Last time I saw Sup Forums this obsessed over a game was MGS5 before release.
Why do you faggots like this game so much?
Last time I saw Sup Forums this obsessed over a game was MGS5 before release.
Why do you faggots like this game so much?
Its really fun
jesus op because we like it quit dick riding us so hard you sound like a nagging wife.
It's just like my e-sports why would I not like it? You can do all the pro-replays and feel really good about it.
Fucking normalfags cancer.
If you can't explain why you like something with more than "its fun!", you have a problem.
Because we love you and we want you to have a better future so you can have the choices me and your mother couldn't have when we were your age.
Its a simple, casual multiplayer shooter most people can find enjoyment in due to the number of playstyles
We don't but you'll keep shilling regardless
shills going into overdrive because the game is near release
No one knows.
It looks like total shit. Kiddy and cartoony and casual as fuck. Repetitive, unoriginal, generic and fucking retarded.
I don't know either.
autists love waifus
delet this
Because I want to play TF2, but TF2 itself has gotten out of hand with how much shit it has now.
This will do nicely, and the new features are pretty interesting. I'm also a sucker for girls in plugsuits.
You mean dorksouls or smash. How can you be this new?
Randy please
>5/6 top threads are all Overwatch
>makes another one
I wonder if we'll remember this day as THE shilled day in the future
10? Thats fucking nothing.
Half the Catalog was literally nothing but Metal Gear threads last year
It's Blizzard shilling in full force.
>mfw kinguin doesn't deliver the keys on time
It's really fun.
are there paid shills?
Last smash game was before MGSV and DS3 wasn't shilled nearly as much as it
Its the new dorksouls posting.
Just use sage to keep the newfag demon away
>tfw really wanted a shooter so me and vidyabro could play again like we used to and I chose battleborn instead of overwatch
Fucking end me fampai
definitely not for the gameplay because it does nothing special in that department or particularly excellent
Dorksouls wasnt that long ago and there was 10 threads about it at any given time.
Roll roll attack was a thing
Is simple and fun. TF2 used to be like this but it's so old and neglected as far as updates go.
Because my friends and I are all grown up and have jobs and wives so we don't have time to do LAN parties anymore, and this is the only game we've all liked at the same time since Halo 3
its just my turn to get some goodies as an FPS player, DooM turned out nice enough and OW is really addictive too. Both these games have lots of variety in weapons types and fire-modes and jump-in instant satisfaction. There's always lots of FPS around but both these games simplify it back down to the joy of moving and shooting rather than trying to be a movie or an RPG or a military simulation etc.
Because it's the new arena shooter, and TF2 has been king for too long.
why would you need more of a reason when its just some jerkoff on the internet stating his opinion, overwatch is fun and if you dont like it dont buy it, it will be less salt when i kill you by L2ing you off a cliff as lucio.
It's a PR firm spamming overwatch hype
Didn't Dark Souls 3 was worse because nobody fucking cares about primarily single player games but they hired the same amount of shills
>"censorship controversies"
>heavy marketing
>maybe gameplay had something to do with it too
it's not going to live up to the hype, of course it's going to get a lot of players in the beggining but i give it a month before it dies down
PC has no other games