What have you played today/planning on playing /v and what's your opinion on them so for?

What have you played today/planning on playing /v and what's your opinion on them so for?

Mother 3 is fucking great so far, finished Earthbound on Saturday and thought it was great however enjoying Mother 3 a lot more

Haven't played Doom in a long time, cause there have been so many wad threads I'm currently playing through Valiant on UV getting my ass whipped. But am loving it


Last bump

DmC Devil May Cry
Was trying to finish HaH with SSS but m18 decided 218K isn't SSS :^)

Sometimes I wonder why I do it to myself.

Started a run of Pokemon Soul Silver but now I just remember why I personally don't like HGSS despite them being better games and usually play Crystal instead

Great taste OP

back to plebbit, newfag

But I'm gonna play some Dead Island today. It's surprisingly fun so far (only played a couple of hours).
I love randomized loot.

I'm playing Going Down.WAD. On level 18 right now. Shit's getting pretty fucking hard.

just played some magic duels

I hate this game but I still play for an hour or so every morning.

Other than that I don't know. Probably gonna play rock band 4 later today, kill time till overwatch.

Playing Plutonia experiment + Demonsteele

Slaughter all day everyday

I've also returned to the originals far more often than to HGSS. I'm curious, what didn't you like the remakes?

>go to work
>come home
>Overwatch unlocks 30 minutes later
I win.

After being bombarded by people recommending me there "Cool original RPG maker games which was inspired by Earthbound, I actually sat down and played Mother 3,

No contest, Mother 3 is one of the finest games i've played.

>Mother 3

Planning on playing Mother 2 (Earthbound for you Amerifags) and then some Link to the Past.

Mostly distaste for the look the game uses, I really hate that pasty blue green used for the low grass, and the tall grass is too bushy and contrasts too hard. Which is ironic because some towns do things like change the Pokemon Center roof to go with the color tone of the rest of the area. I don't like some of the rearranges of the music tracks either. The script is a bit more stifled too, usually for new dialogue, probably because of TPCi localizing it instead of NoA; doesn't help I don't like most of the changes to the story period. They also fucked up the level curve even harder somehow.

HGSS at least adds some nice new side content and restores Kanto more to its original state, so the post-game is better, but for the main adventure in Johto I prefer going back to Crystal.

>Not Russian Overkill + DemonSteele.
C'mon senpai step it up.

Going to start the omega quintet post game today
game is kind of repetitive and pretty ugly but about half way through the combat system really comes into its own and the post game goes crazy with the big numbers so its gonna be a good time

then im gonna play some breath of fire GBA version

Just played Mirror's Edge because I wanted to refresh my memory for the next game. It's bad. Really bad.

How so?

Clunky controls, temperamental ledge and jump detection, hard to find your way and keep flow going even though that's what you're supposed to do. Dialogue is awful too.

Are you playing on PC? Not defending the game since I really don't like it that much, but apparently the ledge and jump detection is busted in the PC port.

Yeah I am. I could've sworn the game came out on PC first but guess I'm wrong. Honestly playing this game without a mouse doesn't sound that much more appealing either.

Maybe buying D44M today for the peesss4, I know i shouldn't be playing fps with controller but my PC is shit.