It's being re-announced this E3.
where were you when you regained hope in the industry?
>you WILL be a space cow in your lifetime
It's being re-announced this E3.
where were you when you regained hope in the industry?
>you WILL be a space cow in your lifetime
Other urls found in this thread:
>star trek-punk
I wish it was dead.
Space cow = space cowboy
>Implying they aren't just taking some other shitty shooter nobody would care about and slapping Prey 2 on the box to try and trick a few people into buying it.
The real Prey-2 is dead.
prey was shit
>prey was the shit
>literally cod but with ayyys
wow its fucking nothing
1. This is week-old news
2. I already am a space cow
I don't care. I really don't care anymore.
I cared about 5 years ago. It's too late. Nothing that made prey what it was will be in the new game. Nothing was in it in the last few trailers we saw. It's not prey, it's a generic shooter named prey. Much like the new homefront.
Arkane has never made a "standard" fps so I doubt that.
>Source: Kotaku
Just let go, user. It's easier that way.
But the trailers from 2012-2013 were fucking awesome. What are you talking about.
>It's very different from the Prey 3 you saw in 2011
Unless it's going back to the roots of basically being Turok but with aliens, that sounds like a huge red flag
Lots of AAA FPS games will be rebooted now that neu Doom succeeded but I'm not looking forward to it because I hate QTEs and auto kills that have become the new standard.
Then again Prey always was an on-rails FPS with some neat setpieces.
Real joke is people are probably getting excited about a game that doesn't exist anymore. As in, it's most likely been totally rebooted if project changed studio hands. Cue disappointment when it's not exact same shit they saw years ago.
It'd be a very different game anyway
Uhhh so? No one gave two fucking shits about the prey name or whether 2 would be like one because one was guttertrash with a few cool tech novelties. People were excited for prey 2 because it was literally a space bounty hunter sim.
Even if it were close to the original vision, it's still going to be dumbed the fuck down considering Arkane's focus testers and Bethesda published games in general
It's not gonna be the prey 2 that was previously announced. There were some leaks a few years back that suggested it'd be by Arkane and be heavily inspired by system shock 2.
It will, but RS Siege was different from Patriots, Doom (2016) was different from Doom 4.
I think the issue is that it will be hard to live up to the original trailer, but only because we never really got to see the real game, after the cuts and tweaks were made for consoles.
Would you?
So what everyone thought Prey 2 was originally going to be like before the demo?
It has been totally rebooted as a Bioshock-wannabe. We've known this for ages.
I don't know how to feel about this. I was never really sold on the Prey 2 gameplay video, it seemed like one of those previews where everything is heavily scripted to make the game seem more dynamic or impressive than it actually would've been.
Does Bethesda really want to finance a questionable sequel when they've apparently struck gold by getting both Wolfenstein and DOOM under their wing?
>Kinda looks like Liara
Of course.
Prey was a corridor shooter like Doom, and everyone thought the sequel, that was teased in the end of the first game, was going to be more of the same goodness.
But then they showed some open world neon glowing star wars bullshit without Tommy to be seen anywhere, and that killed any kind of hype former Prey fans had.
things change between then and now
Did it bother anyone else how Prey 2 wasn't even connected to the first game? It did look nice but could easily have been used as a new IP or been a spinoff of a more successful IP.
I did like the weird sci-fi angle with shaman powers the first game had, even if it wasn't that good
Please, please, PLEASE don't have fucked it up entirely and made a shitty linear FPS shovelware thing.
That game had so much potential.
Where can I play the first Prey? Is it just a generic scifi shooter?
Fucking a female blue cyclops with dat kind of ass? Like the fist of the fucking north star.
I don't know why this obsession that sequels have to be directly related. Place the series in the same setting and tell unrelated stories for all care, just make them good.
Why not? They have FPS franchises to fall back on now, it's easier to take the risk with a more open and narrative FPS than it was before
It was connected quite heavily to the first apparently, it just wasn't immediately obvious in the trailers.
If it's Arkane it's bound to be something different. Question is only how considering this would be their first proper FPS.
>Is it just a generic scifi shooter?
Its doom 3 but worse. Its ok though...
Fun fact: Prey 2 was given to Zenimax Online in late 2014 who began early-stage prototyping. ZOS didn't know they no longer had the IP when they saw a working demo Arkane gave in front of the entire company.
Fun fact: Zenimax is one of the worst companies in the gaming industry.
>killed any kind of hype former Prey fans had
Speak for your fucking self.
Because sequels imply they follow, you have an established cast so why throw them away to be cameos at best?
i hated Doom 3. guess i'll pass
>implying it'll be the same game that was announced years ago
I don't think so, Tim. Prey 2 is long gone.
Fuck it.
Bethesda a shit.
Yeah, no. I think I'll pass.
>posting a neofag screenshot
Great I almost had my hopes up, thanks OP you cunt.
Yes, and?
I don't give a shit about their Sony fanwanking as I don't even post or lurk there in the first place.
>, it's a generic shooter named prey
Did you even watch the footage?
Not him, but it being neogaf doesn't invalidate any of that since it's been posted other places before
If the news about Duke3D getting fucked over by Gearbox currently broke on gaf it wouldn't make it any less true
I'm confused.
Prey was about some injun using magic injun powers to kill aliens right? Or am I getting that mixed up with something else?
How are we onto a space bounty hunter now?
I know Kotaku's shit and all, but their rumours usually turn up to be true.
I'll let go if it doesn't appear this E3. I mean honestly, what else can Bethesda fill their show with.
>quality standards
Just accept the fact Sup Forums is full of Neogaf users and move on. We can't stop them, this board's sony territory now.
It's like when EA said Tiberium didn't reach their "quality standards" which we all know to be a load of bullshit given what fucking disasters they released in the past.
Interesting. Arkane would probably work out quite well for the parkour mechanics they were shooting for
More Fallout DLC shit is what I'm guessing.
Bethesda have a way of letting people know about upcoming releases before their presentations to garner more attention.
The fact that they haven't done anything either shows a change in their marketing, or that they really don't have anything.
I'd be pleasantly surprised if they announced anything worthwhile.
They should have just listened to the "doesn't meet our quality standard" and canned the game.
Arkane was good only for Dark Messiah and Arx Fatalis.
After they were bought out by Bethesda, the quality in their games has taken a turn for the worse.
If this is real then neato, but seriously, Prey 2 is not even close to being such a God Game that it would single handedly revolutionalize, let alone save the entire industry.
I enjoyed Dishonored
I'm not saying it's a bad game, I'm just saying there's a notable drop in quality when compared to their first two games.
It still bothers me that Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah had full body awareness whereas Dishonored had you just be a floating ball with arms, like so many other FPS games.
Also, Witches of Brigmore > main game
I prefer Dishonored to Dark Messiah desu. And Dishonored 2 hasn't really been shown yet but all the interviews about it show that they're at least aware of the fact people thought it was too easy, and they're trying to fix that, so I feel alright about that game.
Arx Fatalis is still the best though.
You should replay Dark Messiah if you think it's better than Dishonored.
I have replayed it, a little over a month ago.
Just replay any part featuring Leanne
Goddamn what the fuck
Dishonored 2
Wolfenstein 2
TES:O expansion
Fallout 4 DLC
Doom multiplayer DLC showcase
Skyrim Remastered
Prey 2 would be a nice surprise but that's what I'm guessing
There is hope.
I only care if it has the same setting/MC
is there anything Arkane can't do?
BGS and Arkane should co-develop TES VI it's like the perfect fit just saying get to work Todd.
bull fucking shit
If human head isn't working on it then it may as well be dead forever.
>Bethesda explained that the game just wasn’t up to its “quality standard”
>quality standard
IS this a joke?
About 4 years too late. Would be ruined by modern DLC shit and fps "standards".
And this is further proof why Technological Necromancy is possible IRL: I mean cyborgs do have mechanical prosthetics with electronics inside, all you need is to do some fixing in the brain and/or CPU, rewiring, coding, programming, and a little fixing here and there, and you have the ultimate servant: Undead Cyborg.
And they won't smell like shit either!
SO, can you guys get augments already? Just saiyan.
Yes I'll get you those Little Girl cyborg bodies you faggots have always wanted now fuck off and get augs already.
Fuck you, I want to be a space cow and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
I'm going back to my tumblr.
>fallout people praise your game - it's amgical
well, they have no standards, what did you expect?
It's most likely not going to be anything like the game initially being made by Human Head, the leaks from a couple of years ago indicate it's going to be a sort of System Shock spiritual successor
Makers of dishonoured will either develop it and turn it into bioshock or it will end up like homefront the revolution
>The game may even have a different name now
Prey 2 got my interest because the setting was semi unique, now they're probably going back for gimmicky gameplay with le boorish indian protag
Yes, check It was basically them fucking Human Head in the ass by taking advantage of loopholes to buy the studio or something along those lines. You can see old gameplay videos on youtube and it clearly showed that the game was far from bad or "Up to quality standards". It wasn't completed and the gameplay shown could use some improvements I think, mainly in terms of speed, but it's obvious that the game was close to being done.
They said it's likely to not even be called Prey 2;
Such a shame they are wasting Arcane's talent on such an unbelievably shitty IP...
Bethesda published Wolfenstein New Order and Dishonored, among others.
It just means it was really shitty. Like, irredeemably shit, not enough for even the marketing hype to sell.
Oops meant to quote
>not the one we saw in 2011 from Human Head
Bethesda/Zenimax has bought out Arkane quite a while ago.
Were you not aware of this?
>Yes I'll get you those Little Girl cyborg bodies you faggots have always wanted
Not really sure what you're talking about but I'm sold.
>tfw a game where you are the only human among aliens has always been my wet dream
>bethesda antics ruined it
Fuck and I was actually going to give them money for Fallout 4
They managed to sell FO3 on open world and a lot of content alone
what does that have to do with anything
>what does that have to do with anything
Because ultimately Bethesda decides how the game will be made, and Arkane will follow their instructions because they have no choice in the matter.
They own them and have a say in practically everything they do
Always to the extremes with Sup was average and fun. Deal with it.
What's wrong with Arkane though? If they keep the same premise Prey 2 had in the previous previews I wouldn't mind
Actually, it was not. The game was utterly tasteless, annoying, silly, stupid, crass, took itself waaaay too seriously, and the idiotic death mechanic literally declawed any semblance of challenge to it.
There were some fun ideas for weapons at times, but the gunplay itself was atrocious, the occasional "technology" moments were entirely out of place and desperately tried to mask the fact that 90% of the game is the same hideous brown-green corridor with the same boring fucking enemies, dragged out, poorly paced samey shootouts using painfully unsatisfying weapons, and every time the game tried to jam some exposition in your face (which was quite frequently), it was a pure cringe.
Seriously, Prey was fucking awful and everybody recognized it back then. Tech stuff aside, the game was shit, and it was it's day equivalent of Brink: massively overhyped piece of trash that everybody made fun off for a while then completely forgot about it.
>If they keep the same premise Prey 2 had in the previous previews I wouldn't mind
It's going to be a completely different game
Besides Arx Fatalis i hated their games, especially Dishonored, i hope Prey 2 will prove me wrong because i liked the direction it was taking.
Oh HA HA, look everybody, user posted the funny fucking anime picture again
Christ, I forgot that nowadays you can just add white impact font text to an autistic picture of some underage anime girl from some retarded artist who couldn't draw an actual three dimensional human being if he was held at gunpoint.
Speaking of guns, I want to stick a shotgun up your fatass and pull the trigger.
You think shit like this is funny? Fuck off, prey was absolute garbage, and you can't just reply with a retarded anime picture and """deal with it"""
That's not an argument you fucking faggot, holy shit