(jingle jangle)
Reminder that if you side with House you are a brainwashed babby.
>being this blind
>implying House is more competent than the Courier that single handedly made the entire Mojave, the Think Tank, Zion, the Divide, the Sierra Madre, the Legion, and the NCR his bitch
I'll grant that a courier with 10 INT/CHA could possibly be on par with House.
>trusting humanity's future to someone who abandoned his own centuries ago
To the user that recommended True Wasteland Economy, holy shit, thank you if you're around.
HH > LR > OWB > DM
Objective facts.
You might want to go check House's stats if you're going to be using comparisons as an indicator.
You got autism faggot
They're either idealists or are happy following a dictator.
mad cuz bad
You got it backwards m9
So user, how is it to live with such abominable taste ?
>play through Fallout New Vegas
>entire playthrough with lots of sidequests and all expansions
>killed 40 enemies with guns through entire 135 hours
>Fallout 4
>mandatory to use guns to complete the game
>have HAD to use guns to kill, already killed like 50 people with guns in first hour
Fucking hell.
>being this wrong
>abandoned his own future
The motherfucker built a machine that extended his own life to save the world what fuck am I reading?
I fell for the NV is a good game meme
fucking niggers
nah he just wanted to save vegas
even after the war and everything is fucked up he can't let go of vegas
In terms of gameplay, OWB is up there.
same new vegas is garbage I just kept dying to deathclaws in the beginning of the game and quit this shit game for good
my grammar was shit
I meant he abandoned his humanity
NV was comfy as fuck.
>Put on gambling clothes
>Have Luck 9
>Spend an entire night on the Strip gambling
>Get to pretend I'm good at Blackjack
Only thing they could have added to make it better would be like a Texas Hold'Em minigame like in Far Cry 3.
>trying to get to Novac
>keep getting blown the fuck out on the road there by Jackals
This game is hard, I'm crippled and near death constantly
I want to stick my dick inside a deathclaw, and be a savage with my pack of my deathclaw children.
The early game's pretty rough, but once you get going it's fun as heck.
That's pretty odd, user.
Reminder that obsidian babbies are cancer.
could fix the bugs
the unfinished quests
the invisible walls
the unfinished companions
made it prettier
made it livelier
>let's give everyone grenade rifles!
Jesus god in heaven that first playthrough can be rough if you just rush blindly like I did.
do people actually do this? I thought the running through the deathclaws at the beginning was a meme.
you have to go in a J shaped path from Goodsprings
Let go user
If good writing is cancer, I hope it kills me.
Let's have them do Fallout: Chicago instead.
>new vegas writing
top lol
Although I get why people like DM more than OWB, and HH I don't hate because it has the two best characters.
Reminder that Dead Money's message of letting go isn't about the damn gold.
It's about letting go of obsessions, specifically about things that happened in the past. Holding onto them will ruin your life.
That's the fucking message of Dead Money and actually a lot of New Vegas too.
You're in the Mojave and this guy slaps your companion's ass, what do you do?
If NV's writing is bad by your standards, what do you consider good writing?
Is that what those are?
I'm playing hardcore with jsawyer for my first playthrough as recommended and it feels like any kind of exploding thing just wrecks my shit, clearing out that prison was brutal. Fuck those Powder Gangers and their fucking homemade landmines too, holy shit. You're kill on sight now, faggots
>no fallout alaska snowy wasteland
>fallout hawaii tropical wasteland
>fallout mexico/us border
fallout 3 writing is so much better
This. Especially when you look at the end of LR and ulysses' obsession.
Yep. So dynamite, that explodes on impact and flies at the speed of fuck your limbs.
Don't give up though user.
Fallout games do not have good writing and its hilarious that obsidian babbies keep considering New Vegas one good either.
House is the only viable option.
deathclaw cazador?
If HH had been 90% Joshua Graham it'd be the first by a mile.
>"Hello there. It's good to see a friendly face. Almost took you for a raider, I did. Name's Malcolm. Malcolm Holmes."
>made you jump
Yeah its silly, you know its coming, just not when and where.
house is autistic
Yeah, well Bethesda didn't give them extra development time or a half decent engine so tough luck.
People who left the gold and the fuck ton of pre war money are idiots.
Its a casino heist, you have to steal everything that isn't nailed down.
ew why
that has nothing to do with west coast
The devs said if they had more time, Legion would have been fleshed out and more gray.
What would have made you genuinely support the Legion?
I think if they showed their home areas and how nice it is, I think that could have swayed a lot of players to their side.
Possible location for remaining Enclave
I want a FO game in the PNW. That way its still the frontier but you can get news from shit from whats happening in California
Probably seeing an actual civilization and not just war camps. Stuff like brick or clay houses and large-scale agriculture to support its armies. No scrapyard shit.
>more enclave
>remaining enclave
jesus fuck let it die already
Did Sup Forums "test" Fisto before you send it to the Wrangler?
but it's the midwest BOS helmet
>house is autistic
>tries to steal land that is only habitable thanks to house
Of course. I wish the sex scenes weren't so lame in New Vegas.
>tfw will never see fully animated scene with fisto fisting courier
>Bethesda in charge of originality
It's pretty likely PNW is all Khan territory, depending on your ending. Obsidian seems to like those cunts for some reason instead of purging the filthy raider scum.
It's a reversal of Manifest Destiny - so the West Coast is getting too civilized. So let's see further East, past the Divide. Seeing a new variant of the Enclave with an established presence, preferably one that isn't a blatantly genocidal evil faction, would be potentially interesting. I know E-DE from Lonesome Road stopped in Chicago a time; but I can't remember if it acknowledged an active Enclave presence there officially.
both of the legion and the NCR are expanding
it doesn't matter if Vegas is fucked by bombs or not, they're going to fight for it
Did anyone else want to fuck the sneak suit in Old World Blues?
I'm just a mailman, not a soldier, not a centurion, not a king.
Not liking what is objectively among the best video games of all time indicates to me that you have some kind of genuine mental impairment, to be honest.
>HH on the top
>Objective facts
Khans only expand into Wyoming, Idaho and Montana. Cascades serve as sort of a barrier.
Fallout 2 had a couple of locations in southern Oregon, so unless Seattle is a secret powerhouse, NCR will slowly make its way up.
I turned off his connection to the computer and exposed him
>do a Legion playthrough
>learn about Caesar's tumor
>you can actually cure him of his tumor with a below average medicine skill and insanely high luck
>even the Courier has no idea how he did it
Why is the Luck stat the best stat?
Well your dick is already inside it so...
Because this is a game set in Vegas, but Luck is always the best stat in any game.
There is literally no reason to be good at anything if you can just fall ass backwards into success.
it's a fucking wasteland jackass
what, is he going to file a complaint?
>low INT and high luck
>Lady Luck feels so bad for you that she protects you wherever you go
>kill my way through lucky 38
>get to house
>"w-why did you r-ruin everything?"
>"I don't like you"
What do you guys usually do after killing Benny? I keep hitting this point and then I just remake another character. Just ran through Honest Hearts and now I'm at a loss.
I beat up his corpse for a while
I get the same thing but I get bummed out once I reach vegas instead
This is what the strip should have looked like, instead of the three fucking loading screens and same ambient light day or night.
Intelligent game for intelligent gamers
>trying to get to Novac
>oh cool, Primm Pass
>it's a Deathclaw nest
>you need to go through Helios One
I don't even know why they put it there. It's not like if you go through there, you can jump up the story to New Vegas or something.
But user you can go wherever you go!
Just not that way, there's deathclaws.
No no, not that way either, there's cazadores.
No, turn back, there's giant radscorpions
Yes, that way towards Primm, good boy.
At least 3 let me go wherever the fuck I want to
>guy protects buildings from (most of) the direct nukes
>ok guys this entire place is mine now forever no backsies
>and everyone here is my bitch or I'll kill them and their entire fucking geneline
This meme is getting really tired
>>ok guys this entire place is mine now forever no backsies
NCR and Legion?
The first one is 9/10, would have responded.
Second one is 3/10 baitbaitbait
Summary of features?