So... are these claws even remotely usable? I've been trying them for a while now with a 40 Luck...

So... are these claws even remotely usable? I've been trying them for a while now with a 40 Luck, 40 Dex build and they just seem pitiful. They can't stunlock anyone, their damage is ass, and even with Carthus Rouge it's taking 6-8 direct hits to bleed someone. Am I just missing something or are they garbage?

all fist weapons are garbage in DaS3, shit damage, shit moveset, shit stagger.

>the game has no working poise
>can't stunlock anyone
How do you even fail this hard?

>dagger with the higest crit
>does less backstab and crit damage than a greataxe

Even when I've hit people two times in a row they didn't get stunned in the slightest. I can stunlock NPC's for days, though. Was able to stunlock Havel for over half his life bar... which is like twenty hits.

>A small steak knife does less damage than a massive axe intended to slice and crush the bones of those who face it

Yeah, no fucking shit.

Luck build is pretty good. Starting with thief you can get luck to 40 before level 40 and have the most powerful weapon in the game.

I thought that was Bloodborne for a second there.

Is it possible to get both max benefits from hollowing and Anri's sword at the same time?

What chest piece is this?
Can't recognize.

As for your question OP, yeah, this weapon is shit. If you want to run bleed build go with Gravekeeper twinswords.
Or any Carthus weapon.


You can't hollow her sword, its unique.

Sweet fashion

I know, it's just that there's a problem running luck builds that you don't get the ember until the fucking profaned capital.

They're great for looking cool and parrying

Go Raw and reinforce a weapon of choice as much as you can.
I had no issues progressing until I could get my hollow infusion.

>kill the summoned drakeblood enemy and the armor is where you find the dragon gesture
>kill the havel warrior and his armor is where you find the stray demon
I don't really care about either armor set but that's just dumb if you ask me.

Kill anri at road of sacrifices to get the sword early.

You can buff it too. Add Carthus rogue on it and it's already 100x better than claws

>you get havels ring from the stray demon's soul

idk m8

Anri's sword doesn't give the Luck bonus nor does it give the bonus damage, it only scales with luck, give 1hp/s and prevent reanimation.

>kill creighton in the cemetery and his armor is on the bridge

there is no fucking reason why anyone would return there in the first place, stop sucking miyazaki's dick

I'm not dude, I'm just saying, it's not 100% far-fetched. I like to think that the Demon killed Havel and that his soul got all fucked up and ended up in 2 different places.

So I was starting a kind of "Faith" melee build but really the only faith part about it is the heals and applying buffs since lightning bolts are pretty shit. Does Lightning Blade or Darkmoon Blade's damage bonus scale more with more faith or is it based on just the spellbuff of the chime or something?

>a small toothpick staggering heavy armored dudes and doing almost as much damge per hit as a UGS is totally fine though

>the Luck bonus
I mean, don't you need 8 dark sigils to get the full benefits on hollow infused weapons?
I would like to use Anri's sword before I get a proper hollow infused weapon. But killing her prematurely obviously locks you out of the wedding and getting 8 sigils.

Isn't it just the hollow stat?

It should be.

Only your hollowing number matters for hollow weapons and Anri's sword is not a hollow weapon so it doesn't even matter.

Dark sigils only matter for the dark lord ending.

Well ok, if you say so.

Did a fist build and hated every second of it.
I got pretty good at the game but i was upset at how lack of fun i had.
even in dark souls 1 fists were awesome and had cool moves to do.
But in ds3 its just punch punch and if you use something else its spin like an idiot.

yep, dark sigils are just an item that increases the rate of hollowing (max of 99)
Hollowing is the actual stat is scales from


Dark Sigils also increase the amount of hollowing you gain per death. With 5 dark sigils you gain 5 hollowing per death, with 8 you get 8 hollowing per death.

running l1 is great for pursuit, that's about it. enjoy your dark swords and great axe+parry cestus targets who will always have a colossal advantage over you.

The problem with the claws, with daggers and indeed with all short range weapons is latency.

I've played with claws, caestus and the brigand twin daggers; pve they're fine. The start up on a claw/caestus r1 is retarded (It's as slow as a great sword) but you can deal with it. In pvp, however, if your latency isn't super low you get into a situation where every hit either whiffs because the guy is considered to be dodging away or you end up trading despite hitting him in wind up.

The best I've found is the manikin claws, and then only because of the side step weapon art allowing you to quickly move in and MAYBE get an attack in to stagger and combo.

But when you face anyone with any range, anyone with any sort of heavy weapon that doesn't stagger if you hit them mid attack, and anyone with more than maybe an 1/8th of a second of latency, you're at a MASSIVE disadvantage.

L1 is great for catching rolls. In pve they're pretty damn good, you can spam L1 and lockdown pretty much anything.
In pvp, I tend to not use them since they're not that fast enough or strong enough to compete with more "normal" weapons.
I use Warden Twinblades for pvp.

how could claws be remotely usable? theyre on your hands lmao