Who will you be maining in 12 hours?
pic related
Who will you be maining in 12 hours?
pic related
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Did the Pyro get a new skin? Nice.
Mei, Pharah and Mercy. Maybe D.va
webm related
Hot monkey dick
>tfw jumping on snipers/ranged characters and tearing their assholes open
>obligatory deadgame poster
this thread is off to a pretty standard start
As someone thinking about diving in and buying it, what's the refund policy like?
hi there op
The best waifu of course.
The Empire
Greenskins are fucking scum
webm related?
>preorder copy at gamestop
>guy writes on the reciept "pick up - mon play - tues"
I am so confused.
that doesn't get released in 12-11 hours you retard
I hope she at least gets buffs on release, I had fun playing her and her playstyle is fun but holy shit she gets melted instantly in her mech.
it means you can pick it up on monday but you can't play it till tuesday
maybe it is to remember himself to tell you once you get your copy? dunno
he wants to fuck
The servers aren't up until later today. Is what he means.
that's because you can't go running towards the enemy, the weakest part is her cockpit glass, so go to the enemy strafing or jumping or whatever but never looking at him until you are in front of him to destroy him with her weapon.
Most videos I see of d.va is retards running towards the enemy when their weak point is a giant glass in the front. Your weapon is a goddam chain shotgun, wait to be up close.
I don't know what buffs I would want them to give her. Maybe a bit more damage or health. She just shouldn't be placed as a tank because I think that's kind of ruining Blizzards idea of her playstyle. She doesn't play like a tank at all. They should treat her as an offense hero.
Well he thinks you're literally retarded and doesn't want you bringing the game back saying its defective and want a refund when it doesn't work Monday.
He wants to pick you up on monday and play with your boipussi on tues.
Thinking I'll mostly play Soldier 76 for attacking the objective
Mercy if we need a medic
Roadhog if I have to get shit done alone
Genji for fun
I'll probably also switch between Torbjorn, Symmetra, Mei, and Bastion if we really need them
that's what I figured but I mean, why
that makes sense I guess but why not just release it on tuesday
>Her huge mobility is literally a straight shooting jet
>The best you can do is hit your E while doing it
>Otherwise you still have to be looking at where you're going to
Also are you seriously trying to say just back up into them, because that sounds retarded, her weak point should just be on the back of her mech, not the front.
I won't be playing this piece of shit game.
>mfw when people main heros
>Not just playing what is needed
>Being versatile will net you more wins
>Only versatile person in my playgroup
>Constantly getting MVP/PotG with every hero
>mfw 1 friend only plays McCree and can't do anything else or anything with him in general
mercy and mercy.
Depending on what the team needs.
Lucio if there is no support. Otherwise McCree and Tracer. I'm so happy since I decided I was going to play them before release and they turned out to be 2 of the best characters in the game.
You can pick it up today. I'm leaving in 15 minutes to go get it.
>>mfw 1 friend only plays McCree and can't do anything else or anything with him in general
I have friends used to do this. I kept telling them to change heroes and they eventually figured it out.
Pharah, Soldier, Mercy, Winston and Mei
So we can get our game installed and set up or something. I don't really know.
Do you have to download the game again if you played the beta?
you guys realize that just playing one hero is bad right?
pretty sure its a meme
I played every hero in the beta save maybe 2
my body is ready
is this the same marketing drake had? like, is it the same company that drake and nicki manaj use on this board?
May 23rd 4:00 pm PDT fucker
You don't main in Overwatch, you pick what the situation requires and counterpick.
If you're the retard that picks Genji or Reaper in every single match, enjoy your 15% winrate.
Fuck I love Pharah. Shes fucking hot for a black woman
SPM > WR > K/D
playing a hero you're good at is better than playing a counter you're bad at.
But yeah, maining is stupid but having preferred heroes is a-ok!
>maining a hero
Your post is exactly why they need ranked, so I can eventually leave all of the idiots who want to "main" their waifu behind.
Nobody tell him
he'll figure it out eventually
I am maining purity and perfection itself.
Please retards learn to play the fucking game and not one class
I am suprised that there are corpses.
I don't play shit tier meme mainstream games
I only enjoy healing.
Best dark skin beauty in all of video games?
Who else but my boy Bastion.
Bastion does worse as the players get better. After the second week or so he won't be picked unless it's for the meme payload combo with reinhardt.
I'm sure some faggot with experience using all Heroes yet kept playing Bastion as their main would eventually learn everyone's little tricks and traps and still be pretty formidable, especially with good teamwork.
Then again, depends on the team.
What do you mean? This is not my first black waifu?
You might as well pick S-76 at that point. He can still do well independently from his team but also combos well with a good one, like mercy damage boosting him during his ult or just in general.
>Maining rubber arms
Only the highest skill hero
I love playing healers so Mercy and Lucio will see lots of play from me. I'll also play Roadhog a lot cause he's a tank with a shotgun and Pudge hook plus a self heal and heavy machine gun. What's not to love? I also think he's cute. Sue me.
> all these brony mains
junkrat for life fags
For me, "main" is just a character I'll play whenever the team needs it rather than whenever I want.
That being said, Genji seems like he'll be my main man
Always the go to to see what the team comp needs. He heals, he turns enemy tanks into glass, and when played well, balls of steel actually murder people easily. The perfect high ceiling all around support.
>for a black woman
>Playing shooters on Plebstation
offense: reaper
defense: hanzo
tank: zarya
support: zenyatta
Mei, mercy, junkrat, reinhard
Offense: soldier 69. Mcree. Genji
Defense: Hanzo
Tank: Reinhart or DVA
Support: zenyatta
Fight me.
I'm going to be in a full stack all day so I'm going to pick the best team player in the game since scrubs still don't know how she works, hoping to get my arctic jacket back.
If I can learn to hit my fucking shurkien, Genji
The hog, the rat, and zen
Mercy so I can build up my assists and non-commends.
>Having heroes you're bad at
The Uninstall Wizard
>Meanwhile I'm getting four golds and POTG.
Such disorder.
Mercy was made to me mistreated. Nothing out of the sort here.