Which games were shilled (or just had an enormous amount of threads prior to being released) the most in Sup Forums's history? I know that pretty much every souls game comes with a fuckhuge amount of threads and now there's OW in full force
Shilled games ranking
>1. OW
>2. Borderlands
1. Splatoon
2. Any other first party Nintendo title for Wii U and 3DS
3. Witcher 3
4. DotA 2
5. Undertale
Why is Sup Forums more obsessed talking about shills than shills are talking about their video games?
>Which games were shilled (or just had an enormous amount of threads prior to being released)
What the fuck, those two aren't related.
>or just had an enormous amount of threads prior to being released
Spore, MGS4 and MGSV
Every Beth and Blizz game
Also official overrated dev list:
Naughty Dog
"Shilling" is a Sup Forums meme, nobody pays people to make threads on Sup Forums, what we have is autists thinking they're hilarious pretending to be marketers and retards like you who think they're actually real marketers.
>Only one post has mentioned borderlands
Proof that Sup Forums is massively underage and only recently started posting
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material... But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.
See you on the boards...
I used to think there weren't real marketers here, but now I'm not so sure. Look at Overwatch.
And there are 100% marketers on Reddit, the Overwatch subreddit is ridiculous.
Xenoblade X
Someone wasn't around when the Konami marketer snapped.
Considering the sheer amount of dorksouls autism, i can believe this. You cant write a negative review for the game without some sperg comming out of the shadows writing git gud (because techical failures on fromsofts part are something you cant get better at?)
>Relatively newfag
>Think everyone is over exaggerating the mass flood of souls threads whenever a new game comes out
>DaS3 comes out
I'm sorry I didn't believe you guys.
Buttmad Sonygger detected
maybe you'll get a game with good gameplay one day
People could be legitimately hyped to play, or they could be shills, which means they are people LITERALLY OUT TO GET YOU RIGHT NOW!
I don't usually get shilled when people hype up games, what really gets me is when
>Games uses elements that are not tied with the artstyle or the gameplay of an incoming game
Overwatch is a really good example, since before that, all we had was the images of the characters that would be in the game and you could already tell they it was going to be a waifubait fest with a lot of fanservice
But the pinnacle of this to me was Tracer's ass "censorship controversy" wich to this day, there are people who still think it wasn't a marketing stunt
It is like the last thing people looked at when it came to Overwatch was the gameplay
>People won't shut the fuck up about a game that is not even out
The more i get it on my face the least i want to play it, it's one of the reasons why i took so long to get into Undertale or watch shows like GoT. Also people seem to make new threads just because there has been no activity within the last minute and they asume the thread is dead because everyone is not glued to their seat typing words
It is better to get into a game after all the hype has died because if you go with the thought of "This has to be the best game ever according to everyone", no game can reallisticly achieve that and even if it is a good game you won't be able to be objective about it and still think "It's not what i expected"
Kill yourself
>free to play games
How ironic that you post an image talking about autism yet you think people talk about these games for the sake of shilling them and not because they actually like them.
Summer came too soon.
I feel you on your second point, user. But if you wait too long to play a game you sacrifice being a part of the community, which is pretty fun for certain games, like Souls. Unless you don't care for that sort of thing.
The old republic by far.
Six months of "Wow killer, why haven't you pre-orderd?" "Tortanic lmao" bullshit.
If someone honestly believes there are shills on Sup Forums, he must be bery naiv.
It was annoying seeing the todd howard face posts, even if it was ironic shitposting is it was fucking annoying
>I don't usually get shilled when people hype up games
D-do you know what a shill does?
If a thread starts with
>Did you preorder x yet?
And you don't think that's a shill, you are a retard.
Anything by Valve, drones and paid shills attack anyone that is even remotely dislikes Valve.
>f2p games can't possibly make money, therefore can't be shilled.
Diablo 3
EA's Battlefront
I'm tempted to say Overwatch (seriously there are like 15+ threads about the game now), but I will wait to see whether or not it's just pre-release hype.
Not that bad of a copypasta, but way too long in the midde part.
7/10 nice idea
>maybe you'll get a game with good gameplay one day
Maybe you should focus on the wiiu getting one as well first tho
The first one? I didn't browse here then
It wasn't that bad, but its pretty mediocre and one of the best examples of only fun with friends
The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3.
I remember borderlands spamming, at the time I was going to buy the game, but seeing how they spammed the shit out of Sup Forums, I decided it would be a shit game and never bothered with it.
And I was fucking right.
Look at this shit Someone has this saved on a txt file or a pastebin and thinking it's fucking hilarious to post it over and over again, when this crap exists the idea that people here are autistic enough to pretend to be marketers isn't that far gone.
those were mostly fun threads, like the DmC ones
For some reason I'm reminded of a bunch of people accusing LISA's dev of shilling because it was an indie RPG that managed to get a couple of threads per day. those guys must have shit their pants when they saw what kind of attention undertale got a few months later
The shilling for Borderlands 1 was fucking insane
Thats what convinced me that shills go to Sup Forums
Does nobody remember the leadup to Diablo 3? That shitty game was getting hundreds of copy pasted threads.
>shilled the hardest
>shilled the longest
>honorable mention
it was mostly people fucking around though. "did you hear about that new game borderlands, it has millions of guns!" was basically just the "this is not real life, this is uncharted 4!" of the time.
Wasn't Indivisible shilled during the funding campaign?
I remember it being so bad that the mods had to publicly warn (and then ban) whoever was responsible for it
>Not borderlands at all.
Newfags, I swear.
Bioware and EA seem to get a lot of shilling
I remember somebody proved it with mass effect 3
>Sup Forums learns a new word
shell shell shell :)
DmC threads were absolutely-disgusting
It literally got to the point where people were basically saying "buy it even if you hate it so you can understand how good it REALLY is, idiot
>Ctrl + F Bloodborne
>0 results senpai
I've been paid by a small dev to shill before. It isn't rife but it does happen.
Halo 5
Tell us what game
totally not overwatch
I'm not an arsonist user
Borderlands is infamous for being literally actually shilled here, and not meme shilled like Sup Forums thinks shill means.
>implying Dong freeze isn't arguably the best 2D platformer since DKC3
>implying MK8 isn't the best in the series gameplay wise and even has 200cc
>implying splatoon doesn't have a higher skill cieling than almost any other console shooter
>implying while 3D world is basic child's play isn't one of the most well polished and solid 3d platformer there is
If i wanted to shill a game the LAST place i would go is Sup Forums
Not saying it doesn't happened, but c'mon...
is this an episode where nintendrones think wii u is good?
Faggot weebshitters who are bad at videogames.
I have a legitimate question: How many times you have been accused of shilling even though you just wanted to talk about a game?
Pretty much 100% of the time if I say I enjoy a game that the Sup Forums hivemind/circlejerk doesn't like.
Blizzard has obvious shills on social media, twitch, YouTube, reddit, and some 30 odd threads here
>yeah this is totally normal, the Sup Forums I know would be more excited for a 20 tick rate casual shooter more than any other game in all of the board's existence
Really faggot
this happens way too often now that i think about it
Maybe you should stop trying to discuss shitty casual games that belong on reddit or /vg/ then
uncharted 4 recently
i'm counting unpaid fanboys as 'shills' here
anymore examples?
FFXIV players just make threads here because the general is pure cancer, like most other threads on vg
These a Mass Effect 3 one where a dude who is employed by bioware was found to be shilling the game
>shitty, casual game
If even that game is casual, then pretty much every game is casual as fuck.
Fallout 4
Dark Souls 3
so easy a beastman can do it.jpg
Indivisable's kickstarter.
the Not Megaman kickstarter
Don't remember any of the hype from FF14. I more remember how it got slammed across the board from various review sites in an age where games are too big to get anything below a 9/10.
But ya the generals in VG promote tribalism and massive backpatting. Which leads to non-discussions and attention whoring.
Just came here to post this. That campaign had at least one thread up everyday after it had started. Multiple after it got the extension. Then once funded completely fell off the radar.
The shilling is real regardless if someone's paid to do it or not. They're out there.
Currently Overwatch
No less than 10 threads at any time in the catalog some with the same topic of discussions phrased ever so slightly differently cause dont want to look like shills
I've purged it's name from my memory, but that "Like Dark Souls 3 only more edgy and harder I swear it's totally true try it you guys have you tried the demo yet the demo is really good and really hard you guys have you tried it yet?". Also called Onimusha 4. The one with the Japanese Geralt.
I originally wanted to try it out, but the heavy amount of shilling and the fucking obnoxious marketing has completely turned me away from it.
god damnit user
Since marketing became a thing here.
>Borderlands 1
>Borderlands 2
>watch dogs
>Diablo 3
>animal crossing new leaf
>Halo 4/wars/etc
>every uncharted since for fucking ever
>every world of warcraft expansion
>Fire emblem to an extent was massively shilled
These were so bad at one point that Sup Forums had the word viral filtered.
>Doom 4
Notice, how all thees threads vanish after the game releases. Every time, on cue. It's because these corporations stop paying the marketing agencies to push advertising/general acceptance for their product after release.
The real question
>animal crossing new leaf
what? the serie has always been niche even for Sup Forums . i don't remember a single shill thread except some furry shitposters
1. Overwatch
2. Boredomlands
3. WoW: Legion shit
4. DotA 2 for some reason
Shilling these games gives some beta cucks enough incentive to white knight this shit on their own, which speaks volumes about the average retard on this board.
I have rarely seen a truly good game getting shilled, is it because quality is often a strong enough form of advertisement on its own?
Nobody liked Doom before it came out, now most people like it. That's the opposite of shilling dumbass.
How was Bloodborne shill posting? Pre release BB threads were the best threads Sup Forums had.
Even if we have 100% Proof that shills exist in Sup Forums, the question is, can we actually do something about it?
No. No one will, and that's why we have alot. we are easy victims.
It's inevitable defeat by marketing
I'm going to go with the order. I know there's people genuinely hyped for overwatch and souls but the order? When it came out there were tons and tons of threads praising the graphics and saying shit like it's the best looking game ever made but you just know it was buyers remorse and regret. After a few days threads died completely and wouldn't show up again until they were thread's questioning worth $10 is worth picking it up in the bargin bin. Also no one said that was a steal in those threads but seemed right.
Genuine hype is considered shilling here, so I'm not sure.
I do think that Undertale and even SuperHot were spammed by actual shills though
If you think every person with an opinion is a shill just go somewhere else.
These. There is a big difference between games that people are hyped for and games that are getting shilled.
Definitely Borderlands. That was unironically shilled here to a ridiculous degree. There was another shooter that was also shilled here a few years ago but I forget which.
Anyone who says Undertale is a fucking retard. It was an indie game made by one guy, it spread purely through word of mouth. Everyone who made the threads were people who played and enjoyed the game. That's not shilling. People who are paid to viral market a product are shills.
Undertale was out for awhile before it really picked up speed on Sup Forums. And that was for ironic shitposting on par with MLP crap because it gets Sup Forums wound up very easily.
No dorksouls or smashfaggotry?
Those are games he liked so they couldn't possibly be shilled, don't you get how Sup Forumsirgins work?
>Definitely Borderlands. That was unironically shilled here to a ridiculous degree.
I was saying that shortly after, but I had a lot of posters come clean saying they just thought it was funny to make shillposts. So I'm not sure how much was legit viraling and how much was bored anons.