods are gonna do? Do some l33t haxor cross referencing of their IP address with blizzard headquarters? You could use some time away from the internet, it's poisoning your mind.


Is this "Sup Forums's opinion matters" meme still going? This place has no value, just like the people who post here. No game developer with an iota of sense would give this place a second thought.

Is this a joke?

Overwatch, definitely. Been a while since something got shilled that hard here.

overwatch and battleborn

>What are some games currently shilled on Sup Forums?

Not a game, but Denuvo.

They shill it every fucking day.

Over they years there's been proof of shilling again and again, no effort is required to shill on Sup Forums.

>links all threads related to overwatch, even the ones yelling "shill!" and shitting on the game

Oh yeah, that's not the usual Sup Forums crowd or anything, couldn't be.

If you guys visited other boards you'd know that it happens all the time. Take kanye west on Sup Forums, anytime he says something or drops new music there are gonna be people talking about it. Why? Because there's lots of people that will argue, on both sides of it, and that makes it fun to talk about.

>this thread
Kill yourselves
Shill may as well be a buzzword interchangable with words like "meme" and "tumblr" and "reddit" and "cuck" that don't actually mean anytthing at this point since pretty much every indie game gets the same response (and some non-indie games like the aforementioned Overwatch) despite the fact that this board is so hugely populated there's likely someone on this board (probably multiple) that probably like any particular game you can think of and your usage of the word shill contributes nothing worthwhile of discussion. Not that shilling doesn't occur, but usage of the term distracts from discussion and is wasted in most cases.

>the way to stop someone constantly marketing a game is to talk about the game
if this is bait so be it
if it isn't you desperately need your head slammed into fucking concrete until you can't see anything anymore

Kill yourself

>the usual Sup Forums crowd
>you guys
I wonder who could be behind this post?

Remember when posting that DOOM screenshot resulted in an instant ban if you reposted it? Let me know when something like that happens with an indie game.

>the way to stop someone constantly marketing a game is to talk about the game

When did I ever say that? I'm saying that if you think all those threads are marketers then you're fucking deluding yourself. Overwatch gets a ton of threads because people like to argue, and yell shill, and call each other names. Same as Kanye.

Oh yeah, you got me bro, all you Sup Forums cats are too hip for my counter-intelligence marketing.

Get the fuck over yourself you paranoid schizophrenic

Backpedal more Kaplan you fucking hack

>google kaplan
>kaplan college

"It's FUN because it's HARD" Edition

I never got the appeal of this. It's just a list of things.

That's exactly what a Battleborn marketer would want you to think.


>OMG guys this game is SO IMPOSSIBLE!!!

It's fucking blatant

Do you think the average Sup Forumsirgin buys fewer games than the average facebook user?

Think? It's true. Check the fucking catalog, tard

The Dark Souls games are literally the most easiest game ever made.

I could use more games and summer sale is around the corner, shill your games developers!