That boss that DID do something wrong

>that boss that DID do something wrong

People always make threads about "villains" that "did nothing wrong", but what about those who were right ol' cunts throughout the game and deserved everything bad that came to them?

Pic related Seymour from FFX

I never wondered when I was a kid, but now it bothers me. How does his hair work?

The same way Wakka's do
Static electricity
Fucking Al Bheds and their machinas

Pic related

Was it NTR?

Better dead than Al Bhed, right bruddah?

Bishop Ladja from DQV is the most enraging antagonist I've ever seen in a game

His backstory is pretty sad, so he's not a complete cunt.

Algus from Final Fantasy Tactics

So every villain?

ha ha

Everything is a lot less dense in Spira world. Explains super swimming, jumping, flying with big clunky airships, and how Sin can even move.

His worse mistake was being in a terrible game

He did nothing wrong though.

Anybody else feel like this game got annoyingly weebish once Rikku came in for the second time?


Those sand blasted grease monkeys!

You know theres just going to be ebin shitposters with a wicked sense of humor who'll claim he did nothing wrong

The game explains Seymour's hair by saying that guado's hair is an extension of their veins. You can see Seymour's veins popping out of his forehead and leading up to his hair.

He killed Jyscal and then tried to have some convoluted wedding plan
Like all things considered he didn't do shit until the party killed him
He didn't even kill all the Ronso because they just show up again at Gagazet and Blitzbol

Sort of spoilers

Just because he tried to kill people in a simulation doesnt make it ok. He's a cunt.

No, that doesn't explain anything

He did the most wrong thing in the universe

Who that


I think for guados, veins are like branches of a tree, which is why they stick up and stuff. You did see guadosalam, which was like an organic forest area.

I'm fine
No I'm not

Until you kill him he constantly helps the party out.

>that feel when you get to play him
>tier two spells
>completely shit on Sin Spawn

That was a cool fight.

But yeah. From his imperial march theme, over his guards, his design, up to his VA - Everything screams villain so that Tidus doesn't look like a jealous asshole for not trusting the son of the pope, unifier of peoples. That was a lot of wasted potential.

>contrarians trying to shitpost
>actual retards that believes the contrarians
Pick one

Thats actually a pretty hard question, its been a while since I've really hated a villain. They either make them sympathetic, too entertaining to like or too "ancient evil" to really blame them.

>You never get to bring him to justice
>He gets away scot-free and probably lives happily ever after, fucking bitches and sipping champaign all day, until he dies of old age in his sleep surrounded by his loved one, content of having lived a good life to the fullest.

I understood the perspective and way he felt at the end, but at the end of the day Adachi was just a manchild who couldn't deal with a world that refused to instantly cater to him. Yeah, he worked his ass off and the world is shitty to those without inherent talent. But that doesn't guarantee you shit. Despite being a rookie cop who clearly did something wrong to be placed out in the boonies he feels like he deserves more for nothing.

On top of that his reaction to a woman being kinda slutty was to harass her and push her around. And even if you think of the first murder as an accident the second one wasn't. On top of that because he's bored he manipulates a clearly crazed man into throwing others into a world he knows can kill.

Adachi may have talked about some shit that is unfair in the world, but at the end of the day was a shit himself.

His first mistake was his outfit.

>indirectly gets Chiaki killed
Fuck Nagito


I dunno. His plan is pretty solid. Death is repeatedly shown to mean literally nothing in Spira as long as you don't want to die super hard (Auron, Seymour, that summoner chick you fight repeatedly, all of the Yevon officials, etc). Everyone being dead would get rid of anyone caring about Sin at all. Sure a lot of people wouldn't be strong enough to resist death like every major character in the plot seems to be able to do, but that also just means they're happy enough moving on.

>indirectly kills the retarded waifubait character
Thank you based god.

>rofl took hundreds of you to kill me ;)

What the fuck dud you say about Chiaki you little bitch? Sonia's the waifubait here.

But Fiends are made the same way

usually they are being ironic op

>Sonia more waifubait than the gamer girl who is one of the smartest, cute and sympathetic that does nothing wrong.

You're a retard.

You forgot that she has the best va.

Literally all that applies to Sonia. Hell, Hajime consents with Sonia more often than any other character.

Villains not doing anything wrong is the exception.
This thread is shit, OP.

>gamer girl
>ever being smart, cute and sympathetic
If anything she was a fresh take on it. Meanwhile

>foreign princess
>fascination with foreign culture
>ojou-sama attitude held back by her benevolent attitude
Much more of a waifu bait if you ask me.

I still wonder whether his chest is supposed to be hairy or what's up with that.

He was literally wrong. As in incorrect, not morally deficient. There's no real morality in the xenoblade universe, just natural selection. [Spoiler]Zanza[/spoiler] became stagnant and eventually paid the price when his creations exceeded him

Is it bad that I was suprised that hes the bad guy? I unironically thought hes a good guy and that he would join after the whole operation mihen thing.

Seriously spoiler tags are case sensitive? Fuck that noise I'm leaving it

Him controlling sin could pretty much wipe out all fiends until they stay dead as well.

No it's not bad at all, but it's proof that you did not play a lot of FF back then, cause in every FF post 6, the main villain is always the over-stylized guy. He is either a classy edgy (Sephiroth, Ultimecia), or a gay clown (Kuja, Seymour).
When I played FF X, as soon as I saw Seymour, I was like : "oh, it's totally not a Kefka-like antagonist".

Pitou wanted to protect his king from foreign invaders, literally did nothing wrong

cat, satan and fagmoth were created with the sole purpose of protecting cell jr. they weren't really evil.

seymour is nothing like kefka and the antagonist of FFX is jecht

>the antagonist of FFX is jecht


game starts with tidus whinging about his dad

game ends with tidus confronting his dad

seymour just gets in the way

>waaaaah my people banished me for being power hungry
>how DARE they hurt me like this

What a fucking joke.

Aren't guados like... tree people? I always figured they were tree people. I assume it's just naturally rigid.

He doesn't, they catch up to him in the manga or art book and kill him.

To be fair, he took a crazy beating by normal standards.

>three groups of six people wailing on him
>arrow barrage to the face
>he's still at HALF health when you duel him


Literally one of the worst assholes in gaming simply because he escapes completely without repercussions.

Around a Machine you're unclean.

There can be multiple antagonists, just as there can be multiple protagonists. One can argue Tidus and Yuna are the protagonists of X (it is, after all, largely about Yuna's journey and Tidus is tagging along for the ride), and in that case Seymour would be the antagonist to Yuna (but do note a single protagonist can still have multiple antagonists). And if you really want to push the there's-only-one-antagonist route, then that should really go to Yevon since he's the final boss and responsible for Sin and pretty much everything else in the first place.

I like that his backstory was not played for sympathy even though it easily could've been. Yeah, he witnessed traumatic shit but choices he made in order to become a monster over it were entirely his.

Didn't he just want to bring his family back?

Well well well, what do we have here?

>Make Deus a dude instead of a body-hopping chick this time around
>Make him pass for a hot chick anyway.

Seymour is a grade A cunt, the fact that he's written like a scooby doo villain doesn't help either.

Then again the whole store in FFX is borderline retarded, he's just the cherry on top.

>Give him a possibly sympathetic backstory
>Make him an irredeemable asshole, anyway

Why was he so perfect, and how did Konomi fuck up so badly trying to copy him with that ninjaclown in 5?

Nowe did things way more wrong than Gismor

>Gismor poisons Nowe
>Nowe Decides to GTFO instead of telling anyone about Gismor being a traitor
>Nowe then becomes a traitor himself by killing hundreds of guys who are just trying to keep the world in balance

Despite all the standing, they weren't kindered spirits at all.

I think S5 had absolutely the weakest antagonists in the form of Godwin family. They're even worse than FF12 Vayne in a sense, not only do you barely see them, but what they actually DO is completely unnecessary and seemingly only done so they can be the villains.

Literally Hitler.
Gets tamed by MC dick anyway

>Despite being a rookie cop who clearly did something wrong to be placed out in the boonies
I can't remember his back story at all.

But seeing the much of a fuck up he is most of the storyline it's no fucking wonder.

I really like that character design. Looks like I villain I could actually take seriously.

I seriously don't get how the murder-my-dad thing fit into his evil plan.

He wanted to romance Yuna, have her sacrifice both of them to bring a Calm, and come back years later as a gigantic monster that's unstoppable until an airship is raised from the water and refurbished.

Where does killing dad and possibly have your evilness exposed (which is a total marriage-killer if there ever was one) fit into that?
Hell, why even force the marriage when he can no longer manipulate her into thinking there's any love, anymore? That was literally the point.

Yes, I said a bunch of ffx spoilers without tagging it. I don't give a fuck.

Play mainline faggot

For some reason a pic of him that doesn't look like a raving psycopathic homicidal maniac is unrecognizable


>base villains off of the greatest English lord in history
>make him terrible

So are they zombies or memories of people. Because zombies with intelligence is much more spook.

>Hear that the villains are literally nazis.
>Not like "They're evil and so were nazis, so let's make that comparison."
>No, just literally nazis
>Play game
>Find out their family name is Godwin

Was that their original name in japanese (in which case, fuck this gay earth), or did the localizers decide to give us a heads-up (in which case, I applaud them)?

Zanza from Xenoblade
He was a scientist who discovered a way to destroy and recreate the universe
He set himself up as a god controlling the giant robot body that the last few remaining living things in the universe are living on, and uses them as sustenance

I hate the guy but he was just following orders. Sure he was a dick about his royalty but that wasn't necessarily wrong to do.


>Then again the whole store in FFX is borderline retarded
Its sad, because I really liked the worldbuilding. The story was great in concept, shit in execution.

Prove me wrong, fucker opens a tower to hell, unleashing hordes of demons, takes Dantes amulet and all for a sake of power.

Well, romaji for the guy is Gizeru Godowin so it was in the original.

That was the point though. He's so obviously a villain that Tidus (who is outside the system) is able to finger him immediately as being a bad guy. On the other hand, the rest of the party, who have grown up in Spira, trust him implicitly because he's a Maester. It's to show how engrained Yevon is and how difficult it is for anyone to go against it.

>le did nothing wrong
We're not talking about motivations being "right" or "wrong" here

She was wrong by virtue of being on the enemies side. My point was more about how much I despised her anyways

>On the other hand, the rest of the party, who have grown up in Spira, trust him implicitly because he's a Maester. It's to show how engrained Yevon is and how difficult it is for anyone to go against it.

Which is something I would buy if he wasn't such an obvious villain just from his looks and mannerisms. For example, Vayne from FF12 is someone who would leave people confused because he doesn't act obviously suspicious.

He wants to be loved by the people of Spira, and viewed as their savior. All of his retarded plans are based around that. He killed his father just to become maester so he's a prominent and well-known figure everyone likes, and people would be super-hyped about a marriage between him and Braska's daughter and it's easy to cover up that Yuna doesn't want any part of it (just like the religion has covered up everything else). Ultimately he's just legit crazy and thinks people will be super-psyched to be united in death, but he also actually believes people will be happy about it and like him for it.

>how did Konomi fuck up so badly
The writer for 1, 2 and 3 left halfway through 3's development.
It's why Part 4 was a prequel and Part 5 was a mostly unrelated to anything sidestory.

Amen brudda! Bleetzball....

In his case its understandable at least, he is just a human with admin access to the universe control panel, he still is just as much of a retard as he was when he accidentaly destroyed the universe

>People who are not on my side are wrong
The ants were fundamentally incompatible with humanity, one of the two had to go and that's it
And they were little bitches who couldn't even handle a single nuke

This faggot. I mean, Haseo is a cunt through most of the games, but this guy manipulated Atoli without even being possesed by AIDA. I was glad you got to kick his ass twice.
